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City of Birmingham Championship Show

Judges Critiques

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Albert Wight

Judging: Chinese Crested, Toy Group

                           CITY OF BIRMINGHAM CH SHOW 2024

                                    Chinese Crested report

Spec. Beg D(2)  1st & Best SB Stainsby's Riverealca Affric what a delightful temperament this powderpuff has! Nicely headed, such expressive eyes with that ready for anything look, super neck well ribbed sufficient angulation  and circled the ring with a smooth stride.   2nd Edmonds Akdenis Altair (Imp Pol) another well constructed chap with much to admire as he is well constructed, good length/height porportions and well muscled aft. Quite sound moving but needs to be more outgoing in temperament.

VD(2) 1st Res. CC & BV Crow's Ch Estillinis Siver Surfer at Casacavallo JW looks a class item and I was unsurprised to learn he ennobled already. Lovely make and shape, impeccable presentation, beautiful headpiece and cruised round the ring with an air of style and confidence.  2nd Bartlett's Michadaine Crazy For You this powderpuff was another whose attitude and zest for life belies his age. Nice headpiece, veru knowing expression,so well  bodied, groomed to perfection and side on he motors.  Not quite the firmness in front of the winner.


JD(5)  1st Koot & Koot-Van Ooosten's  Concrate Clouds Sieger a bit of a problemlad as he has much to like but could have more ooomph when moving.  Handles well on the table, lovely headpiece with such dark, expressive eyes, correct wither height, well angulated both ends and is sound in action if a bit reluctant to use his tail when moving.2nd Piper's  Miatory Split Decision for Zanjero  3rd Riverealca A.

PGD(5)  1st Panayiotis' Ynchreenoo Masquerade such a sound lad whose light footed action aided his cause.  Pleasing head, excellent ears, good reach in neck, nicely ribbed and enough rear angulation. Light footed in profile action with good hock use.  2nd Walker's Solino's The Entertainer For Petwalk a smaller male, not quite the  headpiece of the winner being shorter in muzzle. However, he is well ribbed and has well angulated hindquarters but although quite sound I felt Masquerade was more purposeful and had more hock action. 3rd Peppett's Way To Go  Heybett

LD(3/1)  1st Van Zyl's Shumllea Hot Spot of Brighthound I admired his length/height proportions and his reach of neck which enhanced his profile appeal. Pleasing head, good spring of rib, nicely moulded croup and correct tail set and carriage. Circled the ring with reach and drive.  2nd Minton's B-Galaxy Chocolate Dream of Coffee at Calabrinda nice for size, well bodied and with ample hind angulation.  I would prefer more muzzle length for his skull, but he has very good eyes and ears.  Quite sound moving but short stepping a tad in profile.

OD(7) 1st & CC Crow's Ch Kojiki's Love To Hate Me At Casacavallo 2nd Crow's Crow's  Ch Kojiki's The Look Of Love At Khatirta  two very worthy title holders both with style, an air of quality, oozing breed type and I was unsurprised to learn they are both Champions. So hard to split but on the day I felt the winner has that little more second thigh which adds to his rear angulation having more appeal.   3rd Parker's Ynchreenoo at Khatira 

GCD(3)  1st S. Hot Spot of B.  2nd M. Crazy For You 3rd Farquharson's Shanshal Preince of Arabia JW

Sp.Beg.B(1)  1st Coyle's Snow Princess Von Shimbashi such a sound moving bitch with much to admire.  Ultra feminine in head and expression from lovely eyes, enough neck, well ribbed and shown in good coat. Moves around the ring with a steady stride. 


PB(2)  1st & BP  Walker's Petwalk Naked Attraction what a charmer!! Oozing personality with that "look at me Im it" gaze when on the stack. Nicely ribbed, sufficient angulation both ends and well presented coat.  Just needs to settle when on the move as she plays up a bit. 2nd Larden's Simply The Best Shinbashi this cream has a charming head and expression, ultra feminine, well ribbed and bodied,  but she could have more bend of stifle and she just lacks confidence when moving around the ring. 

JB(1)  1st & Res. CC  Parker's Riveralca Tulla At Khatira I was taken with her the moment she stepped into the ring. Has that air of class and style, delightful head and expression, lovely length/height proportions,, excellent hind angulation and she circled the ring with a real zip in her step giving that look at me expression.Surely title bound. 

PGB(3)  1st Kirkwood's Bryelis Star A'traction JW instant appeal as she stacks so well with such a good neck adding to the charm of her head and expression.She is so wel ribbed, has nicely angulated hindquarters and circled the ring with reach and drive. 2nd McGuigan's Annamac Black Tulip another with much to admire as she is shapely, nicely headed, is well angulated but she is a bit of a shrinking violet and lacked the joi de vivre of the winner.  With a tad more spirit she would do well.3rd Minton's Jandira Modern Family at Calabrinda

LB(5)  1st Minton's Hedwiga Modern Family at Calabrinda won here on her lovely length/height balance.  Her head handles well, lovely dark, expressive eyes, ample reach in neck and so well bodied with a decent loin.  Her fore and rear angulation match and her side action is balanced and purposeful.2nd Panayiotis' Ynchreenoo Kesmadyn Shea a tad smaller and more compact in length/height proportions.  Pleasing head and expression but comes into her own on the move, light footed and showing reach and drive.  She certainly has style.  3rd McGuigan's Bryelis Maid In Scotland For Annamac

OB(3)  1st CC & BOB Law's Ch Karamouche Parti Frock JW what a charmer this delightful powderpuff is!   Oozes style from such a beautiful head and expression, lovely reach of neck, so well ribbed with a tight front and well angulated hindquarters. Immaculate in coat, she swept around the ring with an air of importance, keeping her shape and covering the ground so lightly. More than happy to put her through to the Group.  2nd Dixon's Kempster & Rees' Gwenllian Oolagha Kristol Ayla JW on the stack is impressive as she is well constructed, has an excellent reach in neck, good length/height proportions and was impeccable in jacket. She is well constructed but I felt she lacked the profile reach and drive of those I put over her.

Albert Wight (Judge) 


BEST OF BREED : 2907 LAWS, Mrs K Ch Karamouche Parti Frock JW JW
Dog CC : 2895 CROW, Mrs Donna Ch Kojiki's Love To Hate Me At Casacavallo JW - CC
Res Dog CC : 2896 CROW, Mrs Donna Ch Estillinis Silver Surfer At Casacavallo JW (Swe
Bitch CC : 2907 LAWS, Mrs K Ch Karamouche Parti Frock JW JW
Res Bitch CC : 2917 PARKER, Miss C Riveralca Tulla At Khatira JW
Best Puppy : 2926 WALKER, Mr P J Petwalk Naked Attraction (jkc)
Best Veteran : 2896 CROW, Mrs Donna Ch Estillinis Silver Surfer At Casacavallo JW (Swe
Best Junior : 2917 PARKER, Miss C Riveralca Tulla At Khatira JW
Best Special Beginner : 2922 STAINSBY, Miss A J Riveralca Affric

Class 1275 SBD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2922 STAINSBY, Miss A J Riveralca Affric
2nd: 2900 EDMONDS, Mrs Joy Akdeniz Altair (imp Pol) Naf Taf

Class 1276 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2896 CROW, Mrs Donna Ch Estillinis Silver Surfer At Casacavallo JW (Swe
2nd: 2890 BARTLETT, Ms Lorraine Michadaine Crazy For You Schm Vw

Class 1277 PD NO ENTRIES

Class 1278 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2905 KOOT, Mr Maikel & KOOT-VAN OOSTEN, Mrs. Wendy Concrete Clouds Sieger
2nd: 2920 PIPER, Mrs Christine A Miatory Split Decision For Zanjero
3rd: 2922 STAINSBY, Miss A J Riveralca Affric
Res: 2891 BARTLETT, Ms Lorraine Exotic Spirit Undercover Of The Darkness Avec Mich
VHC: 2900 EDMONDS, Mrs Joy Akdeniz Altair (imp Pol) Naf Taf

Class 1279 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2915 PANAYIOTIS, Mrs A D Ynchreenoo Masquerade
2nd: 2925 WALKER, Mr P J Solino's The Entertainer For Petwalk (hu Imp)
3rd: 2919 PEPPETT, Mrs G Way To Go Heybett
Res: 2902 FARQUHARSON, Mrs Mandy Shanshal Man Of Steel JW
VHC: 2891 BARTLETT, Ms Lorraine Exotic Spirit Undercover Of The Darkness Avec Mich

Class 1280 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2924 VAN ZYL, Ms Katie Shumllea Hot Spot Of Brighthound
2nd: 2911 MINTON, Mrs Jane B-galaxy Chocolate Dream Of Coffee At Calabrinda (

Class 1281 OD (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2895 CROW, Mrs Donna Ch Kojiki's Love To Hate Me At Casacavallo JW - CC
2nd: 2897 CROW, Mrs Donna Ch Kojiki's The Look Of Love At Casacavallo JW
3rd: 2916 PARKER, Miss C Ynchreenoo Black Magic At Khatira ShCEx
Res: 2908 LOADER, Mr T Habiba Gotham Knight For Kettrice
VHC: 2901 FARQUHARSON, Mrs Mandy Shanshal Prince Of Arabia JW

Class 1282 GCD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2924 VAN ZYL, Ms Katie Shumllea Hot Spot Of Brighthound
2nd: 2890 BARTLETT, Ms Lorraine Michadaine Crazy For You Schm Vw
3rd: 2901 FARQUHARSON, Mrs Mandy Shanshal Prince Of Arabia JW

Class 1283 SBB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2894 COYLE, Miss Sharon Snow Princess Von Shinbashi (imp Deu)

Class 1284 VB NO ENTRIES

Class 1285 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2926 WALKER, Mr P J Petwalk Naked Attraction (jkc)
2nd: 2906 LARDEN, Ms D S Simply The Best Von Shinbashi (imp Deu)

Class 1286 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2917 PARKER, Miss C Riveralca Tulla At Khatira JW

Class 1287 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2904 KIRKWOOD, Mr G Bryelis Star A'traction JW (Imp Fin)
2nd: 2910 MCGUIGAN, Mrs A D & MCGUIGAN, Miss T A Annamac Black Tulip
3rd: 2913 MINTON, Mrs Jane Jandira Modern Family At Calabrinda (Imp Pol)

Class 1288 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2912 MINTON, Mrs Jane Hedwiga Modern Family At Calabrinda (Imp Pol)
2nd: 2914 PANAYIOTIS, Mrs A D Ynchreenoo Kesmadyn Shee
3rd: 2909 MCGUIGAN, Mrs A D & MCGUIGAN, Miss T A Bryelis Maid In Scotland For Annamac
Res: 2903 KERRY, Mr Andrew & FARQUHARSON, Mrs Mandy Godpeakiki Viva Andromeda
VHC: 2899 EATON, Mrs T Chestnutcres Miss Fammie At Elmsatce

Class 1289 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2907 LAWS, Mrs K Ch Karamouche Parti Frock JW JW
2nd: 2898 DIXON, Mrs T Ch Jean Dark Carolina Rose Avec Debrita (Swed Imp)
3rd: 2921 KEMPSTER, Lady Margaret & REES, Miss Gwenllian Oolagha Kristol Ayla JW