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Mrs J Gill-Davis

Judging: Gundog Group, Retriever (Flat Coated)




75 exhibits made an entry of 83.  There were 5 absentees.

BOB/DCC Youens’ Riverglide Secret Reprieve.

RDCC Hessing’s Ronevorg I Believe In Santa At Montechor.

BOS/BCC Eggington, Eggington, Eggington & Davies’ Paganbeck Angels On My Side.

RBCC Varty-Lindsay’s Free The Fizz At Levliann.

BVB/BVIB McDonald & McDonald’s Sh.Ch. Steelriver Dance In The Sun At Skyloch.

BVD Stevenson’s Sh.Ch. Plainfire’s the Captain Of My Hear Is Steel

BPIB/BPD Racic & Weber’s Glamour Shine Brave Six 

BPB Racic & Weber’s Glamour Shine Bombarda Maxima. 

BSB Riach’s Aricdell Kraienkoppe.

BGC Hewison & Hewison’s Benvellyn Marakele Into Casblaidd.



1st./BPD/BPIB Racic & Weber’s Glamour Shine Brave Six.

Well made head, eye & expression, neat ears.  Excellent head carriage, neck & shoulders,

on which he scored in the puppy challenge.  Quality & substance in bone & feet. 

Correct ribcage for length, depth & spring.  Strong loin, well made hindquarters & set on of tail.


PUPPY DOG ( 2,0)

1st. Hall’s Hightyne Night Train.

Good over all make, shape & type.  Masculine head, long jaws, pleasing head carriage, neck & forehand construction. Strong bone, ribs & loin.  Good coat & tail.  Scored well in co-ordination

of movement & maturity for age. 

2nd. Woodrwick’s Caci February Air With Sambreagh.

Elegant frame, a little narrow all through,  Would like more angulation fore & aft.  Has time to

gather some more substance.



1st. Anson’s Rotherfield Secret Code.

Promising youngster with correct outline, make & shape.  Masculine head, good eye & expression, 

broad nose & neat ears. Excellent head carriage, neck & forehand angulation.  Good bone & feet.  Correct ribcage properties, loin, hindquarters & tail.  Sound fore, aft & in profile.

 2nd. Varty-Lindsay’s Levliann Big Bang.

Another promising black. Neatly made head, clean neck & shoulders.  Would like a little more

length of upper arm. Well made body & ribs for age. Moved well.  Excellent coat & condition.

3rd. Sullivan’s Wyrebeck Shockwave. 



1st. Bowen’s Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine.

Very promising. Well made, masculine head.  Excellent skull, eye & expression.  Neat ears. Good head carriage, lay of shoulder, bone & feet.  Typical ribcage for length, depth & spring, on which he scored. Well co-ordinated stride in profile.  Sound fore and aft. Coat in good condition and skilfully

handled to best advantage.

2nd.Copley’s Sh.Ch. Monchique Imperial  Beau At Emnabe.

Another very attractive youngster.  Typical head, dark eye & gentle expression.  Neat, well set ears.

Good angulation to forehand. Strong ribs & body.  Well turned hindquarters & set on of tail.  Excellent coat & condition,  Sound, free mover.

3rd. Clark & Clark’s Hurstclough Night Owl At Flanova.



1st. Bellamy & Bellamy’s Bochilbarley Goblet of Fire.

Typical head with good skull, eye, expression, neat ears. Pleasing head carriage, clean neck & shoulders, correct upper arm, on which he scored.  Well boned limbs & feet.  Strong body & ribs, loin & hindquarters. Moved with style & co-ordination.

2nd. Armstrong’s Bitcon Jackpot.

Attractive outline. Quality, masculine head, expressive eye, neat ears.  Clean neck & well laid shoulders.  Good bone & feet. Well made ribcage, strong loin, hindquarters & tail. Scored in 

frame and balance.

3rd. Varty-Lindsay’s Levliann Waited For You.



1st./DCC/BOB Youens’ Riverglide Secret Reprieve.

Black owning a typical, masculine head.  Excellent set, colour & expression to eye,

strong jaws & tidy ears. Good head carriage, neck, lay of shoulders & return of upper arm. 

Quality & substance in limbs & feet.  Correct ribcage for depth, length & spring. Strong

loin & couplings. Muscular hindquarters with good set on & carriage of tail.  Tip top

coat & condition. Sound, free mover with easy ground covering stride in profile, on which

he scored.

2nd. Sullivan’s Wyrebeck Caught By Surprise.

Another with attractive elegant outline.  Well made head.  Typical eye & expression, neat ears

& pleasing head carriage.  Good reach of neck, lay of shoulder & upper arm, bone & feet, 

on which he scored. Excellent ribcage, good coat & condition. Stylish mover.

3rd. Macpherson’s Rachanmill Columbo.


OPEN DOG ( 4,0). A strong class of exhibits.

1st./RDCC Hessing’s Ronavorg I Believe In Santa At Montechor.

Correct make, shape & outline.  Masculine head, kind dark eye & expression. Good head

carriage, reach of neck, lay of shoulder & upper arm.  Quality & substance in bone & feet.

Strong pasterns, Scored in length, depth & spring of ribcage.  Strong, loin & muscular 

hindquarters.  In good coat.  Sound, free, powerful mover, on which he scored.

2nd. Genco’s It Diamante Blu Chilkoot.

Excellent outline. Masculine head, typical skull, jaws & ears.  Good neck & forehand construction,

well boned limbs.  Big ribs, strong back & loin.  Excellent set on & carriage of tail.  Well handled

to best advantage.

3rd. Scaife’s Flatcharm Mr. Fix It For Shennanjoy.



1st./BVD Stevenson’s Sh.Ch. Plainfire’s The Captain Of My Heart In Steel.

Masculine, well made head, eye & expression, neat ears.  Pleasing head carriage, neck & shoulders

with correct return of upper arm.  Well off for bone in limbs.  Strongly made ribcage for length, depth & spring.  Powerful loin & hindquarters.  Scored in muscle tone & strength in movement.

2nd. McCormick’s Steelriver Sun’s Up.   

Masculine head, clean skull, kind eye & expression.  A shade upright in forehand, good ribcage,

loin & couplings. Happy character.  Well handled.



1st./ BPB. Racic & Weber’s Glamour Shine Bombarda Maxine.

Very promising 8 months black.  Cleanly moulded head, good eye shape, set, colour &

expression.  Neat ears.  Correct head carriage, clean neck & lay of shoulders.  Ribcage still

developing, Strong loin & hindquarters.   Well set on tail.  Happy character.  Moved soundly.



1st, |Mackessack-Leitch’s Caci’s The Jewel Of June At Inchstellie.

Another promising youngster. Neatly made head, good eye & expression. Typical head carriage,

neck & shoulders. Would like a shade more length in upper arm.  Clean legs & feet.  Well made

body & ribcage for age. Strong back. In good coat & condition. Elegant outline.  Scored in

profile movement.

2nd. Gowland & Gibbons’ Remington River.

Feminine head, neatly set eye & ear.  Fair neck, would like finer withers.  Ribcage still developing.

Good turn of hindquarters. Would like more power in movement.




1st. Walker’s Lizzlog Tittle Tattle.

Feminine, cleanly moulded head.  Typical eye, expression & set to ears.  Good skull & jaws.

Excellent head carriage, neck & forehand construction.  Good legs & feet. Correct ribcage

& body.  Strong hindquarters & set on of tail. Excellent coat & condition. Scored in co-ordination

of movement in profile. 

2nd. Varty-Lindsay’s Levliann She Bangs.

Would like a little more work in moulding of skull & muzzle.  Gentle expression, neat ears.  Excellent head carriage, neck & forehand, legs & feet.  Has balance & good general properties.

Well handled to best advantage. 

3rd. Plummer & McPherson’s Rainsgift Luaidh At Lochkander.



1st./RBCC Varty-Lindsay’s Free The Fizz At Levliann.

Excellent outline, make & shape & type.  Feminine, well moulded head, good eye & expression, neat ears. Pleasing head carriage, neck & forehand construction, legs & feet.  Correct ribcage & body.  Well made hindquarters. Sound, free mover, on which she scored. 

2nd. Curties’ Tallistar Midnight Beauty.

Feminine head, good skull, long jaws, kind dark eye & sweet expression.  Good head carriage,

forehand, bone & feet. Shapely ribcage, strong loin & well turned hindquarters.   

3rd. Hewison & Hewison’s Benvellyn Marakele Into Casblaidd



1st. Mellor’s Flatcharm Guilty Secret.

Smart black.  Good skull, muzzle, eye & expression, tidy ears. Clean neck & shoulders, well made legs & feet.  Excellent body & ribcage, Strong loin & hindquarters. Well set on & carried tail Scored in co-ordination of movement in profile. 

2nd. Walker’s Lizzlog Nanny McPhee.

Similar outline, make & shape.  Would like a little more moulding to skull.  Good eye colour & expression, neat ears.  Pleasing head carriage, neck & shoulders.  Well made limbs & feet.  Strong loin & hindquarters.  Handled to best advantage.

3rd. Thorpe’s Montreathant Hot Lips. 



1st./BCC. Eggington, Eggington, Eggington & Davis’s Paganbeck Angels On My Side.

Mature black who stood out for breed type, make, shape & style. Typical, feminine head, good

skull, strong jaws, fine ears.  Excellent eye shape, colour, set & expression.  Correct head carriage,

reach of neck & forehand construction.  Quality & substance in bone.  Correct ribcage for depth,

length & spring. Powerful loin & couplings. Muscular thighs & well set on & carried tail.  Sound

& free in movement with easy stride in profile. Scored in head properties & movement.


2nd. Williams’ Wistaston Frozen Love.

Another typical black with a similar outline.  Feminine head, sweet, dark eye & gentle expression.

Excellent head carriage, neck & shoulders with good upper arm, legs & feet.  Correct ribcage, strong loin, couplings a shade open, well turned hindquarters. Good coat & tail. Scored in outline.

3rd. Sullivan’s Wyrebeck Live Forever.


OPEN BITCH ( 7, 1)

1st. Whitaker, Whitaker & Kilsby’s Evening Mist Black Brianta.

Quality black. Feminine head, well set eye & kind expression.  Neat ears. Pleasing head carriage, neck & lay of shoulders.  Good length of upper arm, well boned limbs & feet. Strongly constructed

body, ribs & hindquarters.  Scored in outline & drive in hindquarters.

 2nd. Bellamy’s Moontorn Goddess Of Love.

Another quality black having a typical make & shape.  Feminine head, neatly set eye, kind expression & fine ears.  Well made forehand, body & ribs.  Fair hindquarters with good set on of tail. Well handled.

3rd. Varty-Lindsay’s Levliann Party Wrecker.



1st. McDonald & McDonald’s Sh.Ch. Steelriver Dance In The Sun At Skyloch.

Typical, feminine head. Well moulded skull & foreface. Excellent head carriage, good reach

of neck, well laid shoulders, strong body & ribs, loin & hindquarters.  Excellent coat & condition.

Sound mover keeping her outline in profile, on which she scored.

2nd. Davis & Eggington’s Go With The Flow Dynamic Faithful.

Good skull, muzzle, eye & expression.  Neat ears. Good reach of neck, lay of shoulder & upper arm. Well made legs & feet.  Strong ribcage, couplings a shade open. Fair hindquarters. 



1st. Riach’s Aricdell Kraienkoppe.

Typical head, eye & expression.  Good head carriage, neck & lay of shoulders & return of upper arm, on which she scored.  Quality bone in legs & feet. Well made ribcage, a shade open in couplings.  Fair hindquarters & movement.

2nd. Mackessack-Leitch’s Finhamspride Kia At Inchstellie.

Elegant outline. Feminine head, good eye & expression.  Fair neck & shoulders. A shade short in upper arm.  Well made body & ribs.  Fair hindquarters.



1st. Hewison & Hewison’s Benvellyn Marakele Into Casblaidd.

Typical head, dark well set eye, sweet expression, neat ears.  Good construction to forehand,

legs & feet.  Well sprung ribcage, close couplings, good turn of hindquarters.  Scored in movement 

2nd. Mackessach-Leitch’s Casi’s The Jewel Of |June At Inchsteelie.

3rd. Hewison & Hewison’s Selloana Monoceros For Casblaidd.


JINTY GILL DAVIS (Judge)   24th. May, 2024.




BEST OF BREED : 5371 YOUENS, Mrs A Riverglide Secret Reprieve
Dog CC : 5371 YOUENS, Mrs A Riverglide Secret Reprieve
Res Dog CC : 5303 HESSING, Mrs M Ronevorg I Believe In Santa At Montechor
Bitch CC : 5313 EGGINTON, Miss Sarah & EGGINTON, Mr Paul & EGGINTO Pajanbeck Angels On My Side
Res Bitch CC : 5356 VARTY-LINDSAY, Mrs Laura Free The Fizz At Levliann
Best Puppy : 5338 RACIC, Ms Marijana & WEBER, Ms Anna Glamour Shine Bravo Six
Best Veteran : 5333 MCDONALD, Mrs Anne & MCDONALD, Mr Ian Sh Ch Steelriver Dance In The Sun At Skyloch
Best Special Beginner : 5342 RIACH, Miss Catriona Helen Aricdell Kraienkoppe

Class 2858 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5338 RACIC, Ms Marijana & WEBER, Ms Anna Glamour Shine Bravo Six

Class 2859 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5320 HALL, Miss Melanie Hightyne Night Train
2nd: 5331 MCCORMICK, Mr Scott Caci's February Air With Sambreagh (imp Swe)

Class 2860 JD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5346 ANSON, Mrs Rose Rotherfield Secret Code
2nd: 5358 VARTY-LINDSAY, Mrs Laura Levliann Big Bang
3rd: 5349 SULLIVAN, Miss Vicky Wyrebeck Shockwave
Res: 5311 CURTIS, Miss E Tallistar Midnight Ash Jw
VHC: 5299 AULD, Miss Chloe Rhona Bitcon Midnight Dream

Class 2861 YD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5302 BOWEN, Mrs V Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine JW
2nd: 5345 GENCO, Mrs Dolores Diamante Blu Uragano Ubriaco
3rd: 5309 CLARK, Mr Brian & CLARK, Mrs Lynne Hurstclough Night Owl At Flanova
Res: 5321 HARRIS, Mrs A Dymexe Outlander At Siancala
VHC: 5311 CURTIS, Miss E Tallistar Midnight Ash Jw

Class 2862 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5301 BELLAMY, Miss Abby & BELLAMY, Mrs Penny Bochilbarley Goblet Of Fire Jw
2nd: 5298 ARMSTRONG, Mrs Kathryn Bitcon Jackpot (ai)
3rd: 5355 VARTY-LINDSAY, Mrs Laura Levliann Waited For You
Res: 5362 WALKER, Mrs E J & ROBERTS, Dr L Gloi Dubh Kristofer Robin JW

Class 2863 LD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5371 YOUENS, Mrs A Riverglide Secret Reprieve
2nd: 5348 SULLIVAN, Miss Vicky Wyrebeck Caught By Surprise
3rd: 5328 MACPHERSON, Mrs Helen Rachanmill Columbo
Res: 5304 HESSING, Mrs M Hoedun Daddy's Eyes At Montechor
VHC: 5319 HALL, Miss Melanie Rotherfield Just The Ticket

Class 2864 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5303 HESSING, Mrs M Ronevorg I Believe In Santa At Montechor
2nd: 5344 GENCO, Mrs Dolores It Diamante Blu Chilkoot
3rd: 5343 SCAIFE, Miss V Flatcharm Mr Fix It For Shennanjoy
Res: 5361 WALKER, Mrs E J & ROBERTS, Dr L Gloi Dubh Just One Look ShCEx

Class 2865 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5347 STEVENSON, Miss S Sh Ch Plainfire's The Captain Of My Heart Is Steel
2nd: 5330 MCCORMICK, Mr Scott Steelriver Sun's Up



Class 2868 MPB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5339 RACIC, Ms Marijana & WEBER, Ms Anna Glamour Shine Bombarda Maxima

Class 2869 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5327 MACKESSACK-LEITCH, Mrs Flora Caci's The Jewel Of June At Inchstellie (Swed Imp)
2nd: 5318 GOWLAND + GIBBONS, Miss + Mr Penny + Paul Remington River

Class 2870 JB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5359 WALKER, Miss H Lizzlog Tittle Tattle
2nd: 5357 VARTY-LINDSAY, Mrs Laura Levliann She Bangs
3rd: 5336 PLUMMER, Mrs Norma & MCPHERSON, Miss Robyn Rainesgift Luaidh At Lochkander
Res: 5310 CURTIS, Miss E Tallistar Midnight Beauty
VHC: 5325 JONES, Mr And Mrs Brian Benvellyn Sequoia JW

Class 2871 YB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5356 VARTY-LINDSAY, Mrs Laura Free The Fizz At Levliann
2nd: 5310 CURTIS, Miss E Tallistar Midnight Beauty
3rd: 5323 HEWISON, Mrs Caroline & HEWISON, Mr Chris Benvellyn Marakele Into Casblaidd

Class 2872 PGB (13 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5334 MELLOR, Miss Georgina May Flatcharm Guilty Pleasure
2nd: 5365 WALKER, Mrs L Lizzlog Nanny Mcphee
3rd: 5353 THORPE, Mrs S Montreathmnt Hot Lips
Res: 5370 WILLLIAMSON, Mr Scott & WILLIAMSON, Mrs Tina Hoedun Joy Ride To Sandti
VHC: 5306 CHAMBERS, Miss Caroline Hototo Pretty Ballerina JW

Class 2873 LB (12 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5313 EGGINTON, Miss Sarah & EGGINTON, Mr Paul & EGGINTO Pajanbeck Angels On My Side
2nd: 5368 WILLIAMS, Miss G Wistaston Frozen Love (ai)
3rd: 5350 SULLIVAN, Miss Vicky Wyrebeck Live Forever
Res: 5335 MORRIS, Mrs E M & FINLAYSON, Mr A F Finhamspride Sarafina
VHC: 5305 CHAMBERS, Miss Caroline Hototo's Polly Toodle

Class 2874 OB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5366 WHITAKER, Mrs Rita & WHITAKER, Mr Nicholas & KILSB Evening Mist Black Brianta (cze)
2nd: 5300 BELLAMY, Miss Abby Moontorn Goddess Of Love
3rd: 5354 VARTY-LINDSAY, Mrs Laura Levliann Party Wrecker
Res: 5364 WALKER, Mrs L Lizzlog Fanny By Gaslight
VHC: 5312 DAVIS, Mrs Vicky & EGGINTON, Mrs Jan Go With The Flow Dynamic Faithful (Imp NLD)

Class 2875 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5333 MCDONALD, Mrs Anne & MCDONALD, Mr Ian Sh Ch Steelriver Dance In The Sun At Skyloch
2nd: 5312 DAVIS, Mrs Vicky & EGGINTON, Mrs Jan Go With The Flow Dynamic Faithful (Imp NLD)

Class 2876 SBB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5342 RIACH, Miss Catriona Helen Aricdell Kraienkoppe
2nd: 5326 MACKESSACK-LEITCH, Mrs Flora Finhamspride Kia At Inchstellie

Class 2877 GCB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5323 HEWISON, Mrs Caroline & HEWISON, Mr Chris Benvellyn Marakele Into Casblaidd
2nd: 5327 MACKESSACK-LEITCH, Mrs Flora Caci's The Jewel Of June At Inchstellie (Swed Imp)
3rd: 5322 HEWISON, Mrs Caroline & HEWISON, Mr Chris Selloana Monoceros For Casblaidd