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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Japanese Shiba Inu, Utility Group

BEST OF BREED : 1177 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Ch Vormund Xmas Bonus
Dog CC : 1177 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Ch Vormund Xmas Bonus
Res Dog CC : 1183 FITZAKERLY, Mr And Mrs Mj And A Bearpark Galicia
Bitch CC : 1179 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Vormund One In A Million
Res Bitch CC : 1196 ROSKELL, Miss C Tapena Yamamoto Nadesshiko
Best Puppy : 1180 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Vormund Be Startin Somethin
Best Veteran : 1174 BOWLER, Mrs Jacqueline Tapena Kohana For Jakave
Best Special Beginner :


Class 548 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1180 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Vormund Be Startin Somethin

clear winner for me here, after his clean cut, sharp outline the first thing you notice are those wonderful full cheeks, his red jacket with urajiro is coming through well displaying a harsh outer coat, he has a really good head, in detail his eyes are dark, obliquely set and give that oriental expression, his muzzle is good with a correct bite and tight lips, he has small ears set on correctly allowing for enough width of skull which was flat, when viewed in profile his ears are inclined correctly forwards,  his neck is strong and he has an excellent H front with straight legs with good bone, neat feet  and firm but flexible pasterns. his topline is firm and level and held thus on the move. his rear is firm and well muscled with a good second thigh, and well let down, parallel hocks. his tail set is correct and well carried. on the move he is energetic, light and free with accurate foot fall and could clearly turn on a sixpence to do his job. 

best puppy dog and best puppy in breed. later puppy group 2 i think.
2nd: 1187 HERNANDEZ, Mrs Irene M & HERNANDEZ, Mr Robert Bearpark Action Stations

good shape and outline on the stack with a typy outline, good bone and firm muscular rear assembly, moderately angulated all through and balanced, deep chest and tightly held elbows, good ribs and neck and holds a level topline, pleasing head but a plainer type than 1, moves soundly but could hold himself more together on the go around.
3rd: 1188 HYPSON, Miss Lauren Dr. Wolf Sirius Night Prince Of Kensho

black and tan of appealing size, a good head, definitely masculine, dark oblique eyes and good muzzle, firm front with straight legs, good coat and texture. unable to accurately assess movement but with work and patience his placings will improve.



Class 551 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1172 BANNISTER, Mrs J Zhguchiy Perchik Iz Pride Men (imp Rus) (ax2)we

sesame boy who instantly appealed for type, anoth whos head was for me, typical with those well developed cheeks, oriental eye of correct size and placement, his neat triangular ears set slightly inclined forwards, accentuating his flat top skull.

good muzzle to skull ratio and lovely muzzle finish. his front is good with straight legs, firm,  flexible pasterns, moderate angles. he is correctly proportioned in height and length with the length coming from his ribs not the loin.

his topline is firm and level with a high set tail, his rear is well muscled, firm and displays a good second thigh, hocks well let down and parallel, he is light free and accurate on the move and comes back to a precise footfall.  CC worthy all day long.
2nd: 1192 LAW, Mr And Mrs Mark And Sharon Tapena Go Giyu Shin

Bigger by a shade than the winner, out of coat so looking a little rangier but equally nothing to hide. the coat he has is of harsh texture,  good for angles and firmness of tone, head and muzzle a little downfaced, small ears and dark eyes. moving soundly and free.

Class 552 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1177 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Ch Vormund Xmas Bonus

well what can i say? my best puppy last time at BUBA and today my best of breed.

a truly fabulous example of the breed from nose to tail, he is clearly masculine and his head is superb, wicked, obliquely set eye of correct size,  neat, small ears, inclined slightly forwards following the line of his neck when viewed from the side, his muzzle is excellent and correctly proportioned with an excellent bite and immaculately clean teeth.

his firm neck flows into his moderate shoulder and his front is text book, correct H with straight legs and neat feet, his ribs are good and his chest deep. he displays a level firm topline and a strong, well muscled rear with good definition of second thigh, correct angles matching the front and giving a total and harmonious balance all through, light and active he moves so true with accurate footfall and power from the rear, coming to a foot perfect stand. his coat is excellent with a thick undercoat and harsh outercoat with off standing guard hairs. superb red colour and urajiro. 

loved him as a puppy and he has got even better now, best of breed.
2nd: 1183 FITZAKERLY, Mr And Mrs Mj And A Bearpark Galicia

loved this boy too, with his masculine head featuring dark, oblique set eyes of correct size, small forward pointing ears which were set well to give enough width of skull and his correct muzzle and cheeks. A stock, straight H front, moderate shoulder angulation and a level topline, he is well ribbed back and short coupled so that his correct proportions come from the rib not the loin, his rear is firm and well off for muscle tone and indicative of a dog who could leap and turn quickly to do his job. his tail is high set and with plenty of dog behind, his red jacket is presented well but a fraction softer at the moment than the winner. Res CC.
3rd: 1189 JACKSON, Ms Mairin & WRIGHT, Miss Emer Lacsar Tic Tac Tayto (ikc)

A good sound honest type who is definitely male all through, he has the right head proportions and detail. a good expression and muzzle with correct bite. good solid bone and yet light on the move, for me just really top end size wise and not in full coat today.


Class 554 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1174 BOWLER, Mrs Jacqueline Tapena Kohana For Jakave

a sound black tan and white of really nice type and make, she is firm and well made with good ribs and a firm, level topline, clearly feminine with a good muzzle, lovely dark eye and small ears set well and forward facing, she has an excellent front and tight elbows and neat feet, a solid rear with moderate angles and she displays balance all through. correct colors and texture of coat. best veteran.

Class 555 PB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1181 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Vormund Jinx Arcane

Paler red and exudes femininity, dark, small eyes of good shape and placement along with her good muzzle, ear size and placement with cheeks developing well for age all lend to an appealing oriental expression,  excellent H front and an athletic outlook, she is certainly fit for purpose.  flexible pasterns and neat feet. she has good ribs and a level top line finished off with a well set tail which she carries correctly. light free and active mover she is totally sound and accurate in footfall. bpb
2nd: 1198 SLOANE, Mrs H Rahima Wildest Dreams At Indaklu

typy and much the same applies here as the winner, makes a cracking shape and outline with a firm topline, good neck and a well set tail giving a good and natural balance, her head is feminine and oriental in outlook with correct features, dressed in her red coat which is of correct texture she looks really very smart, just lost out on the move to the winner but a super shiba none the less.
3rd: 1176 CURTIS, Mrs Leigh Jaidev's Shaken Not Stirred

black tan and white of a good type again, good head properties and with a matt coat of good texture, well proportioned but needs to come together on the move and settle more into her job.
Res: 1193 PROTHEROE, Mrs V Shibachics Rose Of May


Class 557 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1184 FITZAKERLY, Mr And Mrs Mj And A Bearpark Candy

good type heading this class, with a bang straight H front, tight feet and good width to chest, her head is good and has a dark eye, to be super critical a shade on the round side but still offering an oriental expression, she has good fill of cheeks and a neat well set small ear, her shoulders are good and her neck firm with a level topline and full, firm rear with good muscle tone and thigh. a correct tail set finishes off the picture, in a harsh coat with plush undercoat and she moves with accuracy and light quick action.
2nd: 1195 REES-JENKINS, Ms Penny & REES, Mr Aaron Jaidev Attention Please

paler color and a shade finer all through, however she is of an oriental type with a good expression featuring dark eyes and cheeks, good topline and firm hocks on the move she goes around well. softer coat type slightly. nice size and shape.

Class 558 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1196 ROSKELL, Miss C Tapena Yamamoto Nadesshiko

easy winner in this class, she is a lovely size and feminine in outlook, her head is gorgeous with obliquely set, dark eyes, neat ears and a good muzzle shape with well developed cheeks, super front assembly with good angles and a straight H front, excellent ribs and well proportioned height to length ratio,  correct rear angles matching the front and offering a harmonious balance, her coat is harsh and well  presented and on the move she is sound and true, in good muscle tone. res CC
2nd: 1197 SHUTT, Mr Malcolm Red Anomi Di Poggio Petroio For Tapena (Imp) It

finer type all through and not in the best of coats today but holds a good clean outline with moderate angulation front and rear, oriental in expression and a darkeye, free and sound on the move it was her accuracy and soundness that pipped her above 3rd.
3rd: 1194 REES-JENKINS, Ms Penny & REES, Mr Aaron Jaidev Fuyuu No Ryuu At Mitsumine

black tan and white, lovely cheeks, flat top skull and balanced all through, matt black coat of good texture.
Res: 1186 HERNANDEZ, Mrs Irene M & HERNANDEZ, Mr Robert Bearpark Femme Fatale

Class 559 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1179 DUNHILL-HALL, Miss M Vormund One In A Million

Black tan and white of superior type, her size is exquisite and her overall outlook is just top class, her feminine head with those wonderful cheeks, dark, almond eyes set so well to offer that oriental expression and those small, neatly set ears, with a forward incline just create the ideal head for a female in my opinion, this is all held proudly on her moderate neck and flows into a good shoulder, her front is straight with good feet and flexible pasterns, she has good bone and her ribs and chest are superb, good height to length ratio coming from the length in the rib and short couplings, a firm, well muscled rear and high tail set complete the picture and she produces a lovely outline, dressed in her matt black coat with correct markings, it has good harsh outer coat and a plush undercoat. she moves so so well holding her outline and shape as she goes and displays accuracy in front and rear, moving in a light free powerful gait. loved her and was pleased to give her the cc today which i was told makes her up after returning from maternity duties.
2nd: 1190 JACKSON, Ms Mairin & WRIGHT, Miss Emer Lacsar Real Or Fantasy (ikc)

red and out of coat today bu oh so typey, what impressed was despite having no coat she was still so clean and true in outline and the coat she did have was correct texture, i loved her head with a great expresion, she was light footed and free moving and true all ways,  stands her ground well and has much to like.
3rd: 1191 KELLY, Miss A & RITCHIE, Miss L Afterglow Flamenco (re-imp)

plainer type all through a nice shiba sound and true with good angles and balance. 

moving soundly with accuracy.