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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Griffon Bruxellois, Toy Group

Griffon Bruxellois


I had an enjoyable day judging this lovely little breed. A fantastic entry and thank you to all exhibitors for being so sporting. Thank you to my able stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly - we couldn’t do this without you!


Special Beginners Dog or Bitch (1)
1st Etherington’s Adreeam Caught Ya Looking at Thornwyde - 7 month old smooth who is currently very raw and needs time to develop, however he has time on his side. Handsome round head with enough width to skull, well pigmented nose with wide open nostrils, short wide muzzle with prominent chin. Dark round eyes, ears small and set well on his skull. Enough neck fitting into a decent front assembly. Good width to chest, although chest still to drop as expected at this age. Forelegs straight and of strong bone. Level topline, well ribbed back with good spring, would like him ever so slightly shorter in loin. Hindquarters of correct angles. Moved out well with confidence.


Puppy D/B (2)
1st Donnellan’s Kinder Surprise Rimarosa Vonici - 6 month old red rough male who was so full of his own self importance! Well balanced, square outline. Head of correct proportions, typical monkey-like expression, rounded skull, good width between his neat little ears, well pigmented nose and eye rims, definite stop, muzzle short and wide with nice finish to lips. Beard and furnishings coming in well. Sparkling, dark round eyes of good size well set in his skull giving an alert expression. Good reach of neck fitting into well laid shoulders, good width to chest, straight forelegs with quality bone. Short backed, cobby and well bodied for age, ribs well sprung, short loin, level topline kept at all times. Sound hindquarters with well bent stifles and low set parallel hocks. Moved freely and confidently, tidy movement coming and going. BPIB 

2nd Donnellan’s Vonici Volta - 10 month old bitch who is a nice prospect, however she was not enjoying her time in the ring today. Pretty head and expression, round with good width, definite stop, muzzle of good length and width, nice turn of chin, lips fitting well. Harsh beard and furnishings. Eyes dark and round with well pigmented eye rims, good size. Neat ears placed high on her skull.  Nice arch to neck, sound front assembly, chest of good depth and width. Cobby body, level back with well sprung ribs. Tail well set. Harshly textured coat coming in well. Well bent stifles with parallel hocks. Moves soundly but just needs to build her confidence. 


Junior D/B (2)

1st Hughes’ Beauborne Pussycat Doll - Smooth bitch of 15 months who appeared just slightly squarer in outline than 2nd. Well balanced outline and of good size and shape. Head large and in proportion with the rest of her, skull round and with good width. Nose well pigmented with wide open nostrils. Definite stop, good turn of chin, muzzle short and of good width, lips neat. Eyes large, dark and round, black eye rims adding to her typical expression. Good reach of neck with slight arch flowing smoothly into well laid shoulders. Chest of good depth and width. Forelegs straight and of moderate bone. Cobby, compact body, level topline, ribs well sprung. Muscular hindquarters, stifles well bent and hocks straight and parallel. Moved well from all angles.
2nd Suggitt’s Aptrick Dolly Mixtures - 13 month old bitch. Red rough of good size. She has a head of lovely proportions, feminine with monkey-like expression. Skull rounded with enough width between ears, defined stop, muzzle short and of good width with correct turn of chin. Dark, round eyes of good size and set. Well pigmented nose and eye rims. Neat ears set high on her skull which she used well. Good amount neck into well laid shoulders. Nice depth and width to her chest, elbows could be slightly tighter. Well sprung ribs, level topline and well muscled throughout, would prefer loin a little shorter. Sound hindquarters of good angles. Harsh coat. Moved ok.    


Post Grad Dog (1)
1st Hughes & Meaden’s Rydellan’s Rogue Prince - 13 month old black & tan rough. Full of cheek and spirit today! Up to size. Handsome, fairly large head in proportion with the rest of him, good width to muzzle, short with good turn of chin complete with good, harsh furnishings. Well pigmented. Eyes large, dark and round, full of expression. Small semi-erect ears set high. Moderate reach of neck fitting into well laid shoulders. Could have a little more width to chest. Forelegs strong and straight. Slightly longer cast than my ideal, well ribbed back with good spring, muscular loin. Hindquarters well angulated with good bend to stifles and low set parallel hocks. Harsh, wiry coat. Moved soundly. 


Limit Dog (2)
1st Meaden’s Beauborne Nadal at Topmead - Eye-catching red rough who scores highly on size and shape. Cobby, square outline. Proportionate head with masculine expression. Skull slightly rounded with good width between ears. Defined stop, short wide muzzle, definite chin with good turn up. Beard and furnishings harsh. Nose black with wide open nostrils. Dark, large round eye of good set, complete with black eye rims. Neat ears of correct size, shape and set. Nicely arched neck of good length fitting into a sound front, well laid shoulders, good depth and width to chest, forelegs of medium bone. Short backed with a level topline, well ribbed back with good spring, muscular, short loin. Hindquarters well muscled with well bent stifles and straight hocks. Moved freely and soundly from all angles.  RBD
2nd Etherington’s Aptrick Napoleon Solo at Thornwyde - Sturdy dog, out of a larger mould than 1. He had a handsome head of good proportions, with typical monkey-like expression. Good short muzzle, defined chin. Eyes dark, round and giving a pleasant expression. Neck of good length fitting into well laid shoulders. Enough width to chest, forelegs of moderate bone. Solid body, well sprung ribs carried well back, would like him slightly shorter in loin. Sound hindquarters with moderate angles. Moved ok. 


Open Dog (2)
1st Swinge’s Balthazar Supersonic - Red rough of excellent quality. Up to size but this doesn’t detract from his obvious qualities. He is of a lovely shape, square and cobby. Presented beautifully. Large handsome head in proportion to the rest of him. Skull slightly rounded and with good width between his semi-erect, neat little ears. Well pigmented black nose with wide-open nostrils. Short, wide muzzle, defined chin with good turnup, neat fitting lips. Large dark expressive eyes of good set complete with black eye rims. Arched neck of good length fitting smoothly into well laid shoulders, good return of upper arm. Forelegs straight and of moderate bone, chest depth and width correct. Cobby, sturdy body with good substance throughout, well sprung ribs carried well back, muscular loin. Hindquarters well angulated with correct bend to stifle and parallel low set hocks. Moved soundly and freely from all angles keeping a level topline at all times. Loved him. BD & BOB
2nd Donnellan’s Vonici Villain - Black & Tan Rough. Good size and shape, just preferred the overall expression of 1st. Head of good proportions and giving typical expression, short muzzle of good width and depth, chin defined with good beard. Dark, round eye of good size and set. Reachy neck fitting into a sound front assembly. Chest of good width, forelegs straight. Compact, cobby body, well sprung ribs, short loin. Level topline which he kept at all times. Muscular hindquarters with correct angulation. Harsh coat presented well. Moved well.  

Post Grad Bitch (2)
1st Suggitt’s Aptrick Buttersky - Red rough who scores highly on size and her square, compact outline. Good head with pretty, feminine expression, large and in proportion to her body, slightly rounded and of good width. Defined stop, black nose with wide open nostrils, muzzle short and strong with good turn of chin, neat fitting lips. Dark, expressive eyes, round and large of correct set. Ears small and semi-erect which she used well. Nice amount of neck, shoulders well laid and good width and depth to chest. Compact, cobby body with good width throughout, well sprung ribs, short loin. Level topline. High tailset and of good carriage. Good bend of stifle, well muscled hindquarters. Moved soundly from all angles. 
2nd Roberts’ Aptrick Cherry Nougat Blacktsar - Black smooth. Slightly longer in loin than 1st, but what a lovely head she has. Such a feminine expression. Proportionately large head with good skull shape, short, wide muzzle with definite chin, well pigmented nose and eye rims. Eyes dark and round well spaced apart and of good size. Sound front assembly, good width and depth to chest, forelegs of good bone. Sturdy body, well sprung ribs. Hindquarters of moderate angles. Moved ok. 

Limit Bitch (1)
1st Hughes’ Beauborne Liberty - 3 year old black & tan smooth bitch of good size and substance, if being picky would like her a fraction shorter in leg, however she is still square enough and has a balanced outline. She has a feminine head of good proportions, enough width between ears and her skull is slightly rounded, a defined stop, black nose with wide open nostrils. Muzzle is short and strong with good chin. She has a lovely reach of neck which fits into well laid shoulders. Good width to chest, forelegs straight and strong with moderate bone. Her body is sturdy with good width throughout, well ribbed back with good spring, short loin, level topline held at all times. Short, tight smooth coat. Hindquarters are muscular with correct bend to stifle and low set parallel hocks. High tailset of correct carriage. Moved freely and soundly with attitude. BB

Open Bitch (2, 1abs)
1st Swinge’s Ch Balthazar Pillow Talk - 2 year old bitch, so full of beans and not surprised to see she has her title. Lovely type. Cobby and square in outline. Lovely large head in proportion with the rest of her, slightly rounded with good width, short, wide muzzle with good chin, complete with good harsh beard. Black nose and eye rims. Large, dark round eyes of good set fitting her face well. Arched neck of good length fitting into well laid shoulders and a sound front assembly. Chest well developed with good width and depth, strong, straight forelegs of good bone. Cobby, compact body with good width throughout, well sprung ribs, muscular, short loin. Level topline held at all times. Well muscled rear with good angulation, well bent stifles and straight, low set parallel hocks which propelled her on the move. Harsh, wiry coat presented well. Moved very well from all angles. RBB

Claire Mills