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Mrs S & Mr J HICKS

Official Judges Critique

Judging: Hound Group


I would like to thank The National for inviting me to judge, my stewards for making everything run smoothly & everyone who brought their hounds under me. I was honoured to give CC’s for the first time in my breed. I would have preferred a wider ring & some dogs did not cope with the green carpet finding it slippery.

I was looking for dogs capable of doing a day’s work. Ridgebacks are endurance hounds not bred for a short fast spurt of speed & should be built accordingly. Sloping croups are still common & some dogs did not have the slight rise over the loin both resulting in strange tail positions; the eye does not flow over them. Over-angulation behind is quite common, I found most of these dogs moved closely behind too.

All ridges & bites were acceptable but I found a few dogs with very small teeth, something I have never previously come across, our standard asks for a strong jaw with well developed teeth. Eye shape & colour varies still.

Class 2601 SBD (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 5974 KEHOE, Miss A M & PHILLIPS, Mr C R KEKOA KING MIDAS OF LUANDA AT REDCROWN (IMP SVK) 12m he has a super balanced head, with a correct dark round eye. At that rangy stage & unsettled on the stack, but has a balanced outline, moved well when settled, needs schooling & to gain confidence.  


Class 2603 PD (5 Entries) Abs: 0 I am sure these will keep changing places as they mature.

1st: 5969 HODGE, Mrs K KXOXO I'M OLD FASHIONED FOR COLKERIRIN (Imp Fin) 10 m L/W with an attractive chiselled head of good proportions with dark round eyes giving him a melting expression. He has a correctly angled front with matching angles behind & well let down hocks, he has a strong back & good muscle tone & tight feet. He is a well schooled boy with the most positive movement today BPD.

2nd: 5956 DAVIES, Miss K J Gunthwaites Fancy Man 10m R/W Not so mature as my 1st today. He has a promising head that still needs to break, & was losing his topline slightly on the move. He has a lovely length of neck & body, everything is there I feel he is just going through a gangly stage atm & needs to catch up with his growth.

3rd: 5987 MURPHY, Mrs Alison & MURPHY, Mr Allan & COX, Mr C Carlincox Mash It Up 10m Lovely R/W looked the business stacked, lovely outline good bone, super head with dark round eye. Good muscletone & strength all through. He was less settled on the move than the 2 before him, throwing his front though today. 

Class 2604 JD (9 Entries) Abs: 1

A lovely class of dogs, not enough cards
1st: 5989 MURRAY, Mrs Julie KINABULA'S BOJANGLES of DELLARED 17m L/W boy, very raw & needs to body up. He has a good balanced hound head with dark eye & a kind expression. Well ribbed back, he needs to strengthen behind & fill his frame, but he had lovely ground covering movement, especially good in profile, one that will take time to fully mature
2nd: 5987 MURPHY, Mrs Alison & MURPHY, Mr Allan & COX, Mr C Carlincox Mash It Up 10m 3rd in puppy, he moved much better in this class, still throwing his front a little at times but there was enough good movement to earn him this placing.
3rd: 6019 SHAW, Mrs Margaret Crombie & SHAW, Mr William Negasi Radagast 16m R/W another one who needs to drop in chest & generally mature & fill out. He has good ground covering profile movement but was a bit close going away today. 

Class 2605 YD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6019 SHAW, Mrs Margaret Crombie & SHAW, Mr William Negasi Radagast 16m 3rd in junior, he was the best mover in this class moving with reach & drive in profile.

2nd: 5939 CATHARELL, Mrs Caroline & CATHARELL, Miss Megan & Asharaa's Perfect Match with Faahac 19m liver with lovely pigmentation. A more compact moderate hound who’s mind was not on the job today, he was not at all settled. He has a lovely head & expression, a clean neck & good topline with balanced angles fore & aft. I have seen him move much better

Class 2606 ND (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5974 KEHOE, Miss A M & PHILLIPS, Mr C R KEKOA KING MIDAS OF LUANDA AT REDCROWN (IMP SVK) 12m (1st Sp Beg) he was more settled on the move to win this class. I preferred his expression & correct angulation.
2nd: 6031 WHITESIDE, Mrs Annelie Lloyd & WHITESIDE, Mr Andre JIMANNS JACKASS 23m a super headed boy but I would prefer a better eye. He has a clean neck into a decent front, he was a little overangulated for me behind today but this may have been partly due to confidence. Still needs to mature in body & mind but some lovely profile movement once he got into his stride.
3rd: 5983 MILLWARD, Mrs Kelly & MILLWARD, Mr Jonathan AMAHLE HOT LIKE FIRE          11m a more compact solid workmanlike hound with correct bone for size, he needs to broaden in skull & mature all through. He is still a puppy & has time on his side.

Class 2607 GD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5958 DOUGHTY, Mrs Tracey & DOUGHTY, Mr Russell Saimon's Praide Victorious Brabus with Rubiltra  22m an unexaggerated male with a lovely balanced head & dark sparkling round eyes, clean through his neck & attractive correct topline & underline. Good length of body with correct slight rise, correct angles & well muscled. He has ground covering profile movement, a little proud of his tail on the move at times today.

2nd: 5957 DENNIS, Mr Gary SONNYPRIDE RUM AND RAISIN 2 years. A happy boy with dark eyes & a kind expression. I would prefer him cleaner through the neck, he is a bit loose all through at the moment. Not the croup or topline of my winner. His movement was true coming & going as well as in profile; he looked like a completely different dog on the move.

Class 2608 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 5979 MANSFIELD, Ms Helen & KIRBY, Mr John Shingwidsi Tsholo Light 2 yr, brother of RBCC winner. A moderate wheaten with no exaggeration, attractive head with kind dark round eye & correct ear set, He has moderate angulation, his elbows are carried close to his body & his hocks are well let down. He has lovely profile movement & kept his outline on the move, not so positive coming towards me today.

Class 2609 LD (9 Entries) Abs: 3

Another good class
1st: 6026 THOMSON, Miss G & GREEN, Mr Alistair Rottzridge Top O' The Class 5yr R/W, another with a super balanced head & lovely dark round eyes giving him a kind expression. A mature hound with correct bone & a super front on him with elbows carried close to chest. He has good feet & is well muscled, falls away slightly at the croup. He is a well schooled boy who moved smoothly with drive & accurate both ways.
2nd: 6008 REID, Mrs Lisa If I Can Dream Energy Of Africa for Saadani (Cze I 2.5 yr A less mature boy, definitely all male. A lovely head of the correct proportions on him with a strong jaw & correct eyes giving him that typical Ridgeback expression. Correct bone for size, a moderately angled boy who was a bit proud of his tail on the move which spoilt his outline. He was playful on the move but did enough to show good movement & earn this place in a strong class.
3rd: 5999 PEARCE, Mrs Alison & PEARCE, Mr Stuart Msingi Let It Be 2 yr. A strong powerful boy, litter brother to my BCC winner not as mature though. He has a lovely head with correct proportions & a kind dark round eye. He has super bone & the length of rib I was looking for but perhaps he is a little long in loin. Well muscled rear, one of those dogs who will take time to mature.  

Class 2610 OD (11 Entries) Abs: 1

Another great class with not enough cards
1st: 5984 MOORE, Mr Robert & MOORE, Mrs Katherine Ch Royalridge Glory Days – 2 yr old RW hound who caught my eye. Not the best schooled boy but you cannot miss his correct outline which flows. He is in great condition he naturally holds himself so well which kept drawing my eye. He has a fabulous correctly proportioned head with dark eye, correct jaw & attractive chiselling. He has the correct bone for his size, elbows carried close to body & correct moderate angulation, well let down hocks & great feet, an honest boy with nothing overdone. He is well ribbed back to a strong loin, correct croup with a slight rise & correct tail carriage. When collected he covered the ground effortlessly & was accurate coming & going. Pleased to award him CC & BOB

2nd: 6006 RAYMOND, Mrs Norah Denise Sofala Lightening Strike – 4 yr unlucky to meet my 1st a lovely standard mid-wheaten boy with a super proportioned hound head & a kind dark eye. This is the best I have seen him stacked. Another honest hound free from exaggeration he has balanced moderate angulation, elbows held correctly close to body, good feet, correct length of body, well ribbed back, strong loin with correct slight rise & correct tailset, moved true both ways & with drive in profile a close decision, pleased to award him RCC.
3rd: 6033 WILLUNAT, Miss C Shavano's Quality Of Life By Oliver JW (Imp Nor) 4yr another super-headed boy with a kind expression, good muscletone holding his body shape on the move, Correct bone for size & moved accurately both ways with well let down hocks & good feet.

Class 2611 VD NO ENTRIES

Class 2612 SBB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 5973 JOLLY, Mrs Nicola J Negasi Elberith for Clanbruachan 16m a strong but feminine bitch. She still needs to fill out, strong front with a lovely crest to her neck still a little immature in body & rear. She has lovely free movement, She is one who needs time to reach her best. BSB & delighted to see her take HSB Group 2

2nd: 5962 FIELD, Mrs Aileen Jelany Red Florencia at Kalabaney 3yr R/W dark masked girl. A happy girl who moved well with a balanced outline. I preferred the feet & strength of jaw on my first. She moved well in profile & away not so accurate coming towards me today.
3rd: 5976 MADDOX, Miss Carol Ann & GETHIN, Mr Ian Rubiltra Chumba Bibi of PurplePride 2yr Pretty head on this moderate feminine bitch with enough bone for size. She looks good stacked but I would prefer her to have more width all through. She was an accurate mover but not with such ground covering action as the 2 in front.

Class 2613 MPB (7 Entries) Abs: 0

A super class
1st: 5941 CATLEY, Miss Anna & MCGIMPSEY, Mr Robert Royalridge Aurora 8m happy girl, super head with dark round sparkling eyes & a glint of mischievousness in them. Correct bone for size, correct muscle for age. Well balanced with correct slight rise over loin she moved freely in profile, a little loose in front but she is still young, clearly enjoying her day. Lost out for BPB on maturity
2nd: 6021 SMITH, Mrs Angela & SMITH, Mr William Ungowa Here You Come Again 6m very together for one so young. She has a lovely outline, correct slight rise over loin, correct bone for size, A kind expression with dark eyes & she moved well, a close decision just felt my first was moved more freely but I am sure they will change places as she matures.
3rd: 5996 PARSONS, Miss H PRIORPARK POETRY IN MOTION 8m a well-schooled Liver with a pretty feminine head, long clean neck neat feet & adequate bone for size, another happy girl at one with her handler great profile movement, not so accurate going away as my first 2 today.

Class 2614 PB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 5932 BARNES, Mrs Lindsey & BARNES, Miss Kelly & BARNES, Diamondridge Kazembe Golden Age 10m The most together in a lovely class, she has a lovely outline held on the move which caught my eye, a pretty feminine head with dark eye giving a kind expression, she has super feet & bone. Lovely front & matching angulation behind, well let down hocks & correct muscle giving her strength on the move. Lovely topline & underline for age. Such a happy girl pleased to award her BPP & BPIB

2nd: 5997 PARSONS, Miss H PRIORPARK PROUD AS PUNCH 7m raw puppy, less mature than my 1st. Lovely head with round eye & correct proportions, super front, well ribbed back accurate mover both ways, moving freely in profile I just preferred the outline of my winner.
3rd: 5947 COX, Mrs L A & COX, Mr C & MUSGRAVE, Mrs V Carlincox JerseyRoyal 10m This girl had lovely profile movement & held her topline on the move. A pretty head with round eye, adequate bone for size & super feet.

Class 2615 JB (6 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 5973 JOLLY, Mrs Nicola J Negasi Elberith for Clanbruachan 16m 1st in SBB she looked more balanced overall in this class in both head & body.
2nd: 6034 WILLUNAT, Miss C Gambia Sirius Canis Maior at CLAUWILL (Imp Pol) 13m Super front & feet on this girl. Pretty dark round eye, with good width to skull, she moved well both ways keeping her outline but giving a lot away in maturity to my 1st. 

Class 2616 YB (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Class 2617 NB (5 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 5962 FIELD, Mrs Aileen Jelany Red Florencia at Kalabaney 3yr – 2nd in SBB

Class 2618 GB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5976 MADDOX, Miss Carol Ann & GETHIN, Mr Ian Rubiltra Chumba Bibi of PurplePride 2yr 3rd in SBB

Class 2619 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6020 SIMPSON, Mr D R Gunthwaite Hart Stopper At Renescent (A.I.) 2yr R/W attractive well balanced head with kind dark eye, clean neck, correct depth of chest, correct topline, lovely ground-covering profile movement on this girl which won her the class. 
2nd: 5988 MURRAY, Mrs Julie PRIORPARK PATIENCE OF DELLARED 2yr R/W with an expressive head & melting expression, clean neck into good front, well ribbed back she moved freely, very close up to 1st
3rd: 5959 EVANS, Mrs Charlotte Tarrtoppin Tungsten Tip At Hyfryd A spirited R/W with a kind dark eye & correct head, nice outline when stacked, adequate bone for size - a bit exuberant on the move today.

Class 2620 LB (20 Entries) Abs: 4

What a fabulous class strong in quality as well as numbers, many super girls went cardless
1st: 6014 SALMON, Mrs K Msingi love me do at Lobengula 2yr Heading a super class, she has a classic correctly proportioned head with kind round dark eyes & strength in muzzle lacking in many. A lovely crest to her neck into correct moderate shoulders, she is well-ribbed with a strong loin with the correct slight rise & correct tailset. She has correctly angled hindquarters, well developed inner & outer thigh. She has the correct width between her hind legs when moving that we seem to be losing in favour of over angulation. She moved with drive from well let down hocks & correct feet, a pleasure to watch her, she has strength but is still feminine. Pleased to award her BCC, her second I am told. I am sure her 3rd is not far away. I was told after she & my DCC winner are 1st cousins.

2nd: 5980 MANSFIELD, Ms Helen & KIRBY, Mr John Shingwidsi Tshedisa Light 2yr A pretty wheaten girl with nothing overdone, not yet fully mature she has a well balanced outline & a feminine head with expressive dark round eyes & a clean neck into a correct front, elbows carried close to body, well ribbed back, strong topline & correct tailset. Strong well let down hocks, she moved well coming & going & with drive in profile. Pleased to award her the RBCC. 


Feminine moderate liver girl with good ribbing & matched angulation, correctly angled front & rear with well let down hocks. another who moved truly with good feet.

Class 2621 OB (10 Entries) Abs: 2

Another lovely class
1st: 5943 CLARK-MACLEAN, Mr & Mrs Andrew & Louise Callmn's Perfect Storm 4yr attractive R/W with a balanced feminine head lovely kind dark round eyes. Clean neck, well balanced, good front with her elbows carried close to her chest, matching rear angulation & well let down hocks she moved true fore & aft & with drive in profile to take this class, not so well in the challenge.
2nd: 5946 COX, Mrs L A Ch Carlincox Pure Gold JW ShCEx OSW 4yr strong but feminine bitch with excellent head proportions & lovely chiselling, strong body with good length of rib strong loin & a well muscled rear, lovely profile movement with drive. 

3rd: 5995 PARSONS, Miss H Priorpark Pinch Of Salt 4yr lovely outline on this bitch, dark round eyes, correct strong jaw but a shade too much stop for me, super front with elbows carried close to body, she has flowing profile movement but a little close moving away today.

Class 2622 VB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

I truly enjoyed seeing & judging the veterans, all 4 were so happy & did their owners proud I was privileged to judge them.
1st: 5978 MANSFIELD, Ms Helen & KIRBY, Mr John Ch Shingwidsi Tshadi Rose 8.5 yr carrying her years well, an old favourite of mine who has done well under me before. She has a soft feminine expression & a super outline still. Moved accurately each way & with effortless profile movement. At one with her handler, a quality bitch she was the most accurate mover in this class today.BVIB & pleased to see her take HVG3. 

2nd: 6016 SALMON, Mrs K Ch CH Diamondridge Distantdrum @ Lobengula 7.5yr I loved her typey head & lovely outline on the stack, a super balanced girl. Ground covering profile movement but not so clean going away today.
3rd: 5968 HODGE, Mrs K Ch COLKERIRIN FACE TO THE SUN JW  Sh.CM 7.75yr Lots to like & such a happy girl with balanced angulation. She had lovely profile movement but a little exuberant coming & going today, would probably have benefited from a bigger ring to settle. 

Judge: Mrs Sally HICKS