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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Boston Terrier, Utility Group

Bournemouth Championship Show 2024

Boston Terriers – Judge: Mr Ian Chapman (Norcairn)

BEST OF BREED : 55 WARD, Ms B Wildax Liverpool Lover Of Frenbosen
Dog CC : 55 WARD, Ms B Wildax Liverpool Lover Of Frenbosen
Res Dog CC : 28 BENNETT, Mr Dave Ch Wildax Liverpool Lad At Boxbos
Bitch CC : 33 CUND, Mr Dean & CUND, Miss Abbie Chelmbull Double Trouble
Res Bitch CC : 51 SIMMONS, Mrs Louise & SIMMONS, Mr Shannon Lovewell Gem Of The Sea At Kaladash
Best Puppy : 43 KENNEDY, Mrs A Antrix Sukey Tawdry
Best Veteran : 53 WALKER, Mrs S Ch Image Catcher Of Ziost
Best Special Beginner : 35 HUGHES, Mrs Sarah Delaws Artistic Dreams At Beksam

Class 16 Puppy Dog 2 Entries 

1st 40 Dalenamag Jack Of Spades, JONES, Ms Margaret

10 month old who is still very raw. Pleasing head, dark eye and sufficient padding. Good reach of neck, topline was a little exaggerated today. Lovely rear angulation, but untidy on the move.

Class 17 Junior Dog No Entries

Class 18 Post Graduate Dog 3 Entries

1ST 35 Delaws Artistic Dreams At Beksam, HUGHES, Mrs Sarah

Sound, brindle boy, nice head, dark eye, good padding around muzzle and well used ears, all giving him a lovely, alert expression. Good front & pasterns, sufficient spring and depth of ribs, nice tuck up and topline with good rear angulation. Moved confidently and in tune with his handler.

2ND 32 Sonduriya Running On Empty, CROOK, Mrs Debbie

Slightly shorter in body than my class winner, but still lots to like about him. Lovely, masculine head, dark eye, defined stop, well padded muzzle and nicely set ears. Nice front and pasterns and well angulated rear. Not quite as flowing on the move as 1.

3RD 39 Dalenamag Ace Of Spades, JONES, Ms Margaret

Class 19 Limit Dog 3 Entries

1ST 41 Chelmbull Return Of The Mac At Nerros, KEENAN, Mr Peter & KEENAN, Mrs Nan & KEENAN, Miss Marcia

Pleasing head, dark eye, sufficient padding around muzzle and great dentition. Super-straight front and strong pasterns. Great spring of rib, good depth and a lovely tuck-up. Nice topline and correct tailset, all finished off with lovely hindquarters, giving him a wonderful outline. Sure-footed, strong movement.

2ND 49 Wildax Stravinsky At Kaladash, SIMMONS, Mrs Louise & SIMMONS, Mr Shannon

Good head, dark eye, well padded muzzle and open nostrils. Correctly set ears, which he used constantly. Nice front, pleasing outline. Well sprung ribs and moderate angulation. Moved OK, but I have seen him perform better.

3RD 38 Dalenamag Black Lotus, JONES, Ms Margaret

Class 20 Open Dog 2 Entries 

1ST 55 Wildax Liverpool Lover Of Frenbosen, WARD, Ms B

These two stunning males gave me the hardest of decisions to make… Two quality males from the long established and successful Wildax kennels, both of a ‘type’, oozing quality, but my class winner just shone through today.

Masculine, yet beautiful square head, strong, but by no means over done in anyway. Lovely dark eye, wide open nostrils, perfectly padded muzzle with great dentition. Defined stop with correctly set ears, used constantly. He has a soft, cheeky-chappy expression, full of spark and character. The straightest of fronts with the strongest of pasterns on tight feet. Ample reach of neck, slightly arched, which flows into his correct topline. Great spring of rib and a neat tuck up with moderate rear angulation. Strong, sound, confident movement from all angles. Shown and presented in tip top condition. DCC, his third and BOB. 

2ND 28 Ch Wildax Liverpool Lad At Boxbos, BENNETT, Mr Dave

So many of the same attributes and one, masculine, square head, dark eye, well padded muzzle and a correct ear set. Lovely reach of neck, slightly arched and a strong, straight front. Well sprung ribs with good depth, sufficient tuck up, pleasing topline and moderately angled hindquarters. Another solid mover who was in tune with his handler. RDCC

Class 21 Veteran Dog No Entries

Class 22 Special Beginners Dog or Bitch 2 Entries 

1ST 35 Delaws Artistic Dreams At Beksam, HUGHES, Mrs Sarah

Post Graduate Dog Winner.

2ND 29 Bostontime Light, BOYLAN, Miss P

Six year old bitch who didn’t look happy to be here today… Nice feminine head with dark eye. Earset was a little wide and I would have preferred more padding around her muzzle. Nice front, well sprung ribs and good rear angulation. Moved OK.

Class 23 Puppy Bitch 1 Entry

1ST 43 Antrix Sukey Tawdry, KENNEDY, Mrs A

11 month old very pretty bitch. Super feminine head with a dark eye and wide open nostrils. Correctly set ears, which she used perfectly. Super straight front and good pasterns and tight feet. Nice reach of neck, a very pleasing topline and good rear angulation. A striking outline, beautifully balanced and lovely movement. Definitely one to watch! BPIB

Class 24 Junior Bitch 1 Entry

1ST 54 Follow Your Dreams Torques At Ziost Naf, WALKER, Mrs S.

Feminine head with a lovely dark eye, adequate padding around muzzle and a correct bite. Well used ears, nice reach of neck and a good front. Well sprung ribs and good rear angulation. Full of character, both standing and on the move and she strutted herself correctly.

Class 25 Post Graduate Bitch 5 Entries

1ST 51 Lovewell Gem Of The Sea At Kaladash, SIMMONS, Mrs Louise & SIMMONS, Mr Shannon.

Lots to like about this girl, she has the sweetest of expressions with an alert and intelligent look. Beautiful feminine square head, well padded muzzle and correctly undershot bite. Flat skull with correctly set ears. Good reach of neck on a super straight front, strong pasterns and tight feet. Lovely side profile, correct topline, good spring of rib and a nice tuck up. Great rear angulation and well muscled thighs. She flowed around the ring today and pushed very hard for the CC. RBCC

2ND 44 Wynele Maid To Order At Uthando, KING, Mr I & Mrs E

Another beautiful bitch. Lovely square head with a dark eye and well padded muzzle. Good neck, straight front and strong pasterns. Well covered in body with a pleasing topline. Great spring of rib and depth of chest. Lovely angulation and a great mover.

3RD 34 Devotoblaze Hope's Miracle, HAMLIN, Miss Marie

4TH 30 Bostontime Silver Lady, COX, Mr O.

Class 26 Limit Bitch 5 Entries 

1ST 45 Florence Summer Fizz, MCINTOSH, Miss Lois

Quality bitch, feminine head with dark eye. Sufficently padded in muzzle and well used and correctly set ears. Good front, well balanced in body with a nice topline. Great rear angulation giving her powerful, yet graceful movement.

2ND 36 Lovewell No Regrets, JEFFERSON, Miss Karen & SMITH, Mrs Pat

Another classy girl with obvious character. Pretty, feminine head, dark eye and great ear set. Well balanced outline with a good reach of neck on a straight front with strong pasterns. Lovely rear angulation and a super mover.

3RD 31 Sweet Star Princess JW, COX, Mrs Julie.

Class 27 Open Bitch 3 Entries

1ST 33 Chelmbull Double Trouble, CUND, Mr Dean & CUND, Miss Abbie

Two very different ‘types’ in this class, but both absolutely stunning girls. I found it very difficult to take my eye of this bitch, exquisite feminine, square head, the darkest of eye, beautiful ear set and a well padded muzzle covering great dentition. A super straight front on strong pasterns and tight feet. So many clean lines to admire and presented in perfect condition. Slightly shorter in body than 2, but perfectly balanced with everything in proportion. Good spring of rib, nice topline and tuck up and well angulated hindquarters. She has an eye-catching side profile, both on the stack and on the move. Absolutely thrilled to award her the BCC, her third.

2ND 42 Ch Esangee My Shining Star Over Antrix, KENNEDY, Mrs A

So much to like about this girl and it is clear and obvious why she is a champion. She has a very feminine head, square in shape with very expressive dark eyes. Well padded muzzle and a lovely ear set. Nicely balanced bitch with a lovely side profile. Correct topline and moderate rear angulation. Lovely mover, just didn’t have the spark for me today…

Class 28 Veteran Bitch 1 Entry 

1ST 53 Ch Image Catcher Of Ziost, WALKER, Mrs S.

I awarded this girl her first CC a number of years ago and she hasn’t lost any of the magic she had back then. Small, square feminine head with the sweetest touch of frosting that gives away her veteran status. Lovely neck, a super straight front and strong pasterns. Beautifully balanced with a correct topline and good rear angulation. She always moves perfectly, which she did again today. Delighted to award her BVIB.