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Official Judges Critique

Judging: French Bulldog, Utility Group

Richmond Championship Show - third day - Sunday 08/09/24.

Utility Group.

French Bulldog.

Judge Ms Angela Pleasance (Katakia).


Minor Puppy Dog.

1st -  Bonsall - Best Frenchie At Muggshotts.

Brindle pied 8 months old with head developing nicely, square in appearance and in proportion to his size, skull is flat and domed forehead, fine wrinkling when alert and muscles of cheeks are well developed for his age and he has a well defined stop. His lower jaw is square in appearance slightly undershot and turned up. Eyes dark and of moderate size, ears are of good size and shape and carried well. He has a cobby muscular body nice spring of rib and cut up, straight front and strong rear quarters. Moved well especially coming and going and showed well at all times and with enthusiasm.

This was my Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in Breed.


2nd - Williams - Jafrak Sugar Ray For Gwynsel.

Fawn in colour with dark mask, and good pigmentation around eyes, skull was nearly flat between ears and he had a domed forehead, his cheek muscles developing well and his lower jaw was undershot and turned up. His nose was black and relatively short. His ears were of good shape and size, nice straight front and strong rear quarters. Good length of tail and correctly set. Was a bit unsettled on the move today. Showed his character today was a lively little boy with clown like qualities.


Puppy Dog.

1st - Membury - Membully Razzle Dazzle jw.

11 month old fawn, lovely head with lovely width of skull, dark mask and dark pigment around dark eyes, ears of good size and width and carried well. Square muzzle and correct dentition. Good length of neck leading to well set shoulders, nice spring of rib and enough cut up, slight rise over the loin, nice amount of tail, open nostrils, and black claws, moved well in all directions.


2nd - Tanner - Bexbull Big Brother.

Brindle dog with white chest, nice flat skull, ears carried well, dark eyes and of good shape, muzzle square in appearance, cheeks well padded. Muscular body with good spring of rib, nice tail, neat feet and moved well just preferred overall movement of No 1.


Junior Dog.

1st - Smith – Ch Khanin Gunner Make It.

16 month old brindle dog, masculine head square in appearance, eyes dark enough, well set ears which he used to his advantage, slightly undershot jaw and well padded muzzle. Good length of neck leading to well set shoulders, straight front and tight feet, ribs well sprung, correct top line with gentle roach. His movement was free and flowing in all directions.


2nd - McGroarty - Caslblaks Maxi Jazz Ardhub.

Dark brindle again another nice male with masculine head, square jaw, good width of skull, dark eyes, wide brisket and ribs well sprung, good cut up, gentle rise over the loin, strong hind quarters, tight feet and black nails, he moved well but preferred movement of No 1.


Yearling Dog.

1st - Hucker – Bevanray Terrypendry Jw.

Clear coated doubled hooded brindle pied, with pleasing head his skull was flat between his ears and had a domed forehead, dark eyes, well defined muzzle deep and set back, fine wrinkling when alert, he had a gentle rise over the loin rounding off over the croup, muscular hind quarters with moderate angulation, compact feet and correctly set tail, he moved well in all directions.


2nd - Roach - Roalice Major Mouse.

Brindle dog, head square in appearance , skull nearly flat between well set ears and domed forehead, cheeks well developed, lower jaw slightly undershot and turned up. Compact body with muscular hind quarters. Good cut up and gentle rise over the loin would of preferred a little more tail and today preferred the movement of No 1.


Novice Dog.

1st - Wohlman - Here Comes Hank.

Fawn pied doubled hooded male, his skull was flat between ears, and he had a domed forehead, fine wrinkling when alert, lower jaw was undershot, black nose with open nostrils, he had a good length of neck and well sprung ribs. Tail covering the anus. Lovely to see young handlers with their dogs in the ring.

He was also my Special Beginner Dog winner and Best Special Beginner in Breed.


Post Graduate Dog.

1st -  Morgan Ling – Castrum Osinium Rule My World (ATC HR13250FBD)

Brindle male with nice square head and domed forehead, well defined muzzle deep and set back, well developed muscle cheeks, lower jaw square and turned up, dark eyes of moderate size and round in shape. Cobby and muscular body with ribs well sprung, gentle rise over the loin and nice set tail. Tight feet and good coat sound movement in all directions.


2nd – Vearncombe & Hale – Ruption Knightcott Back To Black.

Longer in cast than No 1, light brindle boy with nice square head well defined muzzle, broad, deep and set back, with lower jaw square. Neck well arched and of moderate length, ribs well sprung and good cut up, lovely tight feet and moved well in all directions.


Limit Dog.

1st - Gregory – Yvontrae Spencer Tracy.

Smart compact and solid good boned brindle male, with head square in appearance and in proportion to his size, flat skull, domed forehead, fine wrinkling, black nose with open nostrils, muscles of cheeks well developed and stop well defined. Lower jaw deep, square, broad and slightly undershot and turned up with good dentition. Strong muscular neck leading to well set shoulders, and good rear angulation, slight rise over the loin and hocks well let down. He moved with absolute soundness, nice tight feet and tail.



2nd - Hutchinson - Zorro Of Shine Treasure For Oschalben Jw (imp Serb).

Brindle pied with masculine head, domed forehead, enough wrinkle, muscles of cheeks well developed, lips black and dark eyes. Moderate length of neck leading to straight front, good cut up, nice rear angulation and moved well, correct tail set and coat was fine and smooth to touch.


Open Dog.

1st - Coffey - Raglenary Jack Frost Ire j Ch.

Fawn Pied male with masculine head in proportion with his body size, flat skull, domed forehead, fine wrinkling, well defined muzzle viewed in profile, muscles of cheeks well developed and lower jaw square broad and slightly under shot and turned up. Good pigmentation around eyes and black nose with visibly open nostrils and black lips. Neck of moderate length leading to well set shoulders, ribs well sprung, good cut up, gentle rise over the loin, strong hind quarters, small tail and tight feet. Moved well in all directions.



2nd - Cairns & Brooks - Corursus Become The One Jw Osw.

Brindle male with Square head, flat skull, fine wrinkling, lovely dark eyes, ears carried well and of good shape and size, good dentition and muscles of cheeks well developed. Moderate length of neck leading to well placed shoulders, and good spring of rib and cut up. Nice tail set well and covering the anus, tight feet and moved well.

 Veteran Bitch.

1st - Swateridge  - Ch Xentique B’ Witched For Taffique Jw.

Brindle bitch of nice size and shape full of enthusiasm which was lovely to see and she showed so well. She had a lovely square head with well set ears which she used at all times, enough wrinkle to fore head, dark eyes, neck of moderate length, well set shoulders, good rear angulation and good cut up. Small tail and tight feet, free and flowing movement, lovely bitch for her years.

Best veteran in Breed.


Minor Puppy Bitch.

1st - Jennings - Cossy’s Echo.

Fawn with black muzzle and dark pigment around eyes, flat skull and cheek muscles well developing, enough wrinkle to forehead, ears carried upright and of good size and shape, jaw was undershot and turned up, nose black and wide with open nostrils. Compact body with moderate length of neck, good shoulder placement and good cut up, gentle rise over the loin, nice rear angulation, small tail, black claws and moved well in all directions.

Best Puppy Bitch.


2nd - Hucker - Best Frenchie Henia At Bevanray.

Brindle pied with nearly flat skull between well set ears, nice domed forehead, wrinkling when alert, lower jaw undershot, would of preferred a darker eye. Moderate length of neck, ribs well sprung strong back with gentle rise over the loin. Preferred the overall movement of No 1.


Puppy Bitch.

1st - Tanner - Bexbull Love Actually.

11 month old brindle pied of good size and shape, nice square head, flat skull, domed forehead, ears carried well, eyes dark enough, muscles of cheeks well developed. Strong and sturdy forequarters and hind quarters and moderate length of neck, small tail, clear coat and moved well.


2nd - West Morland - Gailbulls Its Edith.

Brindle pied with nice square head, domed forehead, stop well defined, jaw slightly undershot and turned up, dark eyes of moderate size. Neck of moderate length, nice spring of rib and cut up, small tail preferred movement of No 1.


Junior Bitch.

1st - Friend - Kingfriend Miss Grier.

Dark brindle bitch Cobby and muscular and lovely size and shape. Her head was feminine and all in proportion with a lovely expression, square in appearance, domed forehead, well defined stop, lower jaw deep square and broad, ears carried upright and parallel. Her neck was of moderate length and leading to correctly placed shoulders, nice spring of rib and good cut up, gentle rise over the loin, straight boned front and moderate rear angulation. Small tail, lovely tight feet and black claws. She moved and showed well at all times.



2nd - Conway & Chapman - Khanin Dark N’delicious For Norcairn Jw.

Dark brindle bitch of nice size with feminine head which was square in appearance, flat skull, domed forehead, lower jaw square and broad, eyes of moderate size and round. Nice shoulder placement with strong back and gentle rise over the loin. Small tail and tight feet with black claws.


Yearling Bitch.

1st - French - Bincombefarm Serpensortia Jw.

Brindle pied of nice shape and size, lovely expression with dark eyes, nice under jaw, black nose with open nostrils, her ears were carried upright and parallel. She had moderate length of neck, ribs well sprung with a gentle rise over the loin and moderate rear angulation. Good length of tail, tight feet and showed and moved well.


2nd - Tonkin & Pellow - Rosanyos Lets Salsa.

Fawn bitch with black mask and dark pigment around her eyes. Nice size with muscular body, her head was square in appearance, flat skull, domed forehead and enough wrinkle, she had a nice undershot lower jaw and it was deep and square. Good cut up and rise over the loin, nice rear angulation moved well, tight feet and black claws.


Novice Bitch.

1st - Swateridge - Xentique Figgalicious.

Compact brindle bitch with a lovely expression, head square with flat skull, dark eyes, ears of correct size and she used them well at all times. Cobby muscular body with strong back and gentle rise over the loin, nice rear angulation, tight feet, tail and her coat was fine and smooth. She moved well in all directions whist showing the character of the breed today.

Also my Graduate Bitch Winner.


Post Graduate Bitch.

1st - Scott – Amuella Fabulous Florence Jw.

Brindle bitch with nice square head, flat skull, fine wrinkling, and well placed nose, muscles of cheeks well developed, lower jaw deep, square and broad. Her ears were carried well and of medium size, she had a compact and muscular body with nice angles front and rear, gentle rise over the loin and a well set tail and tight feet moved free and flowing in all directions.


2nd - Vearncombe & Hale - Ruption Knightcott Back In Black Jw.

Brindle bitch with square head and in proportion to her body size, flat skull, fine wrinkling when alert, stop well defined, square and broad lower jaw, dark eyes. She had a moderate length of neck with straight boned front, ribs well sprung and gentle rise over the loin, tight feet and tail and moved well in all directions.


Open Bitch.

1st - Ayriss - Lady Rebellion At Boulevaya.

Very pleasing square shaped head with flat skull, domed fore head, skin supple enough allowing fine wrinkle when alert, well defined muzzle clearly viewed in profile, muscles of her cheeks well developed, lower jaw deep, square and slightly under shot and turned up, her upper lips were covering the lower on each side evenly with no over hang. She had plenty of cushioning, eyes dark and round in shape. Her bat ears are of medium size and carried upright and parallel. She had a moderate length of neck leading to well placed shoulders, straight boned front, ribs well sprung and of good size and length, a gentle rise over the loin, with a tail covering her anus, tight feet and black claws her movement was free and flowing in all directions I particularly liked this bitches front movement and her foot placement was excellent.



2nd - Membury Mrs T & Membury Mr T & Pearce Mrs S – Ch Bullhawk Egg’s Citing At Membully.

Brindle bitch again a lovely head which was square in appearance, flat skull, defined stop, round eyes, well padded cheeks, correct nose placement her ears were carried well and used to her advantage, muscular body, ribs well sprung, good cut up and gentle rise over the loin, her movement was free and flowing in all directions, she had a nice amount of tail and tight feet. Slightly longer cast than No 1.