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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Schipperke, Utility Group


FRIDAY 5th May 2023.  Breed: SCHIPPERKE.  Judge: Mrs B.A.Bradford.


My thanks to exhibitors for their entries, also to my very capable stewards for their hard work.


Special Beginners Dog 1

1st - FINCH, Ms Emma - Ristine Starry Night Aw(S)

Four year old black dog. Good head and ear set, dark oval eye giving a keen expression, correct bite. Firm in body, slight tuck up, good tail carriage, tight feet. Good texture coat showing demarcation pattern. Moved well.


Minor Puppy Dog 1

1st - DONALDSON, Mr Michael, Mrs Elizabeth & Miss Michaella - Zorbaloo Don Julio

Eight month old black showing real promise. Pleasing overall shape, lovely head, correct ear placement, dark oval eyes with a lovely alert expression. Straight front, enough neck, good body and sound rear. Good tail carriage and neat feet. He carried a very good coat for his age which was correct in texture and showing demarcation pattern. On the move he covered the ground well with a short brisk stride. BEST PUPPY.



1st - DONALDSON, Misss Michaella - Mazal Tov Bestseller (Imp Rus)

Twenty month old black, good overall shape, compact. Good head, ear placement, dark eyes, good muzzle with correct bite. Front well placed, elbows tight, good body and sound rear. Correct coat, moved out well.


LIMIT DOG 3 (0ab)

1st - WILSON, Mrs L - Schipdale Night Fall At Lyncathmor

Three year old black. Lovely head, correct ear placement, dark oval eyes, good muzzle and correct bite, typical male but not course. Front well placed, elbows tight, firm body, sound rear, good tail carriage, neat feet. Good textured jacket with required demarcation. Once settled he moved with short brisk stride.

2nd - MASSEY, Mrs C - Ristine Magical Spice (NBT)

This three year old cream has a lovely head, dark eyes that give a typical expression, good muzzle and correct bite. Nicely boned, firm in body, moved out well.

3rd - WEARING, Mrs L - Blackshuck Blue Sapphire With Miofrey


OPEN DOG 8 (2ab)

1st - CHEATHAM, Mr A & Mrs L - Ch Schipdale A Kind Of Magic

Four year old black dog. This dog is nicely balanced, presents a lovely square outline. Correct head, eye and mouth, enough neck, good front, elbows tight, good chest. Short strong and straight back, good tuck up, mod turn of stifle, correct hocks, neat feet. His jacket is the correct texture with good demarcation. When he moves he covers the ground with good reach and drive. Pleased to award him CC and BEST OF BREED

2nd - MANNERS, Mrs B Handling for ROLLINSON, Mrs M - Ir Ch Jun Ir Ch Summerhaze Shafran Among Chadbower (Rus Imp) An Ch 22

Three year old black with good overall shape. Correct head, dark eyes, good muzzle, correct bite. Good neck, well placed shoulders, straight front, elbows tight. Firm body, good tuck up, firm rear with good turn of stifle, neat feet, correct jacket. He impressed me on the move with his brisk stride and good reach and drive. RESERVE CC

3rd - THORNE, Mrs L & Dr T M - US and CAN Ch Mardecks Where The Magic Is At Schipdale (Imp Can)



An impressive line up of veterans.

1st - PHILPOTT, Miss J - Ch Aradet Expert Timing Aw (S) Vw

Twelve year old black dog in lovely hard condition. Typical head, good ear carriage, dark expressive eyes, good muzzle. Neck short and strong, sound front, good body and firm rear. Nicely boned, good feet, correct jacket. On the move he covered the ground with ease. BEST VETERAN

2nd - CHEATHAM, MR A & Mrs L - Ch Aradet Action Man Sh. cm Vw

Nine year old black in lovely condition. Presents a lovely outline with good head and ear set, dark eyes, good neck and shoulders, straight front. Good body and sound rear. Correct textured jacket, moved out very well.

3rd - MASSEY, Mrs C - Ristine Tweedledee



1st - FORKNALL, Mrs D - Zorbaloo Happy Hour Again At Avidore

Eight month old black. She has a pretty head, well placed ears, dark mischievous eyes, correct mouth. Good front, body is coming on nicely, good tail carriage. Once settled she moved out well.



1st - ROLLINSON, Mrs M - Chadbower Fell From Heaven

Eleven month old black bitch not in her best dress today but you could see she had a good overall shape. Correct head, eye and mouth, nice bone, good body, moved well.



1st - HOLMES, Mr & Mrs D & T - Dencas Hold My Heart

Two and a half year old black. Correct head and well placed ears, dark eye, very feminine. Good muzzle with correct mouth, enough neck, straight front, good firm body. Sound rear, correct jacket, moved well.

2nd - MOORE, Mrs D & NOCK, Miss R - Ristine Lunar Eclipse For Blitzstan

Six year old black who also presents a good overall shape. Good head, dark eyes, correct ear placement, she too was very feminine. Good neck, nicely boned, good body, correct jacket, moved well - Two nice bitches.


OPEN BITCH 5 (1ab)

1st - PHILPOTT, Miss J - Ch Komargo Going For Gold

Four year old gold bitch. Liked her size and shape, good head, ears nicely placed, keen dark eyes giving an alert expression. Correct bite, strong neck, good shoulders and straight front. Good bone structure, broad chest, firm in body, back short, straight and strong. Sound and well muscled rear, good turn of stifle, correct hocks, neat feet. Good coat texture with the required demarcation pattern. On the move showed the short brisk stride with good reach and drive. BITCH CC

2nd - MCKENNA, Mr & Mrs J & S & FORKNALL. Mrs D - Ch Tredreas Scotia Princess Among Avidore

Nice to see this bitch as I remember awarding her best puppy, now at five years of age lovely to see she gained her title. Very feminine, with a lovely head, dark eyes, good muzzle and correct bite. Neck is strong, good shoulders, into a sound front, nicely boned. Chest broad, good depth of brisket, nicely bodied, straight back, sound rear. Neat feet, good tail carriage, correct jacket and demarcation, moved very well showing short brisk stride. RESERVE BITCH CC

3rd - MANNERS, Mrs B - Ch Chadbower Nevaeh Lahetti