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Ms P Booth

Judging: Gundog Group, Spanish Water Dog

The Scottish Kennel Club May All Breeds Championship Show - Spanish Water Dogs 19/5/2024

Best of Breed: Preece & Cooper Janamorio Northern Arlo

Dog CC : Preece & Cooper Janamorio Northern Arlo

Res Dog CC: Peart ShCh Josalyn Rio Ziggystardust Via Janamorio

Bitch CC: Glayser Donaldson & Palumbo Rainthyme Ever So Special

Res Bitch CC : Capille Lendever You Snooze You Lose

Best Puppy: Donaldson Prizelands Tickled My Fancy

Best Veteran: Wilden Josalyn Plaben Oliverio

Best Special Beginner: Darwesh Chanderhill Smart Edition for Elizad

Thank you to the TSKC Show Committee, for inviting me to Judge Spanish Water Dogs at your prestigious May Champ Show particular thanks to my stewards Alisa & Moira for your diligence and good humour. Thanks to all who made the trip to Scotland and entered under me. I had a lovely entry of quality dogs who are a credit to you all.

The dogs presented to me were of good temperament, alert and focused, with just a couple of the youngsters displaying understandable first show nerves.

P D (2 .1) 1 Darwesh Chanderhill Smart Edition For Elizad ; entering the ring this junior team looked very pleasing to the eye, at just 6 months old he presented well in profile, moderate all round, full puppy coat, lovely head with correct proportions, dark eye, carried a level top line, good rear angulations, correct bend of stifle with short strong, rear pasterns, moved briskly despite being a little unsettled for his young handler today, who showed maturity handling him. SB (1)1 Darwesh Chanderhill Smart Edition For Elizad improved in confidence from puppy class - very well done. One to watch I predict a bright future for this team.

J D (2 .1) 1 Capille Zorrazo Everybody Gonna Talk; 14 months old shown in medium length coat of correct woolly texture, well muscled boy, with medium angulations all round, keen dark oval eye, correct 3/2 head ratio with flat parallel planes, slight stop, well formed nostrils, chest still needs to spring to maximise full potential, brisk rear drive at pace pushed through to balance front. Super character and temperament. Very pleasing young male.

P G D (3.2) 1 Wood Pabiagas Sergio Sinduda JW quality dog shown today in short jacket today with enough evidence of curl, well balanced with correct head 3/2 proportions, oval eye and well defined nostrils, correct pigment, moderate angulations, good bone and well muscled all-round, he moved briskly, powered by well muscled thighs, short parallel strong rear pasterns, deep chest, withers to brisket / elbow to ground 50/50 ratio, correct underline with slight tuck, liked his tight feet, a robust workman like dog, lots to like about him.

2 Searles Cravessa’s Bottoms Up JW another quality young dog, oozing breed type, with his rustic coat and slightly off square 9/8 profile, level top-line, strong loin, enough slope to croup, short rear pasterns, excellent bend of stifle. Lovely masculine head, kind expression, standing well over parallel front legs, moved out well, presenting a very pleasing outline. A young dog still to mature and little lighter in bone than 1, gave my first place the slight advantage today.

3 Ramshaw Valentisimo’s Rollex

L D (4.1) 1 Wood Chanderhill Eagle Eye Sinduda - I liked this 4 year old brown boy for his masculine appearance, full of attitude he owned the ring, so typical of the breed presented in shortish coat with enough curl, hiding nothing, his hard muscle tone visible on the move, proportions correct for standard, correct lay of shoulder, tight elbows, standing over parallel front legs, enough chest with a near perfect underline, strong upper and second thighs leading to firm moderately angled rear pasterns. Carrying a level top line this boy was meant to work. Masculine correct head with dark pigment, intelligent alert expression. 1 GC D

2 Kehoe Delimore Varpu At Aguamarina loved this 2 year old brown lad, so true to type, shown in rustic coat with formed cords, his outline was really pleasing. Lovely moderate angulations, correct 3/2 head, alert expression, short strong neck, correct lay of shoulder, tight elbows set close to body, straight legs well boned with strong front pasterns and tight feet. Held his top line, strong loin, slight slope to croup with correct tail insertion, powerful muscled upper thighs, not quite parallel rear pasterns, being slightly close behind, despite being little overawed today, he moved out well when settled, this lad has so much promise as he continues to gain confidence.

3 Capille Zorrazo Kind Regards At Zorazzo

O D (4 .1) 1 Preece Janamorio Northern Arlo wow outstanding, matured to perfection since last I judged him, shown today in rustic, full corded coat, moderate throughout very good correct masculine head, flat planes with slight stop, alert expressive dark eyes. Shown in tiptop condition with noticeable well muscled first and second thighs - stands well over front with good lay of shoulder over parallel front legs with nice tight feet. Well sprung ribs, tight elbows, just enough tuck, textbook proportions, - presents a very pleasing out line in profile which is maintained when extended on the move. Much to like about this dog, delighted to award his 3rd crowning CC which gives him his championship status ( subject to KC approval) DOG CC BOB

2 Peart’s ShCh Josalyn Rio Ziggystardust Via Janamorio - another dog who has matured well, handled today by an inexperienced junior, this dog knows his job! his show schooling was a pleasure to watch - presented in full corded rustic coat, carrying a balanced masculine head with moderate stop and correct flat scull. Dark eye, defined nostrils, correct strong neck set well into withers, correct spring of rib, 50/50 body to leg ratio, enough loin, moderate slope of croup to correct tail carriage. Keeping good balance on the move in profile and going away- very brisk movement, good rear drive. Excellent temperament. Could swap with 1 on another day. Well deserved ResDog CC 3 Hodgkinson Rutherford ShCh Zorazzo Quest For Success (Imp HRV) JW Jch

V D (1) 1 6063 Wilden Josalyn Palben Oliverio - this mature, energetic almost 9 year old, showed his socks off - lovely kind expression, oval eye, good pigment, correct spring of rib, moderate tuck, impressively muscled thighs and second thighs, balanced carrying his level top line at all times. Of correct overall proportions 50/50 withers to elbow, elbow to ground, pushing power through to front assembly to counter slight shortness of upper arm, brisk powerful rear drive, bags of character I really liked this happy lad. Stood along but well earned his BV.

PB (2.1)1 Donaldson Prizelands Tickled My Fancy another superbly presented pup as expected from this kennel, at just 6 months she worked her socks off in the ring overcoming her slight apprehension, loved her in profile, stunning puppy coat, feminine head with correct pigment and oval eye, full dentition with correct bite, short neck level top-line, correct length of loin, slightly curved croup, good tail set, already a good underline, not to much tuck, moderate all round, moved as you would expect in a pup. Another quality youngster to watch mature, awarded BP.

JB (4.1) 1 Glaysher Donaldson Palumbo Rainethyme Ever So Special and she is special! this gorgeous junior only 14 months old took my eye as she entered the ring, shown in a shortish curly coat with absolutely nothing hidden, just oozing breed type, from nose to tail set, to use one word to describe her “balanced” everything where it should be, well muscled, good bone, good length of rib, correct 50/50 withers to floor ratio, just off square 9/8, correct underline, well developed thighs, short strong rear pasterns, enough loin to transmit that brisk rear propulsion so important in the breed. Her movement was effortless, getting up on her toes, I could have watched her all day! A pleasure to award her B CC

2 Capille Lendever You Snooze You Lose another young bitch of superb quality in hard muscular condition, shown in short coat, nothing hidden. Correct proportions all round, feminine head 3/2 flat scull, slight stop, keen expression, strong neck, standing well over front, strong front front pasterns, tight feet. Level top line, well defined upper thighs, moderate bend of stifle and short strong pasterns, correct underline, with slight tuck. Brisk driving movement from this honest working girl. Res B CC

3 Searles Rommy De Ubbadat (Imp Esp) JW

PGB (3) 1 Kehoe Janamorio Northern Izzy At Aquamarina presented in full rustic coat of good texture I liked this solid worky, 2 year old bitch, sister to BOB with many of his qualities, good head with 3/2 proportions, well defined nostrils, dark eye, keen expression, short neck, correct 9/8 height to length, good spring of rib, close elbows 50/50 depth of body to leg length. Enough loin to slightly sloping croup, correct tail insertion, standing well over front straight legs, well muscled for powerful drive from rear. Carried top line and moved out with brisk pace. Lovely temperament a really pleasing honest bitch.

2 Capille Lendevers Above And Beyond very nice 14 month old black bitch shown for first time today, beautiful outline on the move with moderate angles all round, feminine correct head, with dark expressive eye, slight stop, open nostrils, dark pigment, plenty of bone and in well muscled condition, I liked her front and rear assembly, level top line, she moved well with brisk trot, balanced all round, just a little unsure today but I look forward to seeing her mature. Another one to watch.

3 Wilden Fivenineplus Melisma At Perrowild

LB (2) 1 Thompson Kurlibears September Truffle At Cooishka matured well from the last time I saw her this lovely brown 3.5 year old, feminine head, expressive dark eye, plenty of breed type standing in profile, correct 9/8 proportions with good depth of chest and spring of rib, length of loin, slightly rounded croup, I liked her rear moderate angulations and short rear pasterns. Well muscled thighs delivering brisk ground coverage - balanced through out rear action - overall a true to type bitch, presented in correct rustic textured jacket, so much to like.

2 Donaldson Prizelands Frosted Fancy another typey bitch from this kennel, older sister to BP, also maturing well from seeing her as a puppy now 2.5 years old I loved her rear action and muscled condition, standing well over front and rear assembly, having strong loin, slightly sloping croup with correct tail insertion, very true in movement, correct proportions, still love her white coat and black pigment showing off her distinctly feminine head, large nose, dark eye & gentle expression, she was slightly less confident than 1 today, but certainly could swap places on another day. GCB 1

OB (3.1) 1 Hodgkinson Rutherford Sh Ch Zorrazo Cheek By Jowl With Chanderhill presented today in a shorter coat than last time I judged her, approaching 5 this fully mature bitch remains in top notch physical condition, testament to her successful working Gundog career, undeniably true to breed type, maturity suits her, she has deepened in chest, enhancing her athletic profile, improving her withers to brisket, elbow to ground proportions. Where she excels for me is her ease of movement, her powerful rear drive drawing from strength in the loin, and powerfully muscled thighs, with strong flexible rear pasterns. All this and an excellent temperament.

2 Peart Josalyn Ria Nessa Via Janamorio not quite so sure of herself in the ring today handled well - shown in shorter brown coat - well balanced 3/2 head with flat scull, slight stop, lovely dark eye, strong jaw, short strong neck, moderate angulation in forequarters and enough spring of rib, plenty of bone, slightly more tuck than some and a little longer in body, but still maintained a good brisk pace on the move.VB (1.1)

SBB No Entries

Pat Booth



BEST OF BREED : 6055 PREECE, Mr Ashley & COOPER, Mr Jake Janamorio Northern Arlo
Dog CC : 6055 PREECE, Mr Ashley & COOPER, Mr Jake Janamorio Northern Arlo
Res Dog CC : 6053 PEART, Ms J Sh Ch Josalyn Rio Ziggystardust Via Janamorio
Bitch CC : 6045 GLAYSHER, Mrs C, DONALDSON, Mrs F & C PALUMBO Rainethyme Ever So Special
Res Bitch CC : 6035 CAPILLE, Mrs Rachel Lendever You Snooze You Lose
Best Puppy : 6041 DONALDSON, Mrs F Prizelands Tickled My Fancy
Best Veteran : 6063 WILDEN, Miss Kate Josalyn Palben Oliverio
Best Special Beginner : 6039 DARWESH, Mrs Jo & DARWESH, Miss Eliza S Chanderhill Smart Edition For Elizad

Class 3074 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6039 DARWESH, Mrs Jo & DARWESH, Miss Eliza S Chanderhill Smart Edition For Elizad

Class 3075 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6038 CAPILLE, Mrs Rachel Zorrazo Everybody Gonna Talk

Class 3076 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6066 WOOD, Mrs Jan Pabiagas Sergio Sinduda JW
2nd: 6058 SEARLES, Mrs Vanessa Cravessa's Bottoms Up JW
3rd: 6056 RAMSHAW, Mrs Judith & RAMSHAW, Mr Guy Valentisimo's Rolex

Class 3077 LD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6065 WOOD, Mrs Jan Chanderhill Eagle Eye Sinduda
2nd: 6052 KEHOE, Mrs Rebecca & KEHOE, Mr Aarron Delimore Varpu At Aguamarina
3rd: 6034 CAPILLE, Mrs Rachel Zorrazo Kind Regards At Lendever Jw

Class 3078 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6055 PREECE, Mr Ashley & COOPER, Mr Jake Janamorio Northern Arlo
2nd: 6053 PEART, Ms J Sh Ch Josalyn Rio Ziggystardust Via Janamorio
3rd: 6050 HODGKINSONRUTHERFORD, Dr K & RUTHERFORD, Mr M Sh Ch Zorrazo Quest For Success (imp Hrv) Jw Jch

Class 3079 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6063 WILDEN, Miss Kate Josalyn Palben Oliverio

Class 3080 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6039 DARWESH, Mrs Jo & DARWESH, Miss Eliza S Chanderhill Smart Edition For Elizad

Class 3081 GCD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6065 WOOD, Mrs Jan Chanderhill Eagle Eye Sinduda

Class 3082 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6041 DONALDSON, Mrs F Prizelands Tickled My Fancy

Class 3083 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6045 GLAYSHER, Mrs C, DONALDSON, Mrs F & C PALUMBO Rainethyme Ever So Special
2nd: 6035 CAPILLE, Mrs Rachel Lendever You Snooze You Lose
3rd: 6057 SEARLES, Mrs Vanessa Rommy De Ubbadat ( Imp Esp) JW

Class 3084 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6051 KEHOE, Mrs Rebecca & KEHOE, Mr Aarron Janamorio Northern Izzy At Aguamarina
2nd: 6037 CAPILLE, Mrs Rachel Lendever's Above And Beyond
3rd: 6064 WILDEN, Miss Kate Fivenineplus Melisma At Perrowild

Class 3085 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6059 THOMPSON, Mrs Kirstie Kurlibears September Truffle At Cooishka
2nd: 6040 DONALDSON, Mrs F Prizelands Frosted Fancy

Class 3086 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6046 HODGKINSONRUTHERFORD, Dr K & RUTHERFORD, Mr M Sh Ch Zorrazo Cheek By Jowl With Chanderhill
2nd: 6054 PEART, Ms J Josalyn Ria Nessa Via Janamorio

Class 3087 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 1


Class 3089 GCB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6040 DONALDSON, Mrs F Prizelands Frosted Fancy