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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Tibetan Terrier, Utility Group



Thanks to the exhibitors for a quality entry with some lovely dogs to assess. My two amazing stewards, Nicola Foster and Maizee Philipson were of great support and assistance. 

VD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Plummer’s Tetsikarma Stargazer Sh.Cm ShCex VW. Have judged him before awarding a RCC. Now 12 ½ years old and presented in fabulous condition. Although of the larger stamp, he is extremely well balanced, producing an impressive outline with secure topline and strong short loins. Typical expression from a balanced headpiece containing expressive eyes. Moved like a youngster with freedom and purpose. BVIB.

2nd: Guziolek’s Ch Boshanti Nevill. 8 ½ years. Another lovely Veteran, so beautifully balanced. Masculine head of good proportions containing lovely dark eyes. Enough neck into well laid shoulders. Body is well ribbed. Presented in super condition with correct coat. Initially I thought he was my winner but did not produce the movement of 1. Close call. 

PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Guziolek’s Kashi Midnight Cowboy At Boshanti. 9 months. Attractive masculine head containing super eyes. Medium neck. Pleasing front assembly. Liked his overall bone and substance. Well ribbed with a firm topline. His tail is well set. On the move he has an excellent forehand reach coupled with strong rear drive. Proud and purposeful mover. He must have a promising future. BPD.

JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Palmer’s  Gemaras Rocket Man. 15 months attractive B/W. He produces a lovely outline. Admirable head being of balanced proportions. Dark expressive eyes, enough stop. Strong jaws and super dentition. Correct neck; secure topline. Good for ribbing and strong loins. Stands on good feet. Good coat and presentation. He moves with such style and decidedly accurate with it too! 

2nd: Lawrence’s Tazique The Emperior. 13 months. B/W. Clearly ‘in between’ stage of coat and development but has many attributes. When standing he produces a commendable outline being balanced throughout, particularly in bone and substance.  Good for neck, level back with plenty of length to ribcage. Short strong loins. Movement to settle. 

3rd: Hedger’s Araki Fibber Magee At Evemylym

ND (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Lawrence’s Tazique The Emperior. 2nd in JD.

GD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Kitcher’s Javeys Sabastian. 3 years. Sable/White. Pleasing head with correct bite and dentition. Lovely eyes. OK front assembly. Correct feet. Would prefer him shorter coupled. Adequate bone and enough coat. Positive mover.

PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Thurston’s Midnight Runner JW. 19 months. Won an interesting class with each dog having different attributes. This attractive male won on his completeness; he is so well put together. He produces an impressive balanced shape which gave him the edge over 2. Admired his size and bone. Super to go over. Correct textured coat. On the move he had style and drive, covering the ground with decisive accuracy and ease. Delighted to award him his 1st CC (after 2 RCC’s I was told later).

2nd: Ford’s  Avaness Stars Shine Darkly Over Setrique JW. 2 years old. Masculine head with pleasing eye and expression. Excellent dentition; strong jaws. Correct  length of neck. Coat OK. Well sprung ribs. Held a secure topline. Steady, accurate mover. Another lovely youngster. 

3rd: Hedger’s, Araki Devils Gold At Evemylyn

LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Erskine-Jones & Watson’s Unohoo Here Comes Hugo. 3 year old and whilst his coat was on the change and a tad unruly it was the correct texture and with correct undercoat. He won this class on his compact and sturdy body proportions and most impressive head qualities. Super eyes aid such an appealing expression. Correct neck; well ribbed. Decidedly male and presented in super physical condition. Purposeful and determined on the move clearly demonstrating his exuberant character. 

2nd: Rudderham’s Dejaru Masquerade JW. 2 years. Black. So attractive in profile. Masculine head containing dark eyes. Good dentition. Correct for neck, well-placed shoulders. OK for ribbing. Beautifully presented lengthy coat but preferred the texture and undercoat of 1. Moved very well covering the ground with ease. 

OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: Willoughby’s Palshar Jimmy Choo. 4 years. Lots to admire here.  Lovely overall shape. Attractive head with strong square muzzle, correct slight stop. Well placed shoulders. Stands on lovely feet. Body is well ribbed with firm topline and high set tail. Admirable coat texture. Accurate on the move, he was a serious contender in the highly competitive challenge, when on the final ‘go around’ he just became slightly less animated but notwithstanding a worthy recipient of the RCC.

2nd: Lambert’s  Shamisha's Black Belt. 3 years. B/W. Another quality dog. Decidedly masculine but not overdone. Impressive head with dark eyes and correct dentition.  Balanced neck of correct length. Secure  topline with the required slight arch over the loin. Body is well ribbed.  Confident mover but not quite the forehand of 1. Correctly textured coat, well presented.

3rd: Lawrence’s  Tazique Wish Me Luck.

VB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Williams’s  Araki Magic Snowflake. 7 years. Well-made and of pleasing proportions.  Head of correct balance but could be stronger.  Attractive dark eyes. Of sufficient bone and substance. Presented in correct coat. Moved very soundly but without conviction. 

MPB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Dyer’s Waterley Easy On The Eye. B/W. A charming feminine puppy ticking so many boxes for breed type. Head is appealing being of good shape and balance, containing dark expressive eyes. Correct dentition and strength of underjaw. Overall she is lovely for size and shape producing that appealing silhouette. Impressive to examine and for her age she is well built and sturdy and compact in body. Well angulated hindquarters. Moved with confidence, covering the ground with ease and with a certain charm. Her coat was presented in immaculate condition. Well handled. I thought her something special. BPB & BPIB.

2nd: Plummer & Knight’s Araki Colour My World For Tetsikarma NAF TAF. Gold/W coat. Another promising baby with many of the same attributes of 1, but appeared a tad longer cast. On the move she produces strong rear drive from well angulated hindquarters. Front just to settle. Beautifully presented and well handled. 

Class PB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Marley & Thirlwell’s  Myrlea Just An Illusion. 10 ½ months. Super to examine. Impressive balanced head containing dark eyes; good for underjaw and dentition. Correct neck, compact body with ribbing.  Tail well set. Correct feet. Moves so well and extremely confident with it. In great coat and condition. 

2nd: Plummer & Knight’s Araki Colour My World For Tetsikarma NAF TAF.  2nd in MPB.

JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Erskine-Jones & Guy’s Unohoo Magical Maddie. 15 months old charming gold/w who cannot fail to catch the eye. She is so beautifully constructed having a compact body with neck of correct length to balance. Well ribbed; strong short loins. Tail well set. Ultra feminine headpiece containing expressive dark eyes.  Well-developed underjaw and correct scissor bite. Admirable front and rear angulations.  In super coat and condition. She stands so well. On the move she is a joy to watch. Among great company I was delighted to award her the RCC. 

2nd: Knight’s, Araki I Am Hot Your Not. 16 months. Another gold/w feminine lady built on similar lines and with many of the same attributes. Appealing balanced headpiece, neck of correct length. Secure backline. Well ribbed. Moved purposefully but not quite as collected as 1. Presented in great condition. 

3rd: Rees & Blake’s  Shamisha's Butterfly


YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Armstrong  & Cherry’s Araki Fantasy Funtime At Tizzycharm. 16 months. Gold/s/w. Impressive on the stand producing a pleasing outline.  Feminine head with a lovely expression from super eyes. Good for neck and body. Well set tail. Good feet. On the move she was determined to sniff the grass so looked elongated. When settled she should do well.  


NB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Plummer & Knight’s  Araki Colour My World For Tetsikarma NAF TAF. 

2nd: Williams’s  Shadeacre Viva La Vida At Dolkar (Imp Swe). 14 months. B/W. Feminine headpiece with correct skull and muzzle ratios, expressive eyes and good dentition.  Neck of correct length to balance. Secure  topline and good  ribcage. Still immature, she is a tad narrow all through but plenty of time for her to develop. Produces a pleasing outline when standing. 

GB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Armstrong & Cherry’s Araki Fantasy Funtime At Tizzycharm. 1st YB. 

2nd: Lawrence’s Araki Hotsie Totsie. 3 years. She presents a pleasing outline, is of good proportions and nice to examine. Unfortunately, she was so unhappy today, standing and moving with her tail down which was such a pity. She was fit, in good coat and well presented.

3rd: Dyer’s  Tasica Absolutely Fabulous.

PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Rutley’s Araki Not On Your Nelly At Javey JW. 2 years B/W. Impressive feminine head giving typical expression. Balanced neck above well laid shoulders. Well angulated forequarters produced an impressive forehand. Body is well ribbed.  Secure topline, short couplings which gave her the edge over 2. Strong hindquarters aided impressive movement. 

2nd: Cherry’s  Lynces More Than A Dream. 4 years Black. Mature and nice for overall balance. Well proportioned head, well pigmentation with good dentition; well-placed ears. Liked her bone and substance. Secure topline and high set on tail, carried well. Confident mover but preferred front movement of 1. 

LB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Plummer & Bingham’s Araki Krazie Maizie For Tetsikarma JW. 2 years. Whilst I appreciate she may be considered up to size, her breed attributes cannot be denied. Delightful feminine head which was balanced, portraying a lovely expression. Correct lay of shoulders and  length of neck, sturdy front. Correct shaped feet. Impressive for depth of chest and ribs, firm in topline. Tail is well set and carried. Sturdy throughout. Profusely coated and presented to perfection. Moved beautifully which was a pleasure to watch  and gave her the edge in this highly competitive class.  

2nd: Fairclough’s Shamisha Miss Aggi Panthus At Jufari. B/W 2 years and another lovely lady. Good for size and and produces a balanced outline. Shapely head containing dark appealing eyes; well set ears. Good for dentition and underjaw. Body is well ribbed  with short loin and feathered is tail set well. Well laid shoulders and muscular hindquarters. She moved very well.

3rd: Bateman’s  Kybo Santa Monica

OB (10 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Marley & Thirlwell’s Ch Myrlea Martha Reeves. 4 years old Black. Impressive in outline with neck of correct length. Well ribbed, compact body with secure firm topline.  Skull is well proportioned, containing the most expressive of dark eyes enhanced by great pigmentation all aiding the desired breed expression. Strong forequarters of sturdy bone and impressive rear angulations produce soundness personified and it was just all so easy. When standing her silhouette is so typical. Delighted to award her CC & BOB. 

2nd: Willoughby’s  Palshar All That Glitters JW. B/W. Beautifully proportioned. Heavily coated and well presented. I admired her head which is feminine whilst demonstrating  strength and balance. Ideal neck. Well bodied.  Her angulations are moderate and not overstated. She moved well demonstrating a secure topline and well set tail. She is totally sound and honest. 

3rd: Palmer’s Shamisha Showcase For Gemaras

SBB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Dyer’s Waterley Easy On The Eye. 1st in MPB BPIB & Best SB.

2nd: Rees & Blake’s  Shamisha's Butterfly. 1 year. Attractive head and eyes.  Feminine but of sturdy constitution. Good for neck and shoulders but perhaps a tad long in loin. Holds a secure topline.  Her profile movement was balanced and sound, both fore and aft. In lovely condition and sympathetically handled.