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Mrs Marilyn SCRUTTON

Official Judges Critique

Judging: Hungarian Puli, Pastoral Group



I was delighted with my entry, especially being on a weekday, and thank you to all exhibitors.  Due to Covid it is 7 years since I last judged the breed, with a few exceptions I feel head proportions have improved but type and size are still very varied. 

SBD (0) MPD (0) PD (1)1. Best Puppy  Watts Vilmos Vincenzo 10mth with good head proportions  and correct bite, would prefer slightly darker pigment, correct angulation front and rear, square outline, well trained and steady on the move, hope he still has time to grow a little.  Disappointed  he didn’t stay for the puppy group.

JD (1)1. Cowley Kashbeluli There We Are Then 14mth son of dog CC winner,  good head proportions, dark eye, excellent pigment and bite.  Correct lay of shoulder and length of upper arm, good spring of rib, level topline and short loin, well muscled correctly angulated rear with well set hocks, all of which gives him a light quick stepping movement with good drive.  Well presented profuse coat going through the difficult stage at the moment.  

YD (0) PGD (0)

LD (4) 1.  Knight Flindattie The Shogun  4yr son of my CC winners and has inherited much from both of them. Of nice size and now in full coat he has correct head proportions with good bite and pigment.  Nice depth of chest and spring of rib, correct angles front and rear, short loin.  In lean, hard condition, moved well with animation and light step to win RCC.   2. Mills Ludas Matyi Aladar (Imp) 3yr smaller dog, with a huge coat which needs length to finish.  Pleasing head proportions with correct dentition but would prefer slightly darker pigment.  Not so square in outline as 1. 3. Crowther Catsun Constantin

OD (4)  4 very nice dogs presenting the full range of height. 1. Sharpe & Dyer Ch. Catsun Comanche Legacy now 6yrs this black boy pulled out all the stops on the move to win this class.   Well proportioned head with dark eye,  good bite and pigmentation.  Correct angles front and rear, short loin, well presented.  2. Watts Ch. Moonshadow Mud Bug (Imp USA)  also 6yr this boy is a real showman and immaculately presented, one can see why he has done well in groups.  For me he is a tad on the small side and I would prefer a little more length of leg, well proportioned head, good lay of shoulder but a bit short in upper arm. Moved with his usual verve and style.  3. Grover Sinergi Shenanigans at Cordemops

VD (1) Cowley  Ch. Callendu Despicable Me at Kashbeluli Sh.Cm ShCE now 9 yrs old this boy is in his prime.  Well proportioned head, with slight dome to skull, dark eye, lovely expression and excellent pigmentation. Excellent depth of chest and good spring of rib.  Strong neck of medium length flowing into well laid shoulder, lovely topline and short strong loin with excellent rear angulation and well placed hocks.  He is in lean hard muscled condition with well presented full coat giving the finishing touch. Lively, short stepping, ground covering movement, pleased to award him the CC. 

SBB (1) Neo King of Meadows Ariel at Sejati (Imp Serb) 20mth white girl immaculately presented with cords coming nicely.  Pretty feminine well proportioned head with good bite.  Fine bone with good angulation front and rear, well muscled and moving with typical quick, short steps. 

MPB (0)

PB (1) Mills Vilmos Vanja 10 mth litter sister to puppy dog, being a bit naughty today which cost her in the puppy challenge.  Well made puppy, fine well proportioned head, dark eye, good bite and wicked expression, she is a real madam.   Medium neck, into well laid shoulder, short loin, and well angulated rear.  Needs more ring experience, when she decides to grow up and behave should have a bright future.

JB (0)

YB (3, 1a) Neo King of Meadows Ariel at Sejati (Imp Serb) 2. Chesher MacLaurien Peggy Sue of Cariadus 22mth larger than 1 and looking long on leg at the moment which is not helped by coat damage, looks like she is greying out in colour.  Good shoulder, a little narrow in chest, moved nicely.  A bit apprehensive on the table, could do with more outings.

PGB (0)

LB (2) 1. Bodle Tyngeli Make Believe at Vilmos 3 and a half yr.  Pleasing head proporions with lovely feminine expression, good bite and pigment.  Well placed shoulders, with good depth of chest and spring of rib, level topline and short loin, well angulated rear assembly. Moved really well, she is just my type of bitch but ideally I would like a bit more of her all round. 2. Crowther Catsun Concetta 2 months older than 1, and slightly larger.  Nice head and expression, balanced front and rear angulation, again good depth of chest, spring of rib and short loin, moving well but would have preferred more drive.

OB (3) 1. Corah Ch. Callendu Diamonds’N Pearls  7yrs old and in her prime, lovely  balanced head, super bite and pigment.  Medium neck leads to well laid shoulders, good spring of rib and short strong loin, with balanced rear angulation. Moved really well to win this class but had to give way to the veteran in the challenge, pleased to award her RCC.   2. Cowley Somogyi Betyar Bodza at Kashbeluli (Imp)  Almost 8 years old I last judged this bitch as a 10month old puppy and loved her. Beautiful well proportioned feminine head, with excellent pigment and bite, good well balanced angulation, really square outline, but carrying far too much weight today and it affected her movement. 3. Chesher Cariadus Casablanca

VB (2, 1a) Knight Ch. Weetonon Polly Flinders 10 and a half year old bitch who is another who proves the saying that Pulis are like fine wine and improve with age.  Last judged her 9 years ago when she was just out of junior.  She is beautifully square, and has a fine boned, well proportioned head, with excellent bite and pigment, carried on a strong neck of medium length.  Excellent shoulders, with good depth of chest, well ribbed level back leads to a strong short loin and balanced rear angulation with well placed hocks.  In lean, well muscled condition and presented in immaculate full cords, she drove round the ring as if half her age.   A real credit to her owner and I was delighted to award her CC, BOB and Best Veteran

Judge: Marilyn Scrutton