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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Hound Group, Irish Wolfhound

BEST OF BREED : 3635 TREADWELL, Mrs D Floydian Savanna
Dog CC : 3632 TEBBUTT, Mrs D Caredig Mafioso
Res Dog CC : 3620 PASK, Mrs P A & PASK, Mr P V Baronglen The Nobleman (A.I) JW
Bitch CC : 3635 TREADWELL, Mrs D Floydian Savanna
Res Bitch CC : 3616 FORRET, Mrs S J Banshee Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft (Imp) I
Best Puppy : 3632 TEBBUTT, Mrs D Caredig Mafioso
Best Veteran : 3607 BOGART, Mr Gary & BOGART, Mrs Elaine Mascotts Story Teller at Incitatus
Best Special Beginner :

Class 1729 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3607 BOGART, Mr Gary & BOGART, Mrs Elaine Mascotts Story Teller at Incitatus

Class 1730 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 1731 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3632 TEBBUTT, Mrs D Caredig Mafioso

Class 1732 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 1733 YD (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Class 1734 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 3622 SEVERN-KUMAR, Mrs M L Gaelmarque Nomateus

Class 1735 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 3620 PASK, Mrs P A & PASK, Mr P V Baronglen The Nobleman (A.I) JW

Class 1736 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3621 HARPWOOD MBE, Miss Ann L M Gaelmarque Dark Horse at Finloren


Class 1738 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3613 CRAMPHORN, Mrs R Yelxba Victoria Sh.CM

Class 1739 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 3

Class 1740 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Class 1741 JB NO ENTRIES

Class 1742 YB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3616 FORRET, Mrs S J Banshee Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft (Imp) I

Class 1743 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3616 FORRET, Mrs S J Banshee Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft (Imp) I

Class 1744 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 3615 FORRET, Mrs S J Valkiria Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft (Imp) I

Class 1745 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3635 TREADWELL, Mrs D Floydian Savanna
2nd: 3617 HARMER, Mr & Mrs K F & Y T Comedias it's About Liberty at Ballanroo (Swed Imp



It was desperately disappointing to have had a nice entry which was then decimated by absentees. Having said that, I am fully aware that the well being and welfare of our Hounds takes precedence over attending a dog show. 

I was fortunate to have a decent entry and although only 11 Hounds were shown under me, I didn't feel the need to withold first places.

Veteran Dog- 1. 

1st : Bogart's Mascott Story Teller at Incitatus.

Lovely 7 year old Veteran who is a credit to his ownwers. He was well presented and is in fit condition. Tall and upstanding with long straight bone , well proportioned and nice make and shape.

Kind head with an expressive eye.

Strong neck of good length into a fair shoulder with forechest. Substance throughout. Rise to underline. Moderately angulated hindquarters which he used well on the move to drive off his hocks. Sound and active  movement in profile, covered the ring well, still enthusiastic and enjoying his day. Well set on and carried tail. Good coat.

Best Veteran.

Minor Puppy Dog - 1 ab.

Puppy Dog -1

Tebbutt's Caredig Mafioso.

What an outstanding puppy, he took my breath away as he came into the ring.

Only 10 months old, but so well grown, beautifully made and totally balanced, presenting a fantastic picture of an impressive Hound with quality, both standing and on the move.

Encompassed breed type.

Very handsome masculine head with a kind eye with far away expression. Strong jaw with excellent bite. Already crest and strength to neck. Well laid angulated shoulder placement, forechest with width and depth of chest, elbows well set under. Long strong bone. Tight feet. Curvacious lines and substance throughout. Bend of stifle, muscled and in hard condition showing in his overall soundness, freedom and activity  in movement all ways. Excellent coat.

Best Puppy & Dog CC. 1st Hound Puppy Group.

Junior Dog - 1 ab

Yearling Dog - 2  ab

Post Grad Dog -4 {3ab}

1st: Severn -Kumar's Gaelmarque Nomateus.

Houndy head  with length of muzzle and well held ears, but slightly light in eye. Length of neck into well laid shoulder and depth and width of forechest. Good bone and tight feet. A little long in loin. Width over croup. Curvacious hindqurters with angulated stifle with width through and well let down hocks. Harsh coat texture. Well conditioned. Extension in front and reachy movement in profile, but a little close behind.

Limit Dog - 5 {3ab}

1st: Pask's Baronglen The Nobleman.

An apt name for a very imposing stallion Hound of commanding appearance, but today he was rather unsettled in the ring and not giving of his best.  { Apparently bitches in season at home}. 

The loveliest of heads, strong,  masculine beautifully furnished and held high. Dark eye with soft far away expression. 

Powerful strong crested neck into angulated shoulder with forechest, but a little lacking in length and slope to upper arm.

Long strong excellent bone, tight feet. Width and depth throughout. Maintained his topline on the move, with rise over the loin. Moderately angulated hindquarters with length of second thigh. Strode out well in profile but erratic coming and going, particularly in rear movement.

Excellent harsh coat and shown in hard conditon.

Res CC.

2nd: Severn-Kumar'sGaelmarque Quintus.

A smaller Hound and not the stature of 1st, less mature and not yet finished.

Another decent head with length of muzzle and big black nose, but a little light in eye. Ear carriage good. Strength of neck into angulated shoulder, but requires a little more length and slope to upper arm.

Good bone, tends to turn out L forefoot. Has substance, but rather long in loin. Width over croup. Adequate bend of stifle. Nicely conditioned. Good coat.

Active movement in profile but tends to move a little close behind.



Open Dog - 2 {1ab}

1st: Harpwood's Gaelmarque Dark Horse at Finloren.

Strong substantial honest masculine Hound.

Lovely head with the softest expressionand dark eye. Well held rose ear.

Crested strong neck into well laid shouldergiving depth and width to forechest. A little upright in upper arm.

Length and strength to bone, a little flat in forefeet and toes in a little coming. Substance and strength through and nicely bodied up. 

Adequate bend of stifle.

Moved out well in profile, powerful and active, but uncollected coming and going.

Harsh coat. In good condition. 


SBD - No entries


Veteran Bitch - 1

1st : Cramphorn's Yelxba Victoria.

A lovely bitch of beautiful old fashioned type, sadly just beginning to show her age and in the heat today wasnot very enthusiastic on the move, although she remains absolutely sound and was still enjoying her day out. She has the sweetest temperament.

Feminine head with the softest expression. Angulated front assembly with forechest, Strong bone. Lost her underline a little. Lovely topline with rise over loin and width across croup. Bend of stifle with width through. Well let down hocks. Thick well covered tail, which she carried well. A pleasure to see her today.


Minor Puppy Bitch -3 {3 ab }

Puppy Bitch - 2 {2 ab}

Junior Bitch - No entries

Yearling Bitch - 2 {1 ab}

1st: Forrett's Banshee Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft.

Very young looking shapely elegant bitch of quality and flowing lines, but not carrying enough  weight { apparently following her season }  needs to body up and develop more substance.

Of super type.

Attractive feminine head with furnishings. Keen dark eye giving an alert expression. Excellent bite.

Length of neck into a well laid shoulder, needs a little more length and slope to upper arm. Little flat in forfeet. Topline with rise over loin and lovely sweep to underline. Curvacious quarters and low hocks which she has the potential to drive off, but her movement was at times erratic coming and going, although she gaits well in profile.

She became more settled and movement enhanced the more she was shown and had therefore improved for the handler that exhibited her in the bitch line up.

She has scope and potential

Res CC.

Post Grad Bitch - 2 {1 ab}

1st: Forrett's Banshee Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft.

Winner of previous class.

Limit Bitch - 4 {3 ab}

1st : Forrett's Valkiria Della Bassa Pavese at Culvercroft.

A substantial bitch of classic type, but a little more leg length would  improve her outline to present a more balanced overall picture.

A pretty, well furnished head with well held ear. Soulful dark eye. Excellent bite.

Length of neck into good shoulder placement with forechest. Strong bone. A little flat in forefeet. Nicely bodied up, but dips a little in topline. Well angulated hindquarters with width through the stifle. 

Gaited well in profile and movement was active, but she was rather erratic coming and going and somewhat uncollected behind. 



Open Bitch - 4 {2 ab}

1st: Treadwell's Floydian Savanna.

Not the biggest of bitches and fairly compact but oozes quality and has great presence whilst retaining femininity. She has the most wonderful old fashioned head, held high with superb  carriage, supported by a beautifully crested neck. Alert and looking into the distance, a true huntress.

Powerful and in hard muscular condition, which showed in her easy, active, driving movement, so stylish and ground covering. She looks as though she could hunt all day.

Beautiful head, if a little short in muzzle. Strong arched neck into angulated shoulder placement with length and slope to upper arm and superb forechest, giving her extension in front movement.  Substance  and flowing lines throughout. Maintained her topline on the move and sweep to underline. Strong hindquarters with well let down hocks. Well set on carried tail . Excellent harsh coat.

Thoroughly deserved CC and BOB.

2nd: Harmer's Comedias it' all About  Liberty at Ballanroo { Swedish Imp}

Lovely typy dark bitch, although longer cast. Has presence and commanding appearance.

Superb feminine head with kind expression, length of muzzle and lovely furnishings.

Powerful neck into well laid shoulder and good forechest . Strong bone, a little flat in forefeet.

Substance through. Rise over loin and width through croup. Well bent stifle with length of second thigh and low hock. Lovely carriage of long well covered tail. Nicely conditioned.

Extended well and moved out in profile, a little uncoordinated behind. 

Close decision for the Res CC, the winner was of more classic type and not so long cast.


Special Beginners Bitch - No entries.



Chris MacLeod,
