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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Havanese, Toy Group

Havanese Bournemouth 2023


Puppy Dog (1)
1st Miles & Kobe’s Velvet Story N’Bada Best Hurricane at Adorele - What an exciting start to my judging of the breed today! A 9 month old tricolour who had oodles of confidence and ring presence. Balanced outline and of good size. Handsome head of good proportions, skull broad with slight rounding, muzzle of good length with strong underjaw. Well pigmented throughout. Expressive, almond shaped dark eye of good set giving a pleasing expression. Moderate amount of neck fitting into a sound front with well laid shoulders. Forelegs straight. Correct body proportions, slightly longer than high without being overdone or short on leg, chest developing well, ribs well sprung and carried well back, short loin, level topline which he kept at all times. Hindquarters strong and sound. High set tail carried well over his back well feathered. Puppy coat of good texture, presented very well. Comes alive on the move, sound from all angles with a spring in his step. Loved him - only pipped to Best Puppy by his equally lovely sister! Couldn’t be denied RBD in this quality entry.

Junior Dog (2)
1st Brooks’ Thistlesweet Atreyu - Attractive young black & tan dog of 15 months. Good size and shape. Quality headpiece, skull of good breadth, slightly rounded, head planes equal, moderate stop, muzzle of good length, good width to underjaw, super pigmentation on nose, lips and eye-rims. Darkest of eyes, almond in shape and of correct set giving such a sweet expression. Ears of good set framing his face well. Enough neck into well laid shoulders, good depth to chest, forelegs straight and of moderate bone. Well bodied, ribs well sprung with a short loin, moderate tuck up. Good body proportions being slightly longer than high. Good hind angles with moderate bend to stifles and low set parallel hocks. High set tail, well plumed and of correct carriage. Silky coat of correct texture well presented. Moved well keeping a level topline at all times.    
2nd Beagent’s Adorele What A Rumpus - Handsome parti dog. Up to size and slightly larger than my ideal. Masculine head, broad skull, definite but moderate stop, muzzle not too long, strong with good underjaw. Well pigmented nose and lips. Almond shaped eyes, dark, well set in his skull. Ears set above eye level, pointed and covered with silky hair. Good neck and chest. Well sprung ribs carried well back, moderate tuck up, well bodied. Muscular hindquarters of moderate angles. Tail set high and carried over his back. Coat presented well. Moved ok.  


Post Graduate Dog (4)
1st Fitzgerald’s Cubadias I’m So Stunning at Beaugem JW - Black & White male, shown in beautiful condition. Another who is up to size but this does not detract from his obvious qualities. He has a handsome head, no denying he is a boy! Good breadth to skull with slight rounding, moderate stop, muzzle could be a fraction shorter but strong and with good underjaw. Lovely dark, almond shaped eye of good set, ears pointed and framing his face well. Nice reach to neck fitting into a sound front assembly, good depth to chest, forelegs straight and of quality bone. Slightly longer than high, well sprung ribs, level topline, strong loin with moderate tuck up. Tail well plumed, set high and of correct carriage. Hindquarters well muscled and of moderate angles. Moved well. 
2nd Brooks’ Thistlesweet Atreyu
3rd Matthews’ Chamwik Magical Mystery


Limit Dog (2)
1st Miles’ Adorele Master Of The House - Very handsome tricolour male, just under two years old. Of ideal size, shape and well balanced. His head and expression is stunning - so pretty but still masculine. Broad skull, gently rounded, medium stop, equal head planes, muzzle of correct length, black pigment on nose and lips. Large, dark eyes, almond in shape so full of expression. Ears framing face well. Medium length of neck, carrying his head proudly and fitting smoothly into well laid shoulders. Good depth to chest, forelegs straight and strong. Well ribbed back, body of good proportions, muscular loin with moderate tuck up, correct slight rise over loin, level topline. Muscular, well rounded hindquarters with moderate angles. High set tail with good plume. Silky, soft coat of good length. Free, springy, parallel movement.
2nd Joy’s Newtonwood Simply Red - Another nice male of a different type to 1st. 5 year old red & white. Handsome head and expression, broad skull, good amount of stop, slightly longer in muzzle. Well pigmented nose, lips and eye-rims. Dark, almond shaped eye of good size and set. Good amount of neck into a sound front assembly. Good depth to chest, well ribbed back, level topline with correct rise over loin. Could benefit from having a little more body on him. Hindquarters strong and sound of moderate angles. Moved well.   


Open Dog (3, 1abs)

1st Matthews’ Chamwik Obsidian Gem - 20 month old black & white male. Well balanced and of pleasing shape and size. He has a very appealing head, broad in skull, slightly rounded, correct amount of stop, muzzle of good length with enough underjaw, well pigmented throughout. Darkest of eyes, almond in shape and of good size and set. Ears of correct set framing his face well. Medium length of neck fitting into a sound front assembly. Forelegs straight and of moderate bone. Strong, sturdy body, slightly longer than high as required, well sprung ribs, loin short and well muscled with correct rise over loin, moderate tuck up, level topline which he kept at all times. Muscular hindquarters of moderate angles, sound and parallel. Tail set high with good plume. Silky soft coat of correct texture presented in excellent condition. Moved well with typical springy steps. BD & BOB 
2nd Westgate’s Wizzizz Desperado - 9 year old male who is such a credit to his owner, not showing his age at all, thoroughly enjoying his time in the ring. Nicely proportioned. Masculine expression, proportionate head, broad enough with slight rounding, strong muzzle. Nose, eye-rims and lips well pigmented. Dark, large, almond eyes. Ears set above eye level. Lovely reach of neck fitting into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, straight forelegs. In super body condition for age, well ribbed back, muscular loin, level topline and good tuck up. Sound hind angles. Moved with enthusiasm. 

Special Beginners D/B (2)
1st Brooks’ Thistlesweet Atreyu
2nd Szczerba’s Maria Emi Alcado - 11 month old puppy bitch who is pleasing in size and has a very pretty expression. She is still rather raw at the moment and would benefit from more body on her, however she has plenty of time on her side. Feminine expression, decent head proportions, short muzzle, good pigment. Eyes almond in shape, large and dark of nice set. Ears of good shape and set with hair coming in well. Enough neck, chest still to develop as expected at this age, straight forelegs. Well ribbed back and enough spring, short loin, moderate tuck up. Hind angles matched front. High set tail with plume coming in well. Puppy coat of good texture. Moved ok when settled, just needs to build her confidence.


Puppy Bitch (3)
1st Harper-Dediu & Kobe’s Velvet Story n Bada Best Bura - Really fell for this 9 month old black & white puppy. So full of herself! Beautiful shape and outline, ideal size for me. She has a beautiful head, ultra feminine and ever so pretty, broad, slightly rounded skull, proportionate muzzle, strong underjaw. Nose, eye-rims and lips black. Expressive, dark, large almond shaped eyes, ear set and shape correct. Reachy neck of good length flowing smoothly into well laid shoulders, forelegs of moderate bone, chest developing well for age. Well bodied with ribs well sprung and carried well back, short loin with correct rise, level topline. Sound hindquarters with moderate bend to stifles and low set parallel hocks. High set tail, curled over her back, plume coming in well. Coat of correct texture, presented very well. Certainly has a spring in her step on the move, sound from all angles with attitude and pizazz! RBB & BPIB 
2nd Miles’ Adorele Ultra Violet - Another nice puppy, however I preferred head and expression of 1st. Head of good proportions, broad enough in skull, moderate stop and good muzzle length. Well pigmented. Dark, almond shaped eyes of good set. Enough neck into a moderate lay of shoulder. Ribs well sprung, level topline and correct rise over loin. Well angulated hindquarters. Presented well. Tail set correct, although carriage could be slightly better. Moved with animation. 

3rd Szczerba’s Maria Emi Alcado


Junior Bitch (4, 1abs)
1st Miles’ Adorele What A Legend - Beautiful bitch who is of such good breed type. Balanced and of super shape and outline. Good size. Feminine head of good proportions, broad, slightly rounded skull. Moderate stop, clean cheeks and muzzle of good length, strong underjaw, scissor bite. Well pigmented nose, lips and eye-rims. Large, dark eye of good size and set, so full of expression. Correct earset, dropped and framing her pretty face well. Super reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, forelegs straight and of quality bone, good chest for age. Body proportions are correct and balanced, well sprung ribs carried well back, short, muscular loin, gentle tuck  up, correct rise over her loin. Sound hindquarters. Correct tailset, plume carried well over her back. Coat of correct texture, turned out immaculately as all of this exhibitors dogs were. Moved soundly from all angles with springy steps. BB
2nd Donnellan & Roberts’ Blacktsar Bad Biscuit - Another nice youngster who just needs to find her confidence. Good size and substance. Head of good proportions, broad, rounded skull. Enough length to muzzle, black nose, eyerims and lips. Enough neck into a sound front assembly of moderate angles, chest developing well for age. Well proportioned body, ribs well sprung and carried well back. Hind angles matched her front. Coat of correct texture presente well. Moved ok, just needs more time to build her confidence. 
3rd Szczerba’s Maria Emi Alcado


Limit Bitch (2)
1st Lane’s Starleisha Midnight Kiss - Pretty silver bitch who is of good size and has a balanced outline. Lovely head of good proportions, broad skull, moderate stop, correct length to muzzle, strong with good underjaw. Almond shaped eye, which if being picky could be ever so slightly darker, but this does not detract from her feminine, gentle expression. Ear set, shape and size correct, framing her face well. Moderate length to neck, well laid shoulders, good depth to chest and forelegs of quality bone. Well muscled throughout, well sprung ribs, short loin with moderate tuck up and correct rise over loin. Hindquarters of moderate angles with enough bend to stifles and straight, parallel hocks. Tail set and carriage correct. Silky, soft coat presented in gleaming condition. Moved typically and soundly with a spring in her step.
2nd Fitzgerald’s Immeleon Galactica for Beaugem JW - I greatly admired this bitch, however just carrying a little more weight today. She has such an appealing head and expression and is of good size and shape. Broad head with slight rounding, equal head planes, muzzle proportionate and not snipey, well pigmented nose, lips and eye rims. Large, dark eye, almond in shape and harmonising with coat colour. Enough neck, moderate front angles, good depth of chest. Ribs carried well back and well spung, correct topline and rise over loin. Hind angles balancing with her front. Good tailset and carriage. Well coated and coat of correct texture. Moved well, however could have a little more front reach.


Open Bitch (2)
1st Miles’ Adorele Black Magic - Black & White bitch of 5 years and another very typy Havanese from this kennel. Head feminine and of good proportions, broad enough in skull with gentle rounding, correct amount of stop, good length and strength to muzzle. Well pigmented throughout. Dark, expressive almond shaped eye of good set. Ears set just above eye level, framing her face well and adding to her pretty expression. Good neck into a decent front assembly, nice depth to chest, well boned, straight forelegs. Proportionate body of correct length, well sprung ribs, short loin with moderate tuck up. Correct tailset and carriage. Presented well. Moved well from all angles with a typical spring in her step.
2nd Day’s Cubadias Caribbean Damsel - 6 year old bitch of nice size and shape however carrying a little more weight than 1st. Good head proportions, broad skull, strong muzzle of correct length, good width to underjaw, scissor bite. Black nose, lips and eyerims. Expressive dark eyes of correct set and shape. Enough neck, moderate lay of shoulder, straight forelegs. Strong, sturdy body, well sprung ribs, level topline, correct rise over loin. Sound hindquarters of moderate angles.  Moved ok.