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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Tibetan Spaniel, Utility Group

BEST OF BREED : 6582 BEVERIDGE, Mr Nick Gianni Its Posh Totty
Dog CC : 6589 COLAÇO, Ms Lisa & BROWN, Mr Nicolas Saxtead Norbu
Res Dog CC : 6612 MORTON, Mrs L M Linsdown Karib
Bitch CC : 6582 BEVERIDGE, Mr Nick Gianni Its Posh Totty
Res Bitch CC : 6630 THOMSON, Miss Sheila R M & PRENTICE, Mr Ian Tamrae Parti With The Stars JW
Best Puppy : 6609 MCDONALD, Ms A Balgay Gold Digga NAF
Best Veteran : 6590 COOPER, Miss C & O'BRIEN, Miss Elizabeth Ch Susu Princess Spice Parti Jw Vw W17

Firstly I must thank my stewards who did a great job keeping the ring moving. Secondly I thank the exhibitors for making the day such a pleasant one. In my opinion some things over the years have improved in the breed such as the mouths, width and depth of chin and eye size but sadly I feel we are loosing some of the things that make the dog a Tibetan Spaniel such as ‘heads small in proportion to the body carried proudly’, there are some large untypical heads creeping into the breed. I do look for  harefeet that are small & neat, sadly there were a few with larger cat feet. The ears  should be set fairly high with a slight lift, this helps to give the expression I was looking for. In the quest to win, we appear to be producing a generic ‘show dog’ not a typical Tibetan Spaniel.  The standard has not changed since the 1970's and we should all be aiming to breed as closely to it as we can. In doing so, nothing should be referred to as ‘old fashioned’. I felt my overall winners did reflect the standard. 

Class 2318 VD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6619 PARKES, Mrs D Fantasa Wartortle . This is a masculine dog I have always liked particularly for the fact he is so well constructed and this reflects in his correct effortless movement and very balanced outline.  He was in great condition carrying the right amount of coat. A credit to his owner. 
2nd: 6591 COOPER, Miss C L Ch & Ned Ch Dedicated To Don't Waste Time Susu JW. 11 years old and still on the lookout for trouble! This pale gold dog is not perhaps as masculine as 1 and today was not in such good coat. He belies his age when on the move as he is in good muscular condition. Another one, a credit to his owner. 
3rd: 6593 CREE, Mrs C Gibbcrees Didn't Expect That

Class 2319 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6579 ABERCROMBIE, Miss L Souska Can We Talk To Tibwood. This attractive dog has a masculine but not coarse head with good eye shape and lovely pigmentation and good lift of ear. He is moderate throughout with good construction which is reflected in his profile movement, always keeping a level topline. BPD. 
2nd: 6585 BEVIS, Mrs P J Souska Touch The Sky Over Starlance. I see this dog is the litter brother of the winner. Many of the comments of 1 apply to this boy. I felt I just preferred the head and expression of his brother. 
3rd: 6616 O'CONNOR, Miss Elise Malia Winter Spice With Talistella
Res: 6608 MCDONALD, Ms A Balgay Gold N Ticket NAF
VHC: 6587 CHRISTIE, Mrs D & Miss L Balgay Gold N Buzza Naf Taf

Class 2320 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6615 MORTON, Mrs L M Linsdown Gabriel. A heavier  boned dog,  but one that is well constructed, which reflects in his movement from all angles. He has a well proportion head with lovely dark eyes. I would prefer perhaps a little less coat. 
2nd: 6595 DUNSDON, Mrs Sarah Malia Magical Memories For Mawali . This dog is taller on the leg than 1 giving a squarer outline. I found him slightly narrow in the muzzle which detracted from his expression but he has good shaped dark eyes and a good ear set. His profile movement was good but he was moving very close behind when going away from me. He is carrying the correct amount of coat. 

Class 2321 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6628 TAYLOR, Mrs H & Mr D N Oldcharm Can You Love Me At Maursett. I liked his balance and he won this class  because his head is smaller in proportion to his body. His head also showed good width and depth of chin, good eye shape and pigmentation.  He moved in a positive manner. 
2nd: 6603 LEMON, Mr R Parloueve Made You Look. This dog is bigger & heavier throughout. For me I would like to see him scaled down as he does have a many of the correct breed points. He is well constructed and in profile moves well. 

Class 2322 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6620 PILSBURY, Mr S & PILSBURY, Mrs J Kernow Tagliatelle. This  black/fawn dog is up to size but not over done or carrying too much bone. He is well constructed . On the move he kept a good topline and showed a good tail set. 
2nd: 6597 GILLING, Miss D Kentwone Epsilon Of Talocan. Completely different to 1 being much lower to the ground and carrying a good deal of coat. He does have a nice small head with good size of eye and lovely pigmentation. 

Class 2323 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6589 COLAÇO, Ms Lisa & BROWN, Mr Nicolas Saxtead Norbu. This dog screams moderation. He is of correct size and balance. His head is small in proportion to his body with good lift of ear, lovely pigmentation and good width and depth of chin. He is very well constructed and moves well from all angles viewed, he has correct hare feet. He was in good hard condition and was carrying the correct coat, one that lies rather flat to the body with a fine dense undercoat. I was pleased to award, in my view,  this typical, correct Tibetan Spaniel the DCC. 
2nd: 6588 CLOSE, Mrs Julia & CLOSE, Mr Dave Velrok King Silver With Arikara. This is another correct, typical Tibetan Spaniel, again moderation is the key word. A lovely well presented red and white parti-colour. His head is of good proportions displaying dark eyes, good ear placement and overall dark pigmentation. He moved well keeping his topline at all times. Close up for the RDCC. 
3rd: 6633 THOMSON, Ms E J Tibbiestars Time Lord
Res: 6610 MCLEAN, Mrs Avril Glencoul Magical Dust
VHC: 6586 CHRISTIE, Mrs D & Miss L Betranna Athos

Class 2324 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6612 MORTON, Mrs L M Linsdown Karib. This dog is good for size, length of leg and overall balance. He is moderate throughout and is very well constructed, which is reflected in his movement. His head is small in proportion to his body, masculine without being coarse. He has a good ear placement with good lift of ear which helps to enhance his expression. He was carrying the right amount of coat that was lying rather flat to the body and he had good furnishings. RDCC
2nd: 6584 BEVIS, Mrs P J Ch Skyvana Empty Dreams Of Starlance ShCEx.  He is a very worthy champion and one I have admired from the ringside and he is a great showman. He his larger than 1 but everything is in proportion and also moderate. He has excellent profile movement but today could not match the correctness of the front movement of 1.
3rd: 6607 MCDONALD, Ms A Balgay Muri Ma Pieldi
Res: 6605 MCDONALD, Ms A Balgay Dru Ma JW
VHC: 6601 LEE, Mrs Susan T Oldcharm Love My Way

Class 2325 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6590 COOPER, Miss C & O'BRIEN, Miss Elizabeth Ch Susu Princess Spice Parti Jw Vw W17.  A smart 8 yrs feminine parti-colour girl who owns the ring. She is good for size, make and shape. Her head size is correct. She has a lovely expression which is achieved by correct shaped dark eyes, excellent pigmentation, lovely lift of ear. She holds her good correct topline at all times and her movement is positive. BV. I was delighted to see she was placed VG1. 
2nd: 6631 THOMSON, Ms E J Tibbiestars Moulin Rouge. A nice red who has many breed attributes and was unlucky to meet the winner who was on such good form toady. She also is 8 yrs old. 

Class 2326 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6609 MCDONALD, Ms A Balgay Gold Digga NAF. I really liked the overall balance of this  well schooled little girl. She has the correct amount of bone for her age and is certainly made correctly. Her head is feminine with nice well shaped dark eyes, well placed ear set with slight lift, good width and depth of chin all completing a lovely expression. She pulled out all the stops in the BP challenge and I was pleased to award her BP. 
2nd: 6625 SHORT, Mrs L Malia Mistletoe Kisses. This young lady certainly did not want to cooperate with her handler.  She has a very very feminine head with lovely well shaped eyes, darkest of pigment, nice slight lift to her ears, correct width and depth to chin.  She, for me, was not quite as balanced 1.
3rd: 6599 LEAK, Mr M & Mrs P Malia Mistletoe Memories Mit Madire

Class 2327 PB NO ENTRIES

Class 2328 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6618 OSBORN, Mrs M L Quailmoor Gold Dust. A pretty bitch with good balance, lovely shoulder placement and topline which she kept on the move. Her head is small and of good proportions displaying  good sized dark eyes and nice ear placement. She is just coming into her own and maturity will complete the picture.
2nd: 6602 LEE, Mrs Susan T Oldcharm Love Not War. Another pretty bitch who is well balanced. Sadly she was rather unsettled on the table and the move. 

Class 2329 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6611 MINTO, Mrs Ellen Anacan Summer Breeze. This moderate bitch is small and very feminine. She has a lovely balanced outline and good construction which enables her to move freely, like her profile movement. One with good hare feet. Not carrying too much coat. Her head is of good proportions with nice lift of ear, good mouth and width & depth of chin. 
2nd: 6598 GILLING, Miss D Princess Mulan Ilharess Of Talocan (Imp Pol) JW A heavier type of bitch but never the less has nice balance. she  who moves in a positive manner but does not have quite the profile movement of 1. In good coat and fringing. 
3rd: 6600 LEAK, Mr M & Mrs P Velrok Razina Of Madire

Class 2330 LB (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6630 THOMSON, Miss Sheila R M & PRENTICE, Mr Ian Tamrae Parti With The Stars JW. I would call this bitch a no nonsense girl, not over done in any department, who is very well constructed and moves with ease. She has a small head which shows lovely dark well shaped eyes, good width and depth of chin, good dentition, and nice lift of ear. Pushed hard for the BCC but lost out to the ultra-feminine head of the eventual winner. RCC.
2nd: 6578 ABERCROMBIE, Miss L Tibwood She Tells Our Story JW. Another feminine bitch of good size and proportions creating a nice balance. She too has a small head displaying the correct standard points. On another day these two could swop places. 
3rd: 6634 WALLIS BAGA, Miss Barbara A & WALLIS BAGA, Miss Jo Velrok Rafina
Res: 6592 COOPER, Miss C L & OTTENS, Miss M & OTTENS, Miss S Susu The Brightest Star
VHC: 6611 MINTO, Mrs Ellen Anacan Summer Breeze

Class 2331 OB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6582 BEVERIDGE, Mr Nick Gianni Its Posh Totty. She came ,I saw, she conquered. This is a very balanced lady who is so well constructed. Her movement is a delight to watch from any angle, so free and positive. She has a definite aura of aloofness which is missing in so many exhibits. Her head is small and ultra-feminine with lovely dark well sized and shaped eyes, good depth and width of chin and decent length of muzzle. Her ears are well set and there is a slight lift to them. She is not over coated and carries the right amount of fringing. She definitely has the correct hare feet and is not over done in the bone department. I loved her and was delighted to award her the BCC & BOB.
2nd: 6613 MORTON, Mrs L M Lindsown Jodha . A gold bitch who is heavier throughout than  1 but never the less she is well made throughout. I would prefer a more feminine head but it does display correct breed points. She gain this place on her overall balance and her movement. 
3rd: 6623 PLACE, Mrs M L & HALLIDAY, Mrs AL Ch Susu Wears Prada In Lockdown At Aarminias
Res: 6624 SHORT, Mrs L Ch Malia Harvest Flower
VHC: 6580 ADAMS, Mrs G Ch Balgay Okurimono