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Mr Robert Phillips

Judging: Gundog Group, Retriever (Labrador)

Paignton & District Fanciers Association

Championship Show


3rd August 2024




First, I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their well run championship show, also my thanks to my two stewards John and Angela for their hard work in the smooth running of the classes.


I did find many were changing their coats but they will return, the chocolates were badly affected having patchy coloured coats.


Special Beginners Dog or Bitch 7


  1. Goodwins, McFarwins Flashing Lights (Gundog Special Beginners Group 1)

Yellow bitch, feminine head not overdone, good shaped almond eyes into good length of neck, nice forefront, well boned for her age, level topline to well set tail, deep through body, good turn of stifle and hocks, moved well.


  1. Evans, Trendlewood Long Time Comin

Yellow dog well balanced, male head, good stop and length of neck, level topline to well set tail, moved with drive from good second thigh and hocks


  1. Wightman’s, Langanhoe Lady Marmalade


Minor Puppy Dog 5 (1abs)


  1. Allen’s, Timouron Lady Killer

Chocolate dog of 7 months, good forefront, nice head, good stop and eye shape, the eye colour should improve with age, well set shoulders and topline, neat feet, moved well.


  1. Smith’s, Flyenpyg Jurgen Chopp

Black dog of 7 months, nice masculine head, good ear set, kind expression, good pigmentation, deep through body, level topline and tail, moved OK.


  1. Davey’s, Clanfield Guardsmen


Puppy Dog 7 (1wdn)


  1. Edwards, Frewlings Justin Rose at Bearstone

Black dog, nice head shape, good stop and set of the ears, eye shape correct and good colour, straight topline and tail set, good double coat, moved well fore and aft.


  1. McLellan’s, Saranden I’m on Fire

Yellow dog, masculine head and expression, kind eye and good stop, well placed shoulders good depth of chest, well boned legs, neat feet, moved well with drive, just preferred head of (1)


  1. Foster’s, Rochvale Beal


Junior Dog 7 (1abs)


  1.  Metcalf’s, Baileydale Rocket Man

Upstanding yellow dog who I noticed as he entered the ring, classic outline, a fine upstanding dog who should go far.  Well defined masculine head, correct eye shape and colour, good stop, balanced head and foreface, correct length of neck into well placed shoulders, level topline, deep through body and chest , well coupled length of body to good length of tail, well boned, excelled in turn of stifle and well let down hocks, neat feet, caried his topline on the move. Pleased to award him the R.C.C.


  1. Bishop’s, Trewinnard Vero into Demadon

Nice expression and kind head, good stop, ear placement and eye colour, nice length of neck and shoulder placement, level topline to good tail set, well let down stifle and hocks. Lighter build than my first placement, moved and covered the ground with ease.


  1. Johnson & Johnson’s, Cremino Celebrity


Yearling Dog (2)


  1.  Perkins, McFarwins Grey Legacy by Keeninspires.

Well grown yellow dog, masculine head, well placed ears, good stop and eye colour and shape, good pigmentation, well boned, excellent length of neck into good shoulders, level topline to well placed tailset, depth of chest gives good heart room, moved well.


  1.  Swift’s Hamsbeck Scruples

Yellow nice size dog with pleasing masculine head of good width, good eye colour and length of foreface, clean through neck to well placed shoulders, level topline and well set tail, nice angulations front and rear, well let down hocks, good bone, moved OK.


Post Graduate Dog 9 (2 abs)


  1.  Braddon’s Trendlewood One More Time

Upstanding yellow dog of good size, well boned, balanced masculine head with a kind expression, eyes almond shaped of good colour, good angulation front and back with turn of stifle and well let down hocks, on the move he kept his topline and covered the ground with ease.


  1. Harvey Major’s, Just The Joker in Linjor

Just preferred my first’s head, yellow dog well balanced throughout, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, deep chested, short coupled, well angulated back quarters, good second thighs, neat feet, moved well.


  1.  Bond’s Carpenny Padraig


Limit Dog 7 (1wd)


  1.  Perkins, Carromer Teguila by Keenspires

Nice medium sized yellow dog, pleasing and kind expression, good width of head not overdone, good stop, well set ears, hazel eye colour, deep through body and spring of rib, level topline to well set otter tail, well boned legs and neat feet, moved well.


  1.  Bond’s Carpenny Padraig

Another medium sized black dog, pleasing male head with kind expression, well sprung ribs, well boned, good length of neck into good shoulders, level topline and tail set, nice second thigh, neat feet, moved well.



  1.  Swift’s, Hamsbeck Hooray Hector


Open Dog 12 (2abs 1wd)


Very difficult to choose between these three black dogs all could change places another time.


  1. Hodge’s Sh.Ch.IR.Sh.Ch. Naiken East Meets West (AI) JW

Well balanced classic outline, excellent masculine head with kind expression, good well defined stop, eye shape and colour excellent, also well placed ear carriage, clean neck set into well placed shoulders, level topline to well carried otter tail, deep ribbed chest with plenty of heart room, well boned legs and neat feet, well angulated quarters with well let down hocks, shown in good muscular condition, kept his topline on the move covering the ground with easy strides. D.C.C and B.O.B


  1.  Metcalf’s Baileydale Puff Daddy JW

Yet another excellent black dog very hard to choose between them, well balanced  outline, good masculine head, good eye colour and almond shaped eyes, nice stop, well boned legs, deep chested, short coupled, well muscled quarters back and front, good second thighs and hocks and neat feet, moved well with drive.


  1.  Woodley’s Alkamhurst Moment of Truth


Veteran Dog 3 (1 abs)


  1.  Britton’s Llanstinan Louis Bowstones

Black dog with classic outline from his well defined head to his well clothed tail, clean neck and shoulders, level topline, deep through chest, short coupled, well boned, good coat, neat feet, moved well for his age.


  1. Jeffery’s, Lembas Swings Both Ways at Mibridge

Black dog, nice male head, good stop and eye shape, good pigmentation, slighter built throughout, dipped in topline while on the move, put this down to his age, close decision between these two seniors.


Minor Puppy Bitch 8 (2abs)


  1.  Metcalf’s, Trendlewood Its Only Love to Baileydale

A black girl with the classic outline I was looking for, feminine head with kind expression, well placed ears, good stop, correct depth of foreface and pigmentation, with good reach of neck into well developed angulated shoulders, level topline to well set otter tail. Developed rear quarters, second thigh and hocks, double coat of good texture, neat feet moved well.- Best Puppy


  1.  Braddon’s It Takes Two

Chocolate girl of 8 months, nice outline, kind head well moulded with good stop, eye shape and ear set, well placed shoulders, good front and back angulation, deep through brisket to well boned legs for age. Nice well clothed tail, neat feet, kept her topline on the move.


  1.  Allen’s Timouron Heartbreaker



Puppy Bitch 6 (1 abs)


  1.  McLellan’s Book of Dreams

Lovely yellow girl of good substance, everything in the right place, nice head with kind expression, good pigmentation, hazel eye colour and good shape, excellent reach of neck into well placed shoulders, short coupled to well developed second thigh, well let down hocks, good coat texture, well boned for age, moved with drive.


  1. Mills, Lembas Lucia

Hard to decide between these two, just preferred the head of my first place. All the same applies, feminine head and expression, good stop, clean line to head and neck, deep through body, well muscled body, level topline correct on the move, good textured coat with well clothed tail.


  1.  Braddon’s Trendlewood Proud Mary


Junior Bitch 7 (1 abs)


  1.  Woodley’s Alkamhurst London Girl

Black bitch with well shaped classic head, almond shaped eyes of good colour, neat ears, good stop, length of foreface and pigmentation. Excellent reach of neck set into well layed shoulders, good constructed front and back with well muscled deep body, nicely boned legs, neat feet, kept her topline when moving.



  1.  Goodwin’s McFarwins Flashing Lights

First in Special Beginners


  1.  Wightman’s Langanhoe Lady Marmalade


Yearling Bitch (7)


  1.  Lapper’s Tomative Annabelle JW

Another well built black girl of the type I was looking for, classic outline with feminine head, kind expression, best reach of neck into well placed shoulders, deep in body with a forechest, short coupled, level topline to well angulated back quarters, well set otter tail with well clothed double coat of depth. Well boned stifle and hocks to neat feet, moved well over difficult ground.


  1.  Allen’s Timouron Hush Hush

Black bitch, neat feminine head with sweet expression, nice width of head and well placed ears of correct size, good stop and length of foreface, good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders with a forefront, deep bodied and short coupled.  Good back angulation with turn of stifle and hock, neat feet, moved well. Difficult decision between these two, very close.


  1.  Wallace’s, Dreammake for Tiaja JW (Imp Dnk)



Post Graduate Bitch 13 (4abs)


  1.  Phillips, Rochevale Gypsy at Sheenaron

Yellow bitch of medium size but having classic outline, took my eye as she entered the ring.  Well balanced feminine head, neat ears well placed, almond shaped eyes of correct colour, good stop and pigmentation, 

excellent reach of neck into well angulated shoulders, deep bodied and good bone. Level topline to well set tail, good coat, second thigh and let down hocks to nice shaped feet. Moved well.


  1.  Mills, Jaybec Winter Wispa

Yellow bitch with an appealing head and expression with kind hazel eyes, good stop and foreface, clean neck into good shoulder placement, good chest width, deep body, short coupled, well developed second thigh and turn of stifle. Moved OK.


  1. Farrar’s Henissy Here We Go Again


Limit Bitch 20 (5 abs)


  1.  Coode’s, Warringah’s Pippingarra

Well built light yellow bitch with a lot of substance, well balanced head with neat well placed ears, good eye colour, stop and foreface, well defined reach of neck into well placed shoulders.  Deep through chest with well sprung ribs, short coupled to well developed strong quarters, good bone, well let down hocks, neat feet. Move well fore and aft and held her topline on the move. – Reserve C.C.


  1.  Bishop’s Chyanhal Pendray in Trendlewood

Yellow bitch of medium height, pleasing well defined head, well set ears, good eye shape and colour, good length of neck into good well placed upper arm. Level topline to correct tail set. Nice weather resistant double coat, well muscled second thighs. Moved OK.


  1.  Davey’s Clanfield Highland Rose


Open Bitch 14 (2abs 1wdn)


  1.  SH.CH. Nancy’s Special Treasure

Black bitch of medium size, good width of head not overdone in anyway, neat ear set, good shaped eyes of hazel colour, good stop and length of foreface, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, level topline to well clothed otter tail. Double weatherproof coat of excellent texture, well sprung ribs, short coupled body, well angulated front and back quarters, good second thigh and well let down hocks, neat feet. Moved well and covered the ground easily. – B.C.C


  1.  Pegg’s SH.CH. Jancet Aurora

Yellow bitch which has all the right qualities, kind head and expression, well set medium sized ears, good stop and length of foreface, nice length of neck into good lay of shoulders, deep through body, short coupling to well developed rear quarters with good angulation, well boned legs to neat feet. Moved well.


  1. Wilmshurt’s Kroppsmarkens Mamma Mia of Mandamay (imp Swe)


Veteran Bitch 5 (2 abs)


  1. Key’s Keydella Kafe Noir

Black bitch of medium height with a well defined classic outline, pleasing head with kind expression, neat ears well placed, almond shaped eyes of correct colour, good stop and length of foreface, good pigmentation, good reach of neck into well defined shoulders, deep through brisket and good spring of ribs, 

short coupled to well angulated back quarters, level topline, well boned, turn of stifle and hocks. Moved well for her age. – Best Veteran


  1. Lally’s SH.CH. Trewinnard Pimlico

Another lovely bitch which took my eye, hard to choose between these two, slightly small in height but has all the right qualities, balanced feminine head, good ear placement, eye colour and stop with length of foreface. Deep through chest, short coupled, good double coat and texture. Level topline and well clothed otter tail, well developed second thigh and turned down hocks, good shaped feet. Moved well


  1. Smith’s Flyenpyg Snout Like It.


Robert Phillips (Ryedown) Judge




BEST OF BREED : 2207 HODGE, Mr & Mrs & Miss Arv & R Sh Ch Ir Sh Ch Naiken East Meets West (ai) JW
Dog CC : 2207 HODGE, Mr & Mrs & Miss Arv & R Sh Ch Ir Sh Ch Naiken East Meets West (ai) JW
Res Dog CC : 2232 METCALFE, Mrs J & METCALFE, Mr A Baileydale Rocket Man JW
Bitch CC : 2206 BRADLEY, Mrs Penny Sh Ch Nancy's Special Treasure
Res Bitch CC : 2165 COODE, Mr D Warringah's Pippingarra
Best Puppy : 2229 METCALFE, Miss Kristie Trendlewood Its Only Love To Baileydale
Best Veteran : 2220 KEY, Mrs I M Keydella Kafe 'noir
Best Special Beginner : 2197 GOODWIN, Miss Debbie Mcfarwins Flashing Lights

Class 1130 SBD/B (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2197 GOODWIN, Miss Debbie Mcfarwins Flashing Lights
2nd: 2182 EVANS, Mrs Iris & EVANS, Mr Howard Trendlewood Long Time Comin
3rd: 2265 WIGHTMAN, Mrs Kathryn Langanhoe Lady Marmalade
Res: 2258 TREVAIL, Mrs Helen Menadue Should Be Dancing
VHC: 2247 PHILPOTT, Mrs Clare Clarisview Primrose

Class 1131 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2148 ALLEN, Mrs C Allen & Mr D Timouron Lady Killer
2nd: 2253 SMITH, Miss Caroline Flyenpyg Jurgen Chopp
3rd: 2167 DAVEY, Mr & Mrs A & N Clanfield Guardsmen
Res: 2189 FINDJAN, Mrs Vivienne Rossacre The Duke

Class 1132 PD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2176 EDWARDS, Mrs Alison Frewlings Justin Rose At Bearstone
2nd: 2226 MCLELLAN, Mr & Mrs D & S Saranden I'm On Fire
3rd: 2195 FOSTER, Mr Mark Rochevale Beal
Res: 2175 EDWARDS, Mrs Alison Frewlings Gary Player At Bearstone
VHC: 2182 EVANS, Mrs Iris & EVANS, Mr Howard Trendlewood Long Time Comin

Class 1133 JD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2232 METCALFE, Mrs J & METCALFE, Mr A Baileydale Rocket Man JW
2nd: 2154 BISHOP, Mrs Deborah Trewinnard Vero Into Demadon
3rd: 2217 JOHNSON, Mr Gary & JOHNSON, Mrs Jean Cremino Celebrity JW
Res: 2263 WALTON, Mrs S M B Gallybob Uno
VHC: 2256 SWIFT, Mr R M Hampsbeck Scruples

Class 1134 YD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2242 PERKINS, Mrs S Mcfarwin's Grey Legacy By Keeninspires
2nd: 2256 SWIFT, Mr R M Hampsbeck Scruples

Class 1135 PGD (9 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2158 BRADDON, Mrs F. E. M. & BRADDON, Mr D. L. Trendlewood One More Time
2nd: 2200 HARVEY MAJOR, Mrs Linda Just The Joker In Linjor
3rd: 2155 BOND, Mrs L A Carpenny Padraig
Res: 2185 FARRAR, Miss C J Henissy Truffle Trifle
VHC: 2239 MOODY, Miss J Trendlewood Ebony And Ivory

Class 1136 LD (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2241 PERKINS, Mrs S Carromer Teguila By Keeninspires
2nd: 2155 BOND, Mrs L A Carpenny Padraig
3rd: 2255 SWIFT, Mr R M Hampsbeck Hooray Hector
Res: 2156 BOULDEN, Ms C Rumhill Firecracker Jw
VHC: 2163 BROOKES, Miss C & WHITE, Mrs Julie Lunarpet Ruperts Latest Gem

Class 1137 OD (12 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2207 HODGE, Mr & Mrs & Miss Arv & R Sh Ch Ir Sh Ch Naiken East Meets West (ai) JW
2nd: 2230 METCALFE, Mrs J & METCALFE, Mr A Baileydale Puff Daddy JW
3rd: 2270 WOODLEY, Mrs Maxine Sh Ch Alkhamhurst Moment Of Truth
Res: 2216 JOHNSON, Mr Gary & JOHNSON, Mrs Jean Sh Ch Cremino Calabrese
VHC: 2237 MILLS, Mr & Mrs Christopher & Claire Sh Ch Lembas Maui

Class 1138 VD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2161 BRITTON, Mrs A M Llanstinan Louis Lewis Bowstones
2nd: 2215 JEFFERY, Mrs B Lembas Swings Both Ways At Mibridge

Class 1139 MPB (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2229 METCALFE, Miss Kristie Trendlewood Its Only Love To Baileydale
2nd: 2159 BRADDON, Mrs F. E. M. & BRADDON, Mr D. L. Trendlewood It Takes Two
3rd: 2149 ALLEN, Mrs C Allen & Mr D Timouron Heartbreaker
Res: 2179 EDWARDS, Mrs Alison Forsywoods Ebony At Bearstone
VHC: 2190 FINDJAN, Mrs Vivienne Rossacre Doubledutch

Class 1140 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2227 MCLELLAN, Mr & Mrs D & S Saranden Book Of Dreams
2nd: 2238 MILLS, Mr & Mrs Christopher & Claire Lembas Lucia
3rd: 2160 BRADDON, Mrs F. E. M. & BRADDON, Mr D. L. Trendlewood Proud Mary
Res: 2212 HUGHES, Mrs Christine Chardinham Cottonwoods
VHC: 2179 EDWARDS, Mrs Alison Forsywoods Ebony At Bearstone

Class 1141 JB (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2271 WOODLEY, Mrs Maxine Alkhamhurst London Girl
2nd: 2197 GOODWIN, Miss Debbie Mcfarwins Flashing Lights
3rd: 2265 WIGHTMAN, Mrs Kathryn Langanhoe Lady Marmalade
Res: 2171 DODD, Mrs G & Mr W Carriegame Loves To Dance (a.i.)
VHC: 2257 TREVAIL, Mr Joe Menadue Lantic Sea Gem

Class 1142 YB (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2224 LAPPER, Mr Tom Tomative Annabelle JW
2nd: 2147 ALLEN, Mrs C Allen & Mr D Timouron Hush Hush
3rd: 2261 WALLACE, Mrs J Ann Dreammake For Tiaja Jw (Imp Dnk)
Res: 2264 WHITE, Mrs Julie Anne & WHITE, Mr Peter Lunarpet Tails Of The River
VHC: 2265 WIGHTMAN, Mrs Kathryn Langanhoe Lady Marmalade

Class 1143 PGB (13 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 2245 PHILLIPS, Mrs R M Rochevale Gypsy At Sheenaron Jw
2nd: 2236 MILLS, Miss & Mrs R J & J E Jaybec Winter Wispa JW
3rd: 2186 FARRAR, Miss C J Henissy Here We Go Again
Res: 2218 JONES, Miss C Hafnau Phoenix
VHC: 2254 STEWART, Mrs A J & STEWART, Miss K L Warringah's Ora Banda With Streamanda

Class 1144 LB (20 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: 2165 COODE, Mr D Warringah's Pippingarra
2nd: 2153 BISHOP, Mrs Deborah Chyanhal Pendray In Trendlewood
3rd: 2166 DAVEY, Mr & Mrs A & N Clanfield Highland Rose
Res: 2168 DEANE, Mrs Amanda Abbeystead Glamour At Tanronens
VHC: 2183 EVANS, Mrs Sian Helen Brynlluan Black Diamond At Bowsian

Class 1145 OB (14 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2206 BRADLEY, Mrs Penny Sh Ch Nancy's Special Treasure
2nd: 2240 PEGGS, Mrs Liz Sh Ch Jancet Aurora
3rd: 2269 WILMSHURST, Mr David Kroppsmarkens Mamma Mia Of Mandamay (imp Swe)
Res: 2180 ELLIS, Mr Arwyn & ELLIS, Mrs Sian W & MATULLA, Mrs Sh Ch Dolwen Annastasia
VHC: 2260 WALLACE, Mrs J Ann Tiaja Love In The Sun

Class 1146 VB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2220 KEY, Mrs I M Keydella Kafe 'noir
2nd: 2222 LALLY, Mrs P Sh Ch Trewinnard Pimlico
3rd: 2252 SMITH, Miss Caroline Flyenpyg Snout Like It VW