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City of Birmingham Championship Show

Show Results - Best In Show Group

Judge: Mr T Nagretcha

BEST : 3531 BEVIS, Ms F & BEVIS, C & CORR, R & VENEZIA, K - Ch Stecal's All Guns Blazing - CC - AKITA - Dog
RESERVE : 6877 LYNN, Mr Jason B - Sh Ch Afterglow Impose - SPANIEL (AMERICAN COCKER) - Bitch
Ms F Bevis, C Bevis, R Corr & K Venezia - Ch Stecal's All Guns Blazing with BIS judge Mr T Nagretcha, The Rev'd W H King (Chairman) & A Morton (Royal Canin)

Mr J B Lynn - Sh Ch Afterglow Impose with BIS judge Mr T Nagretcha, The Rev'd W H King (Chairman)

Best In Show Group - Junior
Judge: Mr D Smith

1st : 3631 LOWTHIAN, Mr Stuart & LOWTHIAN, Mrs Debra Haddaway The Boss For Tyneamite - BULLDOG - Dog
2nd : 253 CULLEN, Mr & Mrs Kevin & Sandie Sir Constantine De Barba Negra At Philoma (imp Fca - GIANT SCHNAUZER - Dog
Mr S Lowthian & Mrs D Lowthian - Haddaway The Boss For Tyneamite with BJIS judge Mr D Smith & Mrs R Hall (Committee)

Mr & Mrs K & S Cullen - Sir Constantine De Barba Negra At Philoma (imp Fca) with BJIS judge Mr D Smith

Best In Show Group - Puppy
Judge: Mr T Nagretcha

1st : 4768 GUVERCIN, Mrs Julie Forest Zpod Chlumskych Haju Glebeheath (Cze Imp) - BORDER TERRIER - Dog
2nd : 116 MAIR, Misses L&S Sulez Striker At Glenauld - BOXER - Dog
Mrs J Guvercin - Forest Zpod Chlumskych Haju Glebeheath (Cze Imp) with BPIS judge Mr T Nagretcha & A Morton (Royal Canin)

Misses L & S Mair - Sulez Striker At Glenauld with BPIS judge Mr T Nagretcha

Best In Show Group - Veteran
Judge: Mr K Young

1st : 4502 COOPER, Miss C & O'BRIEN, Miss Elizabeth Ch Susu Princess Spice Parti Jw Vw W17 - TIBETAN SPANIEL - Bitch
2nd : 6389 - RETRIEVER (CURLY COATED) - Dog
Miss C Cooper & Miss E O'Brien - Ch Susu Princess Spice Parti Jw Vw W17 with BVIS judge Mr K Young

Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens - Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM with BVIS judge Mr K Young