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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Cesky Terrier, Terrier Group

Res Dog CC : 6205 TAYLOR, Mrs P Ch Oural Du Champ D'eole Imp Fra
Bitch CC : 6182 BURRAGE, Mr & Mrs D & L Ch Komidion Prima Donna of Sametova
Best Puppy : 6199 PEARSON, Mr D Winoski Aemond
Best Veteran : 6190 ENGLAND, Mrs Lee & BURRAGE, Mrs Linda Ch Ashleyheath's Black Thunder Sh.CM ShCEx VW
Best Special Beginner : 6189 ELLISON, Miss Jennifer A Placido Proper Player

Class 2208 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6199 PEARSON, Mr D Winoski Aemond.  Good length skull, eye of good shape and well placed ears, good length .  Moderate clean neck into body of good height to length, good elbows.  Tail well set , moderate stifle and good upper thigh. In silky sheen coat and well presented. Moved with good steady gait. Lots to like still needs more ring  presence. BP

Class 2209 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6194 HALLING, Miss A C & ATTER, Mrs Sheila Ridley Atticus. Head of good length, stop and eye.  Ears set high of good length . Good neck into well laid shoulder. good depth. loin and well developed rear, tail well set on . Presented in coat of good texture. Moved with active gait but would like him just to use that tail a little more.

Class 2210 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6189 ELLISON, Miss Jennifer A Placido Proper Player. Masculine head shape, dark eye, good muzzle and well placed ears. Good neck, shoulder and ribs. Strong loin and well built rear. Good tail set and length . Presented in very good condition, good bone and hocks. Moved with good stride holding nice top line.

Class 2211 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6203 SAMSON, Mrs S & SAMSON, Mr Gavin Talyot Magnus to silak. Liked the head shape and eye. Good expression, stop and muzzle. Good depth, bone, legs, feet and correct top line. Well angled rear and good tail. In good coat and moved with active free gait.

Class 2212 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6208 TOBIJANSKI, Mrs W Ch JANSKI O'ROLOX JW. Balanced head shape, good skull eye and muzzle. Good ears, length of neck into well placed shoulder. Good depth, legs and feet. Firm hocks, correct top line, well muscled rear and good tail. Presented in coat of good texture and body condition. Moved with good positive stride, holds good outline . Lovely type DCC & BOB
2nd: 6205 TAYLOR, Mrs P Ch Oural Du Champ D'eole Imp Fra. Masculine head and well placed ears. Good neck and lovely type ,holds corect top line. Good shoulder, bone and feet. Tail well set on and in very good condition . Active mover with good stride over ground. Res DCC
3rd: 6186 DUKES, Mrs Ruth & RODGERS, Miss Megan Janski Theodore at Runiks
Res: 6183 BURRAGE, Mr & Mrs D & L Sametova Bacary

Class 2213 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6190 ENGLAND, Mrs Lee & BURRAGE, Mrs Linda Ch Ashleyheath's Black Thunder Sh.CM ShCEx VW. 10 years and in super condition for age. Good head shape, length of  skull, muzzle and dark eye . Good length neck into body of good depth and length. Tail well set and well angled rear. Moved with steady gait . BV

Class 2214 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6189 ELLISON, Miss Jennifer A Placido Proper Player -  As Previous.

Class 2215 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6200 PEARSON, Mr D Winoski Rhaenyra. Feminine head of good shape, pleasing  stop with good ears. Good neck, depth, ribs and loin. Well angled rear. Good legs and feet. In good textured coat and active mover but needs  little more ring presence.

Class 2216 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6209 TOBIJANSKI, Mrs W JANSKI YAMIZZABL WITCH. Lovely type youngster with feminine  proportioned head, good eye, ears well set and clean neck . Good body depth to length and correct top line. Well developed rear and good tail. Presented in good silky sheen coat and moved with free positive gait  holding nice frame. Res BCC

Class 2217 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6204 SAMSON, Mrs S & SAMSON, Mr Gavin Silak never miss a beat. Good head shape, eye and ears. Dark eye and good muzzle. Good length neck, ribs and loin. Well developed rear. Good tail, coat and condition and moved with nice action and drive over ground.

Class 2218 LB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6210 TOBIJANSKI, Mrs W JANSKI STORM PADFOOT. Feminine balanced head, good eye, expression and ears. Good length neck, shoulder, bone, legs and feet. Good rib, well angled rear and tail. Presented in good coat and condition and moved with steady active gait, holds a balanced shape.
2nd: 6187 DUKES, Mrs Ruth & RODGERS, Miss Megan Runiks Akreepa of Dragons. Close to winner with good head, eye and ears. Liked the body shape, depth and top line. Good legs and feet, well angled rear and presented in good coat. Moved with active gait holding good top line.
3rd: 6188 ELLISON, Miss Jennifer A Placido Oriana
Res: 6184 BURRAGE, Mr & Mrs D & L Komidion Sonata for Sametova JW
VHC: 6193 HALLING, Miss A C Wherrypoint Gloria

Class 2219 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6182 BURRAGE, Mr & Mrs D & L Ch Komidion Prima Donna of Sametova. Feminine balanced head with good eye, ears and good length neck . Well laid shoulder, good bone, legs and feet. Good depth, rib and loin.Well developed rear and good tail. Presented in good smooth silky coat and covered ground with good positive action holding good outline and head carriage.
2nd: 6185 DUKES, Mrs Ruth & RODGERS, Miss Megan Ch Placido Musical Miracle at Runiks. Another feminine typy exhibit close to one. Well proportioned head, good eye ears and neck. Good depth and length of body, good legs and feet. Well angled rear and good tail. In good textured coat and moved with good stride. 
3rd: 6207 THOMSON, Mrs Daveena & FORBES, Miss Caitlin Penny Euphoriastaff Houska With Karensbrae (Imp Pol)

Class 2220 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6202 SAMSON, Mrs S & SAMSON, Mr Gavin Silak Shasgav my immortal . Feminine head, good ears and nice eye. Good neck, body shape, legs and feet. Well built rear and in good condition. Moved with  active stride when settled, liked her type.

Class 2221 SBB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6193 HALLING, Miss A C Wherrypoint Gloria. Has good breed type , liked her head shape, eye and expression . Good neck, length, body, bone and feet. Well angled rear and presented in good condition . Moved with steady gait and nice front action.