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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Gundog Group, Retriever (Golden)

National Dog Show



Sunday 7th May 2023





Thank you to the Committee for my invitation to Judge at this well-run and super- friendly show and also to the exhibitors for their entries. It is always a privilege to judge dogs owned by others and I appreciated the opportunity to go over so many quality animals. Tail carriage on the boys was much better than I have seen in the past, weight was unanimously correct and the “long and low” Golden type seems to have been addressed here. Feet were generally very good but I did notice more flat pads than I have before….maybe something to bear in mind. Handling and presentation were both excellent and my hands were virtually spotless when I’d finished. My two stewards did a very good job of organising everything (and supplying welcome sweets); we really couldn’t do the job as efficiently without them keeping everything running smoothly! 


SBD (8, 1 abs) 


1st   MUNRO, Mrs G -          Alibren Ready Teddy JW


       A quality boy, almost 2 years old and who has so much ring presence was the first class winner. Shown in super coat and condition, loved his head and gentle expression, enhanced by dark eye and pigment. He is very balanced in profile, has good bone and straight forelegs. Excellent front assembly, good spring of rib and short couplings. Totally at one with his hander, moving with plenty of reach and drive around the ring. He was 2nd in Yearling and in the SB Group later, he was also awarded 2nd place in good company, well done!


2nd  BLACK, Mrs A and BLACK, Mr I –           Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain


        Pale boy with plenty of substance and shown in very well presented full pale coat. He has an attractive head with gentle expression, kind eye and good pigment. Good length of neck, balanced front and rear angles with a level top line. He moved accurately and steadily both ways for his sympathetic handler.


3rd  LIGGINS, Miss J and HODGES, Mr S -      Silver Passion Glam Fashion at                    Nunsbrook (Imp Ger)


MPD (3, 0 abs) 


1st    LOACH, Miss S A and ZUBAIR, Mrs S M -          Putjade Poldark

        Eye-catching 6 month old puppy, who headed a trio of beautiful youngsters, all with rich gold well-presented coats. He has such a sweet head with ultra-dark pigment, good length of leg, lovely bone and fabulous well-padded cat like feet, which this kennel consistently produces. Very balanced in outline with good layback of shoulder, level top line, held well, short couplings, correct angle to his stifles and well let down hocks. Moved so steadily and soundly with perfect footfall, a very well deserved BPD. I will follow his show career with interest.


2nd  O’GORMAN, Mrs P and Mr S -           Berrymeade Billy Summers (A.I.)

        So much to like about this 7 month old confident puppy who never took his eyes off his excellent handler. Slightly more height than my winner and with similar conformation attributes. Gorgeous head, dark pigment, good neck length and text book top line, really good length of leg, neat feet, and excellent rear quarters with correct return of stifle. On the move he was steady and true with good tail carriage. Just preferred the front angles of my winner today but a very bright future ahead of him I’m sure. 


3rd  MCDONALD, Miss M  -           Lamancha Time Traveller


PD (4, 0 abs) 


1st    LEWIS, Miss M and LEWIS, Mrs S-            Fairwinds In Space Man

        Almost 12 months old and shown in beautifully prepared full pale coat, and very good condition. He has an appealing head, good bone, excellent reach of neck into good shoulder layback and good length to his upper arm . He is a little longer cast than my minor puppy dog winner but has very well balanced front and rear angles and good spring of rib for a youngster. This boy’s competent handler really knows how to get the best out of him and he happily covered the ground well with excellent rear drive and tail carriage.


2nd  FLEET, Mrs M and WEBB, Mrs S -           Waterbabies Sonic Boom to Eastbury and Hectson (Imp Ita)


         So close up to the class winner and a hair-splitting decision. Eleven month old very happy young man who stood four square each time I looked at him. Good head with expressive eye, deep muzzle and that keen to please expression. Reachy neck leading to correct shoulders, good spring of rib, level top line and  tail set straight off his back. Steady and accurate on the move with a free-flowing, driving action. A very well deserved 2nd here and who went on to win 2 later classes. I noticed later that he is by my DCC Winner too. 


3rd   LIGGINS, Miss J and HODGES, Mr S -          Swanavly Popsy's Legacy at Nunsbrook NAF (AI) (Imp Serb)


JD (12, 2 abs)


1st    MONTEVERDE, Mr. G -           It Jun Ch Olvinglay Pageant

         Mid gold, beautifully presented 12 month old, just right for his age. With good leg length and balanced outline, he has a kind head with dark eye and pigment. Good neck length into well placed shoulders and super, straight front with neat feet. He has a strong top line, held consistently with short couplings. Nothing overdone with this youngster and on the move he came into his own, great head and tail carriage, covering the ground with ease. I’m sure as he matures he will be one to watch. 


2nd  HENSON, Mr K -               Cinderbank Move It

        Close up to first, he is a different type and more mature than my winner. Shown in profuse, beautifully presented coat he was very well handled. He is a balanced dog with excellent bone, straight front, lovely head and expression, strong neck into good shoulder layback with a level top line. He is deep through the ribcage, has well-muscled rear quarters with straight, well let down hocks. Steady and accurate on the move, he held his top line and had good head and tail carriage. Just preferred the overall movement of the winner.  

3rd   TAIT, Miss L -            Strathlon Here Comes the Sun


YD (11, 1 abs)

1st      OAKES, Ms D L -           Drumkilty Vanadium JW

          At almost 2 years old this pale gold dog is developing in just the right way for his age. Very appealing masculine head on this boy, kind eye, deep muzzle and such a soft expression. I loved his front angulation with good shoulder placement and forelegs well under his frame. He has a level top line, good tail set and excellent breadth of thigh with well let down straight hocks. Movement was accurate and true, liked him a lot. 

2nd    MUNRO, Mrs G    -        Alibren Ready Teddy JW


3rd     TAYLOR, MISS C and TENN, MR M -        Strettonhill's Ultimatum JW


MD (6, 0 abs) 

1st    FLEET, Mrs M and WEBB, Mrs S -  Waterbabies Sonic Boom to Eastbury and Hectson (Imp Ita)


2nd  BLACK, Mrs A and BLACK, Mr I -  Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain


3rd   MCDONALD, Miss M -  Lamancha Take A Chance


ND (6,1 abs) 

1st    FLEET, Mrs M and WEBB, Mrs S -  Waterbabies Sonic Boom to Eastbury and Hectson (Imp Ita)


2nd  BLACK, Mrs A and BLACK, Mr I -  Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain


3rd   SWAINE, Mr P and SWAINE, Mrs D -  Kallixel Caramel Delight



GD (15, 5 abs) 

Really lovely class where I was truly spoilt for choice


1st    HAINES, Mr D -  Leighsham Tullamore JW 

        Mid-size gold dog shown in fabulous condition, with beautifully prepared coat and so attentive to his handler. Free standing and always four square he didn’t put a foot wrong in this class. Super head, reach of neck and layback of shoulder, dead level top line and strength over the loin. He moved out accurately both coming and going, from well-muscled quarters, driving out with a free stride and made excellent use of the large ring


2nd   WILLIAMS, Miss K -  Berrymeade Coeur Blimey at Busheyhall

          So close up to and unlucky to meet the first dog, who was in top form today. Shown in superb condition, his gold coat was presented to perfection. This boy has an exquisite expression, dark eye and pigment, good bone, very neat feet and his forelegs stand well under his body. He has a level top line and really well muscled quarters which enabled him to drive powerfully around the ring carrying his tail well. 


3rd    BECK, Mrs S - Simon Basset De Ria Vela For Beinangus JW (Imp Esp)


PGD (9, 2 abs) 


1st    LAYLAND, Miss L and LAYLAND, Mr M and LAYLAND, Mrs T  -      Applecote Hearts Desire

        Shown in glorious mid gold coat with pale feathering and attractive waves this 3 year old boy stood out for me in this class. He has a well chiselled head with soft expression, so balanced in profile, with good shoulder placement, upper arm and with depth to his body. He has strength over the loin, great breadth of thigh and neat, well let down hocks. On the move he was a delight, accurate, effortless and kept his level top line. Considered for top honours. 


2nd   FOREMAN, Mr and Mrs G and T-          Ambersun Heart And Soul

        Neat boy, another with a well presented fabulous rich gold wavy coat and pale feathering. Attractive, gentle, yet masculine head with dark eye and pigment, neck flowing into good shoulder layback, level top line and strong rear quarters. Shown freestanding, he holds his outline with ease and on the move he showed plenty of enthusiasm, reach and drive. 


3rd   GERHOLD, Mrs J  -            Navilis Nouveau Venu (Imp) JW


MdLD (7, 1 abs)


1st    BAWDEN, Miss C          - Balsamina Beachcomber at Darthill JW

        I loved so much about this upstanding, top quality, happy, pale boy, who stood out here. Gentle head with dark, kind eye, melting expression and good pigment throughout , great front assembly with straight forelegs, lovely cat like feet and plenty of heart room. He has a dead  level top line, and rear quarters which totally complement his forequarters.  So well handled and presented, and in well-muscled condition, he is a joy on the move. I was very happy to award him a well-deserved RCC


2nd   NORRIS, Mrs S  -            Fenpinque Magnum Opus at Molestream

        Pale boy shown in profuse,  beautifully presented coat and with lots of character. Lovely head and expression, excellent fore chest, good bone and neat well-padded feet. He has good spring of rib and body depth and is close coupled. He holds his level top line on the move, drives well and was enthusiastic and accurate. 


3rd    WALLINGTON, Mr D  -          Wynrita School Daze


LD (10, 2 abs)


1st   AYLING-JONES, Mrs T and AYLING-JONES, Mr S -     Leighsham Cococabana at Raiveslake

6 year old, rich gold, well presented dog, who topped a really lovely class of exhibits. Masculine head and kind expression with very good pigment. His balanced profile and alert manner was so eye-catching as I looked around the ring and he carried the right amount of weight for a mature dog. He has straight forelegs of good length, neat feet and a strong level top line which is held perfectly on the move. Angles fore and rear are totally balanced and his good condition enabled him to  move happily around the ring with an easy free stride and good head carriage totally at one with his handler


2nd  KINCHELLA, Mrs T and KINCHELLA, Mr P -           Honeymill Elder Warrior


This well balanced boy had a gleaming gold coat and was in excellent condition. He has an appealing, masculine head without being coarse in any way and with dark eye and good pigment. Good length of neck flowing into well laid back shoulders, straight forelegs with good feet. He has a dead level top line, is deep through chest and has strong quarters with great breadth of thigh. He moved with enthusiasm and good driving action from the rear. 


3rd   CLARKE-GEAR, Mrs V -          Ousevale Tobermory JW


OD (7, 1 abs) Abs: 1


1st    MONTEVERDE, Mr. G and MORSS, Mrs          It Ch Swiss Ch Int Ch World Ch Olvinglay Soothsayer

My notes begin with “Simply Stunning” and he is! Presented to perfection in profuse pale coat and very much the showman, his ring presence is exceptional, brought out I’m sure by his excellent handler. This lovely 4 year old dog shows strength without any hint of coarseness. He is well balanced, has a beautiful head with melting expression, correct ear carriage and good depth of muzzle. With excellent front assembly, his neck flows into well laid back shoulders, correct upper arm placing his forelegs well under his body, he has a good spring of rib and elbows well tucked in. He has short couplings, strength over the loin and well let down hocks with good feet. His stride is free and easy, covering the ground with ease, he moves accurately with enthusiasm, holds his top line and has good head and tail carriage,. He more than deserved the DCC, and with the agreement of my co-judge was also BOB. He then thrilled me by being placed 2nd in the large Gundog Group later. Congratulations to his breeder and owners. 


2nd    KELLY, Ms K and KELLY, Miss K-         Sh Ch / Ir Sh Ch Ramchaine You Spin Me Right Round (Ikc) JW


Such a smart and very stylish gold dog with plenty of substance and shown in glorious, well presented full coat. Attractive well chiselled head with dark pigment, super front assembly with correct shoulder layback, upper arm and dead level top line.  Straight forelegs well under his body and standing on lovely cat like, well-padded feet. Good spring of rib, short couplings, good rear angles and tail set, straight off his back. Superbly handled, he covered the ground easily and with style, a really worthy Champion.


3rd    MCDONALD, Miss M -         Lamancha Magical Moments JW



VD (5, 0abs) 


1st    LOVEROCK, Mrs MC and WALDRON - SMITH, MRS L      Lovissa Space Dust Sh.CM

I have done this lovely 8 year old Veteran well in the past and see no reason to change my opinion of him. Mid gold and in good coat, he is such a lovely, classic example of the breed. He has a beautiful head, gentle, melting  expression and kind, dark eye, reachy neck flowing into good shoulder placement. Nothing is overdone, front and rear angles complement each other, his top line is still strong and level and he has strength over the loin. He moved out accurately around the ring for his sympathetic handler, driving from well- muscled rear quarters and strong hocks.


2nd   GERHOLD, Mrs J -        Sh Ch Jaymardy Indigo Pacific JW

At 7 years old it’s difficult to believe that this boy is a Veteran.  He was beautifully presented and shown in profuse pale coat and in super, hard condition. He is a more compact boy with excellent bone and stands on very neat feet. Good head shape with a very happy expression, balanced outline, dead level top line he is correctly angulated fore and aft, deep through the ribs and with powerful rear quarters. He moves accurately both coming and going away with a good driving action. 


3rd    SHARP, Miss A L and MARTIN, Mr S -    Sh Ch Gunhills Barnaby Rudge at Jomaroski


Caron French