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Karen Joyce

Judging: Gundog Group, Retriever (Flat Coated)

Judges Report
Flatcoated Retrievers Richmond Championship Show 8.9.23

Judge: Karen Joyce (Stranfaer)

Thanks go to the committee for my invitation, my stewards for their help and humour and to the exhibitors for their entry on what was a challenging day to show, the heat made it very difficult and the movement of a number of exhibits was affected because of this which consequently affected some of my decisions on the day.

Veteran Dog (3,0)

1st Staff’s Bonnyhilbrae Royal Flush. 7yrs, of correct size, well coated and presented in hard condition. A classic head, good reach of neck, correct all round angulation. Level top- line held on the move with tail carried straight off his back. Moved true and with drive. Best Veteran in Breed.

2nd Bellamy’s Bochilbarley Blue Moon (ai) ShCEx. Again 7yrs and of similar size to winner. Typical head with dark eye and kind expression good front, well boned, level top- line with correct tail set, correct bend of stifle, slightly longer in loin than 1st, well coated and feathered, didn’t have the driving movement of winner today.

3rd Tagg & Gordon’s Oiyou King Creole SGWS.

Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)

1st Woodham’s Kulawand Casanova. 7mths, stood alone but still worthy of the win. Lovely head with kind expression and dark eye, good reach of neck, pronounced sternum, would prefer slightly more angulation to shoulders. Good amount of bone for age, tight feet, level top-line with tail carried straight off his back. Moved confidently for one so young. Best Puppy Dog.

Junior Dog (4,1)

1st Bowen’s Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine. 13mths, just out of junior but has the maturity to easily hold his own in this older class. Up to size, hope he hasn’t much more growing to do, nevertheless well proportioned, presenting a lovely profile standing and on move. Enough bone, tight feet, level top-line, good all round angulation, moved with drive.

2nd Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy. 17mths boy of correct size, classic head, dark eye and kind expression, correct reach of neck into well angulated shoulders. Adequate bone for this stage of development tail carried straight off his back, good bend of stifle, well feathered coat and presented in hard condition. Not quite as together on the move as winner.

3rd Mayne’s Wistaston Jetson. 17mths.

Yearling Dog (3,0)

1st Drottsgard’s Moonstruck This is The One. 19mths, boy of correct size well balanced standing and on the move. Lovely head, melting expression, dark eye. Well angulated all round with good spring of rib and good amount of bone. Won the class on his accurate driving movement although would prefer a slightly lower tailset to complement his profile.

2nd Brown & Campbells Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy 2nd in Junior 3rd Bellamy’s Bochilbarley Goblet of Fire.

Graduate Dog (6,2)

1st Gribble’s Jazzanraga Adventurer. Liver boy, presented a super profile both standing and on the move, highlighted by the fact he had sadly left his coat at home but couldn’t be denied the class win. Well off for bone, tight feet, typical head and expression, good reach of neck into correct shoulders, level top-line and correct tail set good bend of stifle completed the picture. Moved true coming & going powered round the ring.

2nd Hessing’s Hoedun Daddy’s Eyes at Montechor. Took a while to settle. Balanced boy of correct size and adequate bone. Classic head, dark eye, Scissor bite, good all round angulation with level top-line, tail carried straight off his back. Not quite as purposeful on the move as winner.

3rd Gulbis’s Blacklake Lysander for Gayplume.

Post Graduate Dog (5,1)

First two dogs of similar type and both up to size for me, so many comments apply to both.

1st Harvey’s Moontorn Black Magic. Presents a super profile typical head with a gentle expression and dark eye. Good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, tail carried straight off his back, correct angulation, good spring of rib, well feathered, moved true coming and going with a constantly wagging tail.

2nd Tierling & Fewster’s Lizzlog Moonlighting at Karaholme. A boy in fantastic coat with super bone, kind head and expression, would prefer a little more angulation to shoulder. Good top-line and tail set with tail carried straight off his back on the move, good bend of stifle and rear angulation slightly longer in loin than winner. Presented in really hard condition helping him drive round the ring.

3rd Kearton’s Braemist Bootlegger at Ravenhall.

Limit Dog (8,2)

The heat of the day started to take its toll on movement in this class.

1st Taite’s Gamerights Troyte. A well coated boy of the correct size. Typical head with melting expression. Good reach of neck and correct angulation all round and well off for bone, tight feet, level top-line with tail carried straight off his back, in hard condition, moved true and with drive. Res.CC.

2nd Durrant’s Glenturret Happy Go Lucky JW. SGWC. KCWGC. A slightly smaller dog than winner, but a balanced boy, who also moved well holding a level top-line with his tail carried straight off his back. In good coat with all feathering. Good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, stands fore square naturally with a good bend of stifle but when stacked he can be over-stretched to rear making him appear straight and spoiling his profile.

3rd Romeo-Dieste’s Hopevalley Morning Circus.

Open Dog (3,1)

A close decision between these 2 boys 1st was more accurate and driving on the move today but I imagine they could easily swop places on another day.

1st Trotter’s Ch. Lussac Winter Wizard JW. ShCex. OSW. SGWS. Typically moulded head with kind expression, good reach of neck well set into shoulders. Good all round angulation. Well off for bone, tight feet, Presents a lovely balanced profile standing and on the move complemented by a good coat and feathering. Presented in hard condition, moved true and with drive. Dog CC and BOB.

2nd Smitherman & Robert’s Seaheart Crian at Gloi JW. A dog I have always liked but today the heat meant he didn’t quite bring his ‘A’ game. He is of correct size and presents a balanced profile both standing and moving. Classic head, dark eye, good reach of neck, well angulated shoulder, level top-line with correct tail set, good bend to stifle and a muscled rear. Moved true but without the drive today.


Veteran Bitch.(5,2)

1st Deacon’s Tonggreen Woodland Nymph of Harlistream. 7yrs old and a lovely size for a bitch. In good coat, nicely moulded head with melting expression. Good reach of neck well angulated shoulders, adequate bone and tight feet. Level top-line with good tail set, moved true coming and going showing balanced profile with constantly wagging tail coming straight off back.

2nd Kearton’s O’Flanagan Brogan’s Legacy at Ravenhall. Taf. Another lovely sized bitch of 7yrs, sufficient bone, not quite the coat of first but a very waggy tail! Balanced in profile, pronounced sternum, good all round angulation and correct length of loin. Level top-line with tail carried straight off back but not as positive on the move as winner.

3rd Merriman’s Candiliz Pina Colada.

Minor Puppy Bitch. (6,1)

A lovely class of babies I was splitting hairs for some decisions.

1st Carter’s Seaheart Effie at Harmarlanda. 7mths pretty girl, happy and very confident in the ring. Feminine correctly moulded head with melting expression. Good length of neck, well angulated shoulders, pronounced sternum, correct amount of bone for age. Level top- line with tail carried straight off her back, good bend of stifle, moved accurately and with confidence. Best Puppy in Breed.

2nd Goodman’s Flatcharm Fabulous Moolah at Beanit. 7mths, unlucky to meet winner, could easily change places another day. Another bitch of correct size, pretty head, dark eyes and gentle expression. Good reach of neck, would prefer slightly more angulation to upper arm. Level top-line with good tail set, tail carried straight off her back on the move. Appropriate amount of bone, correct turn of stifle, moved true coming and going enjoying her day out.

3rd Kiddell’s Diamante Blu Regina Della Pace to Hameldowntor. 8mths.

Puppy Bitch (6,1)

1st Carter’s Seaheart Effie at Harmarlanda. First in minor puppy.

2nd Beeson’s Esined Burning Bright. 9mths, Lovely in profile, feminine head, kind expression, dark eye. Correct amount of bone for age, balanced in profile with good neck length, correct angulation fore and aft and a level top-line held on the move. Moved with confidence with true movement both coming and going.

3rd Kiddell’s Diamante Blu Regina Della Pace to Hameldowntor.

Junior Bitch (4,0)

1st Izzard’s Bryshot Starlight Express. 13mths, Bitch of correct size, balanced, with appropriate coat and feathering for age. Presented a super profile with a good amount of bone for her stage of development. Feminine head with dark eye, Good all round

angulation, level top-line with wagging tail carried straight off her back, moved true and with confidence, a young lady clearly not affected by the heat today.

2nd Durrant’s Glenturret Gypsy Tart. 17mth old liver bitch, unlucky to meet first. Nice dark colour with lovely profile standing and on the move. Not the bone of first, but with correct front and rear angulation and a pronounced sternum. Not as positive on the move as I have seen previously.

3rd Tagg’s Oiyou Double Expresso JW. 17mth

Yearling Bitch (7,3)

1st Izzard’s Bryshot Starlight Express. First in Junior.

2nd Scott’s Hightyne Blue River (AY4) 23mths, sweet bitch of correct size and well balanced. In good coat with all feathering. Typical head with gentle expression, good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders, good rear angles. Moved true when settled and run on a shorter lead.

3rd Smitherman’s Seaheart Diva. 21mths.

Novice Bitch (5,0)

1st Deacon’s Harlistream Rainy Day. A lovely feminine bitch of correct size and adequate bone, sadly left her coat at home but construction and movement meant she couldn’t be denied her win. Typical head with melting feminine expression, good reach of neck and well angulated shoulders leading to level top-line with tail carried straight off her back, good rear angulation helping her true driving movement.

2nd Perring‘s Gadfly Black Sparkle. Unlucky to meet 1st ,very similar type to winner although she brought her coat with her! Bitch of correct size, with classic feminine head and dark eye, good length of neck onto well angulated shoulders, pronounced sternum and appropriate bone. Nice turn of stifle and well muscled rear, moved true with constantly wagging tail carried straight off her back.

3rd Knight’s Blacklake Nerisa.

Graduate Bitch (5, 1 withdrawn)

1st Chamber’s Hototo Pretty Ballerina JW. A very pretty bitch of correct size with adequate bone. Feminine head and expression, dark eye, good reach of neck, well angulated all round, level top-line with correct tail carriage straight off her back. Moved true and with drive.

2nd Goodman’s Blacklake Dark Lady for Gayplume. Not quite as animated on the move as winner, possibly due to the heat but still a lovely lady unlucky to meet first where lots of similar comments apply. Well coated, typical head with melting expression, well laid shoulders, pronounced sternum, tight feet, level top-line correct tail carriage when moving.

3rd Scott’s Hightyne Blue River (AY4) 2nd in yearling.

Post Graduate Bitch (9,1)

Lovely close class really splitting hairs with some placing.

1st Perring’s Bumblyn Jasmin @ Gadfly. A balanced bitch of correct size, moved well when settled. Presented in good coat and hard condition. Feminine head and expression with dark eye, good bone and tight feet. Level top-line continued by tail straight off her back. Good all round angulation. Res.CC.

2nd Bellamy’s Moontorn Better Half of Me. JW. Unlucky to meet first. Again a balanced bitch of correct size, level top-line with correct tail carriage. Moved true both coming and going and with drive despite the heat maintaining her wagging tail. Well angulated all round with good reach of neck, pronounced sternum good bone and tight feet. Presented in good coat.

3rd Cobby’s Waverton Ice and Fire.

Limit Bitch (5,3)

1st Romeo-Dieste’s Hopevalley Morning Wicked. Showed her socks off despite the heat, a pretty bitch with feminine head and expression and dark eye. Good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders and good bend of stifle to rear. Presented lovely profile both standing and on the move. Level top-line with tail (constantly wagging) carried straight off her back moved true and with drive. Bitch CC

2nd Kearton’s Hopevalley Morning Dew at Ravenhall. Another lady of correct size in good coat with all feathering. Typical head with melting expression, good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders, good bone and tight feet, correct rear angulation, level top-line. Moved true but not with the animation of winner,

3rd Bowen’s Candiliz Funky Monkey at Clandrift.

Open Bitch (6,3)

Very tight decisions split these 3 girls and I’m sure places will change on other, less hot days.

1st Bellamy’s Moontorn Goddess of Love. Very feminine and balanced girl of correct size, well angulated all round, good level of bone and tight feet, pronounced sternum, well sprung ribs. Tail carried straight off her back maintaining her top-line. Presented in good coat and condition. Moved true.

2nd Holland’s Flatcharm Bianca Del Rio. Close decision with first and many of the comments apply to this young lady. Classic head, good reach of neck, well boned with good all round angulation, tail carried straight off her back, moved true but not with the drive of first.

3rd Romeo-Dieste’s Hopevalley Morning Rainbow JW,

Special Beginners Bitch (2,0)

1st Role’s Nancynooo Blue Diamond. Dark liver bitch, 8 mths, VHC in Minor Puppy and Puppy. Well boned for age, Classic head with feminine expression, would prefer slightly more angulation to shoulders, pronounced sternum, level top-line, tail carried gaily slightly above her back. Good bend of stifle, confident and true on the move.

2nd Perry’s Kamberin Anniversary Waltz. Liver bitch with dark coat, placed 4th in Graduate. Slightly more coat and feathering than winner but not the bone, Pretty head melting expression, good reach of neck, correct lay of shoulder, pronounced sternum level top-line, with correct tail set would prefer slightly less bend of stifle. Very cautious on the move and reluctant to wag while standing, maybe she was just too hot.

Karen Joyce
Stranfaer Flatcoated Retrievers.




BEST OF BREED : 1043 TROTTER, Mrs & Mr M & I Ch Lussac Winter Wizard JW ShCEx OSW SGWS
Dog CC : 1043 TROTTER, Mrs & Mr M & I Ch Lussac Winter Wizard JW ShCEx OSW SGWS
Res Dog CC : 1041 TAITE, Mrs Celia Gamerights Troyte
Bitch CC : 1028 ROMEO-DIESTE, Mrs M E Hopevalley Morning Wicked
Res Bitch CC : 1021 PERRING, Mrs Jane Bumblyn Jasmin @ Gadfly
Best Puppy : 983 CARTER, Mrs Amanda Seaheart Effie at Harmarlanda
Best Veteran : 1034 STAFF, Mrs Christine Anne Bonnyhilbrae Royal Flush
Best Special Beginner : 1025 ROLES, Mrs Jo Nancynooo Blue Diamond

Class 491 VD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1034 STAFF, Mrs Christine Anne Bonnyhilbrae Royal Flush
2nd: 974 BELLAMY, Miss Abby & BELLAMY, Mrs Penny Bochilbarley Blue Moon ai ShCEx
3rd: 1040 TAGG, Mrs S & GORDON, Mr & Mrs Alastair & Lisa Oiyou King Creole SGWS

Class 492 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1049 WOODHAMS, Mrs Julie & WOODHAMS, Mr Steve Kulawand Casanova


Class 494 JD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 979 BOWEN, Mrs V Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine
2nd: 982 BROWN, Miss Michelle Anne & CAMPBELL, Mrs Jenny Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy

Class 495 YD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1004 DROTTSGARD, Mrs Christina Moonstruck This Is The One
2nd: 982 BROWN, Miss Michelle Anne & CAMPBELL, Mrs Jenny Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy
3rd: 975 BELLAMY, Miss Abby & BELLAMY, Mrs Penny Bochilbarley Goblet of Fire JW

Class 496 ND (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 497 GD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 996 GRIBBLE, Mrs J Jazzanraga Adventurer
2nd: 981 HESSING, Mrs M Hoedun Daddy's Eyes at Montechor
3rd: 999 GULBIS, Mrs Alison Blacklake Lysander for Gayplume
Res: 1039 TAGG, Mrs S & GORDON, Mr & Mrs A & L Tlilpotonqui Oberon by Oiyou

Class 498 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 971 HARVEY, Mrs Caroline Moontorn Black Magic
2nd: 1042 TIERLING, Mrs R & FEWSTER, Mr Steve Lizzlog Moonlighting at Karaholme
3rd: 1010 KEARTON, Mrs S D Braemist Bootlegger at Ravenhall

Class 499 LD (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1041 TAITE, Mrs Celia Gamerights Troyte
2nd: 992 DURRANT, Mrs, Mr & Mr C, A & M Glenturret Happy Go Lucky JW (SGWC KCWGC}
3rd: 1029 ROMEO-DIESTE, Mrs M E Hopevalley Morning Circus
Res: 1001 HOLLAND, Miss Kelly Louise Flatcharm Mayhem Miller
VHC: 1031 SLADE, Mrs Susan Hightyne Fly Me To The Moon

Class 500 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1043 TROTTER, Mrs & Mr M & I Ch Lussac Winter Wizard JW ShCEx OSW SGWS
2nd: 1032 SMITHERMAN, Miss G & ROBERTS, Dr Larry Seaheart Crian at Gloi JW

Class 501 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

Class 502 VB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 990 DEACON, Mrs Rachel Tonggreen Woodland Nymph of Harlistream
2nd: 1008 KEARTON, Mrs S D O' Flanagan Brogan's Legacy At Ravenhall TAF
3rd: 1016 MERRIMAN, Mrs Catherine Elizabeth Candiliz Pina Colada

Class 503 MPB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 983 CARTER, Mrs Amanda Seaheart Effie at Harmarlanda
2nd: 995 GOODMAN, Mrs Susan & GOODMAN, Mr Philip Flatcharm Fabulous Moolah At Beanit
3rd: 1011 KIDDELL, Miss Andrea Diamante Blu Regina Della Pace To Hameldowntor
Res: 989 COOVES, Mrs Laura & COOVES, Mr Frank Benvellyn Nyanga at Draketor
VHC: 1025 ROLES, Mrs Jo Nancynooo Blue Diamond

Class 504 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 983 CARTER, Mrs Amanda Seaheart Effie at Harmarlanda
2nd: 970 BEESON, Ms Denise Carole Esined Burning Bright
3rd: 1011 KIDDELL, Miss Andrea Diamante Blu Regina Della Pace To Hameldowntor
Res: 989 COOVES, Mrs Laura & COOVES, Mr Frank Benvellyn Nyanga at Draketor
VHC: 1025 ROLES, Mrs Jo Nancynooo Blue Diamond

Class 505 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1003 IZZARD, Mr B & Mrs G Bryshot Starlight Express
3rd: 1038 TAGG, Mrs S Oiyou Double Espresso JW
Res: 1035 STOCK, mrs Nicola Oiyou Espresso Martini

Class 506 YB (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 1003 IZZARD, Mr B & Mrs G Bryshot Starlight Express
2nd: 1030 SCOTT, Ms Jennifer Anne Hightyne Blue River(AY4)
3rd: 1033 SMITHERMAN, Miss G & SMITHERMAN, Mr P S W Seaheart Diva

Class 507 NB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 991 DEACON, Mrs Rachel Harlistream Rainy Day
2nd: 1022 PERRING, Mrs Jane Gadfly Black Sparkle
3rd: 1012 KNIGHT, Ms Vanessa Blacklake Nerisa
Res: 1011 KIDDELL, Miss Andrea Diamante Blu Regina Della Pace To Hameldowntor
VHC: 1025 ROLES, Mrs Jo Nancynooo Blue Diamond

Class 508 GB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 985 CHAMBERS, Miss Caroline Hototo Pretty Ballerina JW
2nd: 994 GOODMAN, Mr G & Mrs J Blacklake Dark Lady for Gayplume
3rd: 1030 SCOTT, Ms Jennifer Anne Hightyne Blue River(AY4)
Res: 1023 PERRY, Mrs S W Kamberin Anniversary Waltz

Class 509 PGB (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1021 PERRING, Mrs Jane Bumblyn Jasmin @ Gadfly
2nd: 973 BELLAMY, Miss Abby Moontorn Better Half of Me JW
3rd: 987 COBBY, Mrs H J Waverton Ice And Fire
Res: 1005 MATHEWS, Mrs Paula Gemswin She's Got The Look
VHC: 988 COOVES, Mrs Laura & COOVES, Mr Frank Pajanbeck I Have A Dream By Draketor

Class 510 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1028 ROMEO-DIESTE, Mrs M E Hopevalley Morning Wicked
2nd: 1009 KEARTON, Mrs S D Hopevalley Morning Dew At Ravenhall
3rd: 978 BOWEN, Mrs V Candiliz Funky Monkey At Clandrift

Class 511 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 972 BELLAMY, Miss Abby Moontorn Goddess Of Love
2nd: 1000 HOLLAND, Miss Kelly Louise Flatcharm Bianca Del Rio
3rd: 1027 ROMEO-DIESTE, Mrs M E Hopevalley Morning Rainbow JW

Class 512 SBB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1025 ROLES, Mrs Jo Nancynooo Blue Diamond
2nd: 1023 PERRY, Mrs S W Kamberin Anniversary Waltz