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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Airedale Terrier, Terrier Group

BEST OF BREED : 5908 TOULSON, Mr N & Mrs H Toulsyork Taylor Made - CC
Dog CC : 5908 TOULSON, Mr N & Mrs H Toulsyork Taylor Made - CC
Res Bitch CC : 5909 TOULSON, Mr N & Mrs H Toulsyork Tiger Lilly
Best Puppy : 5898 PICKERING, Mr Joe Jolliver Dave Ja Vu
Best Veteran : 5884 EDINGTON-HALL, Ms Wendy Wendaire Kissed By An Angel JW Sh.CM ShCEx
Best Special Beginner :

Class 2106 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5898 PICKERING, Mr Joe Jolliver Dave Ja Vu.  10 month old and coming nicely together. Well balanced head , dark eye, well placed ears of good shape , moderate neck , well placed shoulders, good topline, ribs well sprung for age. Good loin and pleasing hocks. Compact feet and tail well placed. moved well fore and aft. Coat developing nicely. Should have a bright future. BP.

Class 2107 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5913 CHINI, Mr Flavio BUON AIRES BLACK PEARL OF KEVLET -  15month smaller dog but lovely and balanced. Well proportioned head,dark eye, small erect ears of good shape, moderate nose, slightly arched neck, good straight forelegs and small feet. Well sprung ribs and chest of moderate depth. Good topline and strong muscular hindquarters with good hocks. Good free movement with drive from behind. Pleasing dense hard coat in excellent condition. RCC 
2nd: 5897 KNIGHTS, Mr D & STOKES, Mr J & STEINKE, Mrs S R Temtiz Buzz Lightyear at Lelaps. Larger dog with balanced head of good proportions, dark eye and nicely placed ears. Moderate neck, well bodied, good ribs and loin , good muscle in the rear. Hard coat and in good condition. Not moving as well as the winner today, just needs more ring practise. 

Class 2108 PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 5887 FEARNHEAD, Mrs J Settlebeck Royal Flush 19 month,  well balanced head , dark eye, good nose and well placed neat ears. Moderate neck, good depth of body, pleasing elbows, good ribs and good muscular loin, muscular thighs, tail well placed , dense coat and good condition. Moved well fore and aft keeping a pleasing topline.
2nd: 5911 TURNER, Mr Rowland & TURNER, Mrs Jane Crillee Carry On The Legend. Another nice one  close to winner  with good shaped head ,dark eye and good ears. Moderate neck into good shoulder, straight legs, good feet and good depth and moderate loin. Moderate turn of stifle, presented in  good hard coat, moved steady but not as active and free as winner today.
3rd: 5903 SIMPSON-JONES, Mrs Lynda Cwmplentyn Jack of Hearts

Class 2109 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5908 TOULSON, Mr N & Mrs H Toulsyork Taylor Made - CC & BOB. Active and well built exhibit who had masculine head with good length. Good skull, muzzle and dark eye of good shape.  Well placed v shaped ears,not too large. Muscular clean neck into good front, pleasing depth and strong loin and top line. Well angled rear . On good feet and in good hard coat. Moved with good fore and aft action . Very good expression and ring presence. Covered the ring with good stride holding balanced outline. Quality youngster and pleased to hear this gave him his title.

Class 2110 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5892 GRIGAS, Mr S Rus Nano Sterling Gemstone. 4 years old with masculine well proportioned head, dark eye and good ears. Muscular neck, good shoulder, front and on good feet. Good rib, loin and well angled rear. Good bone, coat and condition and moved with good gait holding good shape. 
2nd: 5882 BROWN, Mrs Julie & BROWN, Mr David Ch Jokyl Daily Special JW Good skull, stop and nice dark eye . Well placed ears and good length neck. Shoulder well placed, good rib, loin and well angled rear. Presented in good coat and moved with  good steady stride holding good top line. Close to one.

Class 2111 VD NO ENTRIES

Class 2112 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

Class 2113 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5900 RICHARDSON, Ms J Airechien Savanna. Feminine bitch  with good head and dark eye. Good ears, neck and balanced body . Good depth, bone and liked her type and size. In good coat and condition .  Moved with steady action . Needs time but has much potential.

Class 2114 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5907 STEINKE, Mrs S R Temtiz Miss Prim & Proper. 17 months with feminine balanced head. Dark eye, well placed ears. Good neck, well placed shoulder, straight legs ,good rib and depth . Well angled rear and liked her type and size. Moved with good front action but needs time to develop more in rear. Well presented in good condition , prefer slightly harder coat

Class 2115 PGB (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 5888 FEARNHEAD, Mrs J Settlebeck Queen Of Hearts. Lovely head and eye with good muzzle. Ears well placed but flying just a touch at times.  Good neck and well placed shoulder. Straight bone and good feet. Good depth, loin and well developed rear. Good hocks and in good hard coat . Moved with  steady action and holds nice shape.
2nd: 5881 BLACKBURN, Mrs Jo Lumosadie Scarlet Phoenix. Good feminine head with well placed and good shaped ears. Good eye and expression, good neck, and firm back. Good depth and elbows. Moderate rear . In good coat and condition . Moved with good stride but not quite as developed in rear as winner. 
3rd: 5899 RICHARDSON, Ms J Muliebrity Ripples with Airechien

Class 2116 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 5909 TOULSON, Mr N & Mrs H Toulsyork Tiger Lilly. Lovely type, shape and size. Feminine head of good length, skull and muzzle . Dark eye and good ears. Muscular neck into well built front, good straight legs . Good rib, strong loin and well angled rear. Presented in good hard coat and moved with good positive stride and holds firm frame with  good head carriage. RCC

Class 2117 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5878 ABLARD, Mr David Ch JAYDAVINE STORY OF LOVE. 2 years with lovely head piece, dark eye and good ears. Muscular clean neck, good bone, legs and feet. Good depth rib, strong loin and firm short back . Well developed rear and presented in  good hard coat and  body condition.  Moved with good stride and drive with good front action holding quality outline. BCC
2nd: 5895 HAMPTON, Ms Deborah & HALL, Ms Tina MULIEBRITY OCEAN BAY. Another of good type, head shape, ears and eye. Alert and  holds nice shape on move. Straight legs, good hocks and well angled rear . Presented in good coat  of hard texture. 
3rd: 5910 TURNER, Mr Rowland & TURNER, Mrs Jane Ch Crillee Carry On Party Baby

Class 2118 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5884 EDINGTON-HALL, Ms Wendy Wendaire Kissed By An Angel JW Sh.CM ShCEx. 8 years old ,very alert and with good head piece, dark eye and good v shaped ears .Good neck, body shape and with good bone, legs and feet. Well presented and moved with good gait holding firm frame.
2nd: 5886 FEARNHEAD, Mrs J Singrett Just An Illusion Balanced. Feminine but slightly smaller cast exhibit. Good head, eye and ears ,well proportioned body with good top line. Presented in good coat and condition . Moved with steady stride and also has much to like.