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Official Judges Critique

Judging: Coton De Tuléar, Toy Group

Coton De Tulear

It is always a pleasure judging this delightful breed. Today’s entry was full of quality. Thank you to all exhibitors for graciously accepting my placings and for allowing me to assess your lovely dogs. 

Special Beginners D/B (1)
1st Cheshire’s Cukoton Handle With Care - 14 month old bitch of good shape and size. Good honest bitch who you really need to get your hands on to appreciate her qualities. Feminine head of good proportions, skull slightly rounded with correct amount of stop, muzzle strong and of good length, strong underjaw. Well pigmented nose, lips and eye-rims. Dark, round eyes of good size and set, ears set slightly above eye, covered with fine hair. Enough neck, sound front assembly, forelegs straight and of strong bone. Correct length to body without being too long, enough depth to her chest, well ribbed back, gentle rise over loin. Hindquarters moderately angulated. Coat of correct texture. Tail of good set and carriage. Moved Well. Best Special Beginner - delighted to see her take Special Beginners Group 3 later on in the day. 


Puppy D/B (2)
Two lovely litter sisters who I am sure will change places many times throughout their showing careers. 
1st Harris’ Mopseyscoton Sassi Saffi - 9 month old puppy bitch. Very feminine. Ideal size and typical outline. Pretty head and expression. Proportionate head with good width to skull, muzzle strong and straight of good length. Good pigmentation throughout. Dark, expressive eyes, round in shape and well set. Good reach of neck fitting into well laid shoulders, forelegs straight. Chest developing well for age. Well ribbed back, correct topline, moderate tuck up. Hindquarters strong and sound. Moved smartly with confidence. BPIB
2nd Craik’s Mopseyscoton Cutti Cooki - Preferred this sister’s expression and head, however she was not as confident on the move and a little unsettled today. Ideal head proportions giving such a beautiful expression. Muzzle of good length and strength, skull slightly rounded and of good width. Lovely dark pigment on nose, lips and eye-rims. Round, dark eyes of good set. Nice neck, sound front assembly. Chest still to develop as expected at this age. Well bodied for age, good spring of rib. Puppy coat presented in excellent condition.

Junior D/B (2)
1st Harris’ Montewhite Hera at Cotonamour - 13 month old bitch. Well balanced of good size and shape. Feminine, triangular head of good proportions, slight rounding between ears, good amount of stop, muzzle straight and of correct ratios, strong underjaw. Black nose, lips and eye rims. Eyes of good set, dark and round and of nice size, ears pendulous, set above eye and covered in long hair. Good length to her neck which flows into well set shoulders. Good depth of chest, forelegs straight and of quality bone. Correct length to body, well sprung ribs carried well back, strong loin with correct rise. Well muscled hindquarters of moderate angles. Low set, well feathered tail of good carriage. Coat of correct coton texture is well presented. Moved freely and smartly from all angles. RBB 
2nd Cheshire’s Cukoton Handle With Care

Post Graduate D/B (1)
1st Cheshire’s Cukoton Hiawatha - Handsome young dog of 2 years old. Nice size for a male with a typical outline. Masculine head of good proportions, triangular, slightly rounded skull, correct amount of stop, muzzle strong and of good length, lips and nose of good black pigment. Dark expressive eyes, round in shape and well set in his skull. Scissor bite. Good amount of neck, slightly arched, well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, forelegs straight and well boned. Well bodied, ribs well sprung and carried well back, correct slight rise in topline, loin well muscled. Muscular hindquarters with correct angulation. Tail of correct set and carriage. Presented well. Moved ok. 

Open Dog (4, 2abs)
1st Clarke’s Int Ch/Bel Ch Cotonkiss Heaven Help Us - Upstanding male who is larger than my ideal however he won this class on his lovely steady, free flowing movement. Handsome head, skull slightly rounded between ears, good amount of stop, strong muzzle with good width to underjaw, black nose, good scissor bite. Dark, round eye well spaced with black eye rims. Neck of good length fitting into well laid shoulders, good return of upper arm. Well muscled body, ribs well sprung and carried well back, muscular loin, which could be slightly shorter, correct topline, moderate tuck up. Hindquarters strong and sound of good angles. Low set tail carried correctly on the move. Coat of correct texture presented immaculately. Moved well from all angles.  BD
2nd Gill & Pearman’s Cotonroyal McCoy The Real Deal - More my type and of a more ideal size than 1st, however he wasn’t as footsure on the move today which cost him his place. Nevertheless, he is balanced, of good shape and outline. Masculine yet sweet expression, head of good proportions, muzzle of good length with strong underjaw, well pigmented lips and nose. Eyes of good size, round and full of expression, could be ever so slightly darker. Slightly arched neck of good length flowing seamlessly into well laid shoulders, good return of upperarm, legs straight and of good bone. Correct body proportions, slightly longer than high, typical rise of topline, well muscled short loin with good tuck up. Muscular hindquarters with moderate angles. Tail set and carriage correct. Cotton textured coat well presented. RBD 

Limit Bitch (4, 1abs)
1st Harris’ Cotonclover Fiorangelo - Feminine, pretty bitch of good size and shape. Beautiful head, well proportioned, muzzle of good length, strong underjaw, well pigmented. Dark, round eyes of correct size, set and shape. Ears set above level of eye, covered in long, fine hair. Arched neck of good length fitting into a sound front assembly, good depth of chest, forelegs well boned and straight. Body of good length, well sprung ribs carried well back, correct topline, moderate tuck up. Hindquarters well angulated with moderate turn of stifle and straight, low set parallel hocks. Tail set low, well feathered carried in a gentle curve over her back on the move. Coat of correct texture presented beautifully. Moved soundly and freely from all angles. 
2nd Fry’s Blosscoton Kuhsandruh - Another nice, honest bitch. Good size and shape. Pretty head with feminine expression, decent head proportions, skull slightly rounded, muzzle of good length, strong underjaw, well pigmented throughout. Dark eye, round in shape and of good size and set. Enough neck. Chest of good depth, forelegs well boned. Body strong, correct length, well ribbed back. Muscular hindquarters of moderate angles. Coat texture correct. Moved OK. 
3rd Trickett’s Cotontricks Peggy Sue


Open Bitch (2)
1st Pearman’s Jespersen’s Ziggi Wiggi at Mopseycoton -  Beautiful 5 year old bitch who I judged when she was a youngster. She has matured very nicely. Lovely size, shape and outline. Triangular head, slightly rounded skull, correct amount of stop, straight, strong muzzle of good length and enough underjaw, scissor bite, well pigmented nose, lips and eye rims. Round eyes of good size and set, could be ever so slightly darker but this does not detract from her lovely, feminine expression. Good reach of neck, slightly arched and flowing smoothly into well laid shoulders. Chest depth correct, forelegs strong and straight of quality bone. Nice length to body, correct topline, ribs well sprung, loin muscular with moderate tuck up. Muscular hindquarters with moderate angulation. Tail set correct, well feathered, carried in a gentle curve. Coat of good texture presented in excellent condition. Moved well from all angles. BB & BOB 
2nd Haldane’s Mi-Toi’s Do I Make You Nervous at Cotonbobs - Another nice bitch. Balanced outline and of good type. Feminine expression, head of good proportions, straight, strong muzzle, well pigmented throughout. Dark, round, expressive eyes of correct set and size. Neck of good length fitting into a sound front assembly. In excellent body condition throughout, well ribbed back, correct topline and muscular loin. Hindquarters strong and sound, moderate bend to stifles, parallel low set hocks. Coat of correct texture presented beautifully. Moved soundly.