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Judging: Terrier Group, Puppy

My thanks to the breed judges who sent through an amazing group of puppies for me to examine on this my first appointment at this level. I admit to being a little apprehensive, but judging such quality animals put me at ease and made for a pleasurable experience. Of the 7 group winners most would surely have graced the top spot so well, however we are here to make a choice and my pick today was the stunning Giant Schnauzer CULLEN, Mr & Mrs Kevin & Sandie Sir Constantine De Barba Negra At Philoma, a young man who I am sure will have a great future. He impresses on the stack and on the move. Not far behind was the eye catching American Cocker Spaniel HARRIS, Mr Will Zarcrest After Blend. I am sure he will feature highly in Gundog circles for his absolute soundness and ring presence.

David Bell.

Terrier Puppy Group

In 4th spot the impressive Irish Terrier RICHARDS, Mr Tony Lodgecroft Singing Master with his long clean head, strong jaw, small neat ears, shoulders well laid back, deep chest, strong loin, well turned stifle. A little lively on the move.

3rd placed was the Border Terrier, DIXON, Mr John Craig Lotts Beauty In Thornheswin lovely eye and expression, strong muzzle, well set ears. Good length to neck, good length to rib, topline carried well. Excellent coat texture, moved soundly with free active stride.

2nd came in the Soft Coated Wheaten, WYNTER, Miss Poppy C & SATHERLEY, MR CW & SATHERLE Lakkas Yankee Sweet Silkcroft (imp Swe)  came in the ring full of spirit and delightful temperament typical of this breed. Compact, stood well over his ground. Fairly long head, well covered in a soft coat. Neck long, set into fine shoulders, stood on good legs and feet. Well sprung rib, short in coupling, well turned stifle. Moved with good forward reach.

1st place went to the immensely impressive Bedlington , MCNALLY, Mr & Mrs John & Lesley Conekesheved Out Of The Blue built on such graceful lines, no hint of coarseness. Beautifully shaped head, narrow all through, strong underjaw, small dark eye, low set ears. Neck strong and clean, flat well set shoulder, straight in foreleg, good width to chest, reaching well down to elbow, lovely arched loin, strong, well tucked up giving classic shape. Easy free movement and presented to perfection, soft thick coat. 

Utility Puppy Group

4th place went to the smart Schipperkee MCLACHLAN, Miss L&J & MORRISON, Miss Kristin Franhowil Its All Or Nothing Presentedin glorious full coat, Jet black, harsh to the touch. Good flat skull, broad, with strong muzzle, good shape of eye, short neck set into shoulder, chest broad and deep, well muscled hindquarters, true brisk movement.

3rd went to the quality French Bulldog  SMITH, Mrs Michelle & PRATT, Mrs Jean & SMITH, Mr Khanin Gunner Make It. Compact, solidly built, square in head, flat skull, well defined stop and muzzle, dark eye, ears well carried. Strong neck, chest wide and deep. Well muscled all through

2nd place was the Lhasa Apso. HALL, Miss M D & BELL, Mrs H M & ELLIS, Mrs S M Shenedene The Gambler With Vallena. A real baby but just came in the ring and announced himself. Full of confidence and style. Strong well arched neck giving good head carriage, well laid shoulders, straight in front, firm level topline, ribs well back, strong in coupling, tail set high. His movement was a joy, 

1st place and topping the group was the Akita WILLY, Mrs Nicola Jane & WILLY, Mr David Sensha's One Of A Kind. Well grown youngster, great substance and bone. Broad skull, small dark eye well set. Strong in muzzle, straight in front, elbows well in, chest deep, ribs well sprung, firm back, strong loin. Hindquarters well developed, moved off on strong hocks, good length of stride. Presented in great overall coat and condition. 

Hound Puppy Group

4th in this group went to the G.B.G.V. BUCHANAN, Mrs Fiona & MACLAREN, Mr Michael Tarmachan Tre Valli lovely proud head carriage, clean over skull, lovely large dark eye. Everything said “Grand”, long in foreface, long ears, long neck, long in back, well muscled hindquarters. Lovely long easy stride.

3rd came the Afghan  BUTT, Mrs Lamees Hussain Rhajikhan Phoenix Rising - AFGHAN HOUND coming into the ring with a big coat and attitude. He had good lift in front, short level back and held himself well on the move.

2nd was the Min S/H Dachshund HANNEY-MITCHELL, Mrs F Bronia Blayze. Well proportioned bitch, well muscled body and quarters, good ground clearance and firm topline on the move. God length to head, lean, powerful jaw and muscular neck enabling good carriage.

1st place and topping this group of hounds was the Rhodesian Ridgeback  BARNES, Miss K J Diamondridge Dreadnought A powerful youngster, excellent bone, great balance all through. His head is all male, good length, broad between the ears, no hint of coarseness. Ears set on high and carried close, good length to clean neck. Well set into shoulder. Deep in chest, adequate spring of rib, strong in loin, well muscled hindquarters. He has a true active gait.

Working Puppy Group

4th place was taken by the seriously impressive  Boxer MAIR, Misses L&S Sulez Striker At Glenauld. Such a balanced head, good strength and width to muzzle and underjaw, slightly rounded skull, ears set well apart and high. Lovely dark eye. Strong muscular neck, set well into shoulders, fine at the points, ribs well sprung and well let down. Hindquarters powerful and well angulated. Moved with driving action.

3rd place taken by the Bullmastiff.  LINDLEY, Mrs J Hyerdunscar All About Keith. Powerfully built youngster, sound on the move. Broad in skull, deep and well muscled, deep stop muzzle not too short well finished. Strong neck, well placed shoulder, straight in front, short in back, wide powerful hindquarters. Stood on good feet. Moved soundly maintaining good shape and carriage. 

2nd place came in the Russian Black Terrier. KERRIGAN, Mrs Toni & KERRIGAN, Mr Patrick Azalia Dominus Vitae For Blakdynasti (Imp Pol) A joy to see this young handler completely at one with this powerfully built bitch. Standing almost square, short muscular loin, well muscled hindquarters giving great drive from the rear. Presented in stunning coat and condition, harsh and dense of good colour.

In 1st place and topping the group was the  outstanding Giant Schnauzer. CULLEN, Mr & Mrs Kevin & Sandie Sir Constantine De Barba Negra At Philoma. A powerfully built dog, but not heavy or lumbering. He owns a super head of good length, well proportioned, broad between the ears, clean, strong muzzle, well finished off. Excellent head planes with dark well shaped eye. Long muscular neck set perfectly into shoulder, , straight in front, chest broad and deep, straight topline sloping slightly to wide croup, well muscled hindquarters well let down. He has great reach in front  and rear and a harsh wiry coat.


TOY Puppy Group

4th place went to the adorable Affenpinscher  PIRRIE, Mrs Suzanne & MCEVOY, Mrs J Guereza goody goody gumdrop. Sturdy, good rough coat with that cheeky look only an Affenpischer possesses. Short backed, high set tail, rear well under. Moved out well with good lift in front.

3rd was the Pekingese, SHAW, Mr J & MEE, Miss W J & RANSOME, Mr J Pekehuis Selene. This little girl was certainly not all about the head. She trotted into “Her” ring with such presence. Head fairly broad, eyes clear and round of good colour, good width to muzzle and strong in jaw. Short in body, chest well sprung, waisted, well muscled hindquarters. Coat thick, with undercoat, not too profuse to hide her overall shape, 

2nd spot went to the delightful Havanese. MCCALLUM-SEALY, Miss H Pandaprint Full Of Mischief. A superbly balanced showgirl, Fairly broad in head, good balance in proportions, large dark eye, good length to body with good length to leg. Topline maintained on the move with good tail carriage. Sound and light movement.

1st and winning a strong group was the exquisite papillon  ROBB, Mrs I & ROBB, Mr Glenn Gleniren Miracle Starmaker and she really is a star in the making. Lovely balance, light of foot, alert. Good length to nose, well defined stop, round dark eye with excellent pigmentation. Lovely ear carriage. Adequate neck, chest deep and well sprung. Straight in front with good turn of stifle. Moved out true.

Pastoral Puppy Group.

4th place was the Old English Sheepdog MILLS, Mrs P L Kerjalee Evan Sent Well grown young dog, standing square, and good balance. Head is strong, muzzle well squared off and good length. Good length to neck, shoulders well laid back and fine, short back, firm lion, broad hindquarters. H e had good drive from rear on the move.

3rd up was the Cardigan Corgi IRVING, Miss T J Twinan Shield Of Steel. Pleasing in head, wide between large well carried ears. Good length to muzzle, well angulated forehand, ribs deep and well back. Good turn of stifle and hocks well let down, Tail carried well on the move.

2nd placed was the Polish Lowland Sheepdog. MOTTRAM, Mrs Diane Mybeards Starshine Cobby well balanced bitch of good substance. Lovely head carriage on the move. Fairly broad, enough stop, well finished muzzle. Strong neck, set cleanly into shoulder. Good body proportions, carried a level topline, well muscled hindquarters, true going and coming.

1st place went to the Bearded Collie  WHELAN, Miss Nicola & YOUNG, Ms Jacqui Blumaci U Son Of The King At Corimist (imp Fra). Such a sound and stylish Beardie, not flashy , rather sound and balanced. Broad in skull with good length to muzzle, good length to neck, sloping shoulders, fine at the points, ribs well sprung with great length giving correct body proportions, firm in loin. Good effortless long reaching stride. Seriously considered for top award.

Gundog Puppy Group

4th in group was Weimaraner DYER, Mrs S & ODDIE, Mrs Samantha Sharnphilly Annie Mac. Quality in this young bitch. Presents a balanced outline, Good length to muzzle, strong  jawline, ears well set, neck clean and of good length. Straight in front, ribs well developed, well back, loin muscular and short. Adequate turn of stifle, well muscled, Stood on good legs and feet/ Moved soundly.

3rd was Hungarian Vizsla MILES, Ms Emily & WATKINS, Ms Tereza Kincsem Break Every Rule. Such a well balanced young Vizsla. Fairly wide in skull, and deep enough in stop to give super expression. Lovely finish to muzzle. Good length to neck, clean and well muscled. Shoulders well laid, chest deep, well sprung, topline firm, moderate hindquarters, excellent underline giving a pleasing outline. Moved soundly driving from rear.

2nd was Irish Water Spaniel CARRUTHERS, Mrs J Stanegate Standing Ovation. Took my eye when entering the ring, Compact, good length to leg. Good finish to skull, strong muzzle, well finished off. Neck well set into shoulder, true in front, well filled. Good length to ribs, firm back and good finish to croup. True active movement and presented in excellent coat.

1st place went to the American Cocker Spaniel. HARRIS, Mr Will Zarcrest After Blend. This dog came into the ring with all the glamour you expect from this breed, it was however covering a superbly made young dog. Well grown for age and in super coat of great depth and texture. He has a classic head, large round eyes, clear stop, skull nicely rounded off, ears set low, muzzle deep and square giving a great plushness to the head. Neck long, clean and muscular, shoulders clean with withers high set, firm gently sloping topline, tail set on well. Good spring to rib, compact in coupling, wide well turned stifle. His movement was strong and effortless. Presented in super coat and condition.