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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Hound Group

BEST OF BREED : 186 PINKERTON, Mrs Sue & CATTONI-SARMAN, Mrs Lynda & A Ch Ryazan Viceroy Of Radost At Menigma ShCEx
Dog CC : 186 PINKERTON, Mrs Sue & CATTONI-SARMAN, Mrs Lynda & A Ch Ryazan Viceroy Of Radost At Menigma ShCEx
Res Dog CC : 180 HARVEY, Mrs L Lynx Ice River Of Albaneiler (imp Swe)
Bitch CC : 176 CLARE, Ms J Ch Ryazan Vogue
Res Bitch CC : 178 DOVE, Miss J Takatori Madam Butterfly At Saringa JW
Best Puppy : 175 CHERRIMAN, Mrs D & CHERRIMAN, Mr G Ryazan Ulrik At Cherdonski
Best Veteran :
Best Special Beginner : 185 PARSONS, Mrs M E Jamarqui Alchemy Annie JW

Was really looking forward to judging this aristocratic breed that I have long admired; this was my second appointment for this Breed and some that I have appreciated from a distance were not entered this time however those present had good quality, and I thank the Society for their hospitality and very kind invitation. Thank you to my two Stewards, Sonia & Viv who were super company & kept all going very well, I felt sorry for the organisers and the exhibitors that for this first day of the show, the weather was just so atrocious, the rain being relentless, as you would expect, there were a few absentees as a result.  Our ring wasn’t the best and was undulating and rutted with holes in many places making assessment of movement quite hard at times, and with the intense downpours we were unable to use the whole of the ring sometimes which for a breed such as this is not ideal.  From the exhibits present there was a nice quality & were a good example of this lovely breed; I was looking for a muscular, elegant and aristocratic hound that could move as this is a quality important to me in any hunting Hound.  As when I judged them previously, there was still quite a variation of type although I thought overall quality improved, a few hare feet, dentition & cleanliness was mostly okay & presentation of coat superb in the circumstances so I would congratulate you all and thank you for acceptance of placings.

Class 97 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 175 CHERRIMAN, Mrs D & CHERRIMAN, Mr G Ryazan Ulrik At Cherdonski
Cherriman & Cherriman’s Ryazan Ulrik At Cherdonski, white/fawn of just about 11 

months with a lovely masculine, lean head of equal proportions from skull to line of muzzle, nice dark pigment & eye shape oval & dark, obvious veining on his roman nose, good dark nose, scissor bite, neck set well, good shoulder & return of upper arm, straight front, feet could be neater, slightly narrower through his front at this stage & chest could have a fraction more depth however he is young enough for this to improve, has a good rise over back-line, good length to thighs, reasonable angle, broad hocks.  On the move he needed to get a bit more forward reach to be ideal but was sound enough and I appreciate the ring conditions weren’t ideal.  Best Puppy

Class 98 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 184 LOGVINENKO, Dr Timothy Lynx Faster Than Light Of Noldoli (imp Swe)
white with fawn markings & a most attractive exhibit he had a lean masculine head with strong jaw, good pigment & oval eye with good expression, nasal arch just right, good veining, black nose, ears could be smaller & neater for my preference, liked his neck placement, lovely shoulder line & good return, elbows held well & could feel his forechest nicely filled in and in profile his forelegs nicely positioned underneath him, slight slope to pastern, forefeet of oval shape, good depth to his oval chest sweeping up nicely underneath, height to length ratio good, rising over  in a gentle sweep to croup falling away very  easily in a curve to good muscled hindquarters, pin bones set well apart, low set tail held well.  He was shown in lovely coat & good condition with flat firm muscle, assets used well on the move with reach, good stride & drive from strong hocks.  Is a nice prospect, this exhibitor presented his dogs very well and paid good attention to the conditions to give his dogs every opportunity.

Class 100 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 180 HARVEY, Mrs L Lynx Ice River Of Albaneiler (imp Swe) very attractive elegant white/red shown in lovely coat.  Lean head of good length, good ear set, lovely dark & oval eye giving super expression, nasal veining on his roman nose, good scissor bite, neck placement very good, shoulder & return good keeping a nice line in profile view, strong bone with desired fineness, strong in pastern & neat oval feet, he had good depth to chest & ribbing of sufficient length rising up underneath & through his topline giving a graceful curve, pin bones set nicely strong well angled hindquarters, good length of tail & set well.  Coat immaculate setting off his overall grace, he took off with good forehand reach, and firm drive, a nice exhibit and was pleased to award him Res. CC
2nd: 173 BIRMINGHAM, Mr M A Takatori Barnum upstanding fawn/white male with a lot of maturity, about him, very nice type, is impressive for size in a male & has great appeal and had a huge wavy but silky coat.  He had lovely dark pigment with prominent veining through his lean head which was proportioned well, strong jaw with scissor bite, neat ears set nicely, good arched neck, clean shoulder although fractionally steeper than preferred, good straight front, strong bone, good feet, terrific depth & gentle rise over to sloping croup giving a curvaceous outline, good strong well angled quarters, hocks of strength, he moved with power however I think the ground made the handler & dog slightly tentative therefore there was a shortness of stride.  He is a very nice exhibit & at 2 years old has some good times ahead I am sure.
3rd: 189 WILENCZYC, Miss Krysia Nibrass Celestial Lotus At Kashiba

Class 101 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 172 ALLEN, Mrs G Lynx Life Of Brian With Araura (imp Swe) pale white/fawn such an impressive male  with good masculine head of lovely proportions & good dark pigment, oval eye,  lovely dark pigment which is important, strong jaw with good scissor bite, neck set forward well at a good angle, just the right length & flattened laterally, , clean well placed shoulder & good return, lovely strong bone with no coarseness, good neat & oval forefeet with front placed well underneath him, excellent brisket, good ribbing sweeping up nicely, curved outline a gentle slope off to croup, well angled hindquarters & good muscle tone, low set tail, his movement was sound however he didn’t quite have the effortless reach & grace to take the higher awards today but I’m sure he will have his day as he is a nice dog.
2nd: 181 HARVEY, Mrs L Astragorn Zeus Glory Of Albaneiler (imp Aus) Jww23, eye catching white/sable male of smaller proportions to 1, he is graceful & elegant without a doubt & holds the most lovely head with good proportion & length to muzzle, strong jaw, good scissor bite & clean dentition, neck of good length set well to clean shoulder-line, front held well underneath, has depth & good ribbing giving a good outline to his frame curving nicely & gently in all the right places, particularly good slope to croup, strong well angled hindquarters, muscled well, strong hocks set down well, good rear feet, low set tail of good length, really liked him & feel he has a good future.  Today’s conditions did him no favours, his overall proportions are just right & although sound he didn’t produce the positive movement that I felt his construction should give on this occasion.
3rd: 183 LOGVINENKO, Dr Timothy Ryazan Vladimir
Res: 174 CHERRIMAN, Mrs D Slovyk De L'hermitage D'eole (imp Fra)

Class 102 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 186 PINKERTON, Mrs Sue & CATTONI-SARMAN, Mrs Lynda & A Ch Ryazan Viceroy Of Radost At Menigma ShCEx at 5 years old this white/red male is in his prime, superbly presented in the most wonderful coat & condition throughout, obviously male he has the most attractive lean head, super strong muzzle without loss of any elegance, oval eyes, good scissor bite, neat ears sitting nicely, arched strong neck laterally flat, good shoulder placement & return, strong straight front & elbows held back well, feet well padded & oval, ribcage of good depth with good heart-room, good width in front, rising nicely over backline to balanced croup falling away gently, powerful loin with good muscle, hindquarters well angled & of strength, clean rear thighs, well-muscled, low set tail of good length held very well. All of this put together he took off around the ring with lovely flowing gait reaching well with good width to rear driving well.  Have judged him before & feel with his owner/handler keeping him in tip top condition that he has developed well to reach his early promise & was pleased to award him Dog CC with BOB.  Pleased also to see him short-listed in the very nice Hound Group later in the day.
2nd: 182 JARCZYNSKA, Miss Adrianna UK Diamond Magnus Borzoj (Imp Pol) white/red of very nice outline, another impressive male, massive silky coat presented beautifully; he again is very masculine & has a nicely proportioned head of leanness & length with prominent veining, good fill-in under dark eyes, ears could be fractionally neater, he has a strong neck, clean shoulder, reasonable return of upper arm holding his front underneath well,  strength to his bone still retaining that elegance, good depth of chest, liked his ribbing, good loin rising nicely & super angle to croup, hipbones set well, nicely angled hindquarters hocks strong.  His forehand on the move lacked the reach required & seemed slightly more upright than well settled into his front to give that low ground coverage, had reasonable drive from the rear, however again, the ground conditions were not helping in this respect so I do feel for the exhibitors having to cope with this.

Class 106 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 110 LB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 185 PARSONS, Mrs M E Jamarqui Alchemy Annie JW white/fawn most feminine & elegant exhibit presented in very good condition, her eye shape & expression is good, ears are set high & neatly, darker markings through her skull cut off on her foreface give an impressions of having a slightly deeper stop when viewed, but feel this is more because of her colour there, nose round & black, good dentition, very nice type, she has a strong neck & clean shoulder, would prefer slightly more layback & return to give that desired line, front has good width & chest has depth although she is slightly flatter through her topline  than my preference, her loin was strong & croup curving gently but to some extent more steeply as her hindquarters although strong could do with a bit more angle to second thigh as it makes this together with the hock look like a straight line.  She made the most of her assets and moved off very well. 

Class 111 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 176 CLARE, Ms J Ch Ryazan Vogue feminine white/sable of lovely proportions & very elegant outline, head shape & length of muzzle all very good, oval eye could be darker for preference, neat ears, good neck placement, flattened latterly, clean nicely laid shoulder, reasonable return & good width to front, slope to pastern okay, feet could be neater to be ideal, fine strong bone, good depth & nicely curving up underneath, rise over backline very gentle & obviously that bit less in the bitches, sloping nicely over croup, good pin bones of nice width, nicely angled hindquarters, tail held well.  Her handler on the move made the very best of her & she displayed a lovely easy rhythm with light ground covering even reach & good sound rear drive. Bitch CC
2nd: 178 DOVE, Miss J Takatori Madam Butterfly At Saringa JW stunningly beautiful white/red of larger proportions to 1, she had an elegant & exquisite head shape with most lovely expression, well filled in below her dark oval eyes, slight stop with good roman nose, strong jaw & scissor bite, good neck placement flattened latterly, nicely laid shoulder & good return, elegant yet strong bone, neat oval feet well padded, huge depth & ribbing well back, rising nicely over her backline to good width to pin bones, well angled hindquarters & good flat muscle tone, tail held well.  Coat was presented immaculately & she was in first class order with good profile, thought she was my winner when she entered the ring and was so disappointed that she didn’t cope well with the ring conditions to display her qualities well enough, lovely exhibit & pleased to award her Res.BCC & wish her every success for the future.
3rd: 179 HARVEY, Mrs L Lynx Ocean Of Peace At Albaneiler (imp Swe) Cjw23

Class 112 SBB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 185 PARSONS, Mrs M E Jamarqui Alchemy Annie JW Best Sp. Beginners.


Jill Cross (Gilari)