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Show Results
Judges Critiques for this show are now available.
Judges CritiquesShow Contact Details
Mrs Sally Duffin
Tel: 01258 857721
About This Show
Chief Steward phone number has changed to 07710 487173
Judge name change German Shepherd Dog Mrs D Fenn
Judge name change Borzoi Mr M Armstrong
The Frank Bloom Memorial Stakes will not be sponsored by Arden Grange, prize money for this Stakes will be 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15, 4th £10, 5th £5
Change of Judge
Dogue De Bordeaux will now be judged by Mr T Nagrecha
Denise Courtney Memorial Open Stakes will now be judged by Miss Helen Wayman all three days
Bannerdown Special Beginners Stakes will now be judged by Miss Helen Wayman all three days
Royal Canin Junior Stakes will now be judged by Miss Helen Wayman all three days
Rhodesian Ridgeback will now be judged by Mr J Horswell
Miniature Schnauzer will now be judged by Mr T Ball
Hungarian Puli will now be judged by Mrs S Bird
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) will now be judged by Mr B Blunden
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) will now be judged by Mr B Blunden
AV Imported Register Toy & Hound, Terrier, Pastoral & Working will now be judged by Mr Mark Cocozza
AV Imported Register Utility & Gundog day 3 will now be judged by Mrs H Male
Bullmastiff will now be judged by Mrs B Bodle (STKCA) and 3rd in ring 20
Bernese Mountain Dogs will be first in ring 8
Judge Changes Stakes Classes
Aldridge LLP Yearling Stakes day 1 & day 2 will now be judged by Mr Mark Cocozza
Good Citizen Stakes day 1 & day 2 will now be judged by Mr Mark Cocozza
Birdbrook Rosette Puppy Stakes day 1 & day 2 will now be judged by Mr Mark Cocozza
Ch Longdorham Follow the Dream Open Stakes day 2 will now be judged by Mr Mark Cocozza
Alldridge LLP Yearling Stakes day 3 will now be judged by Mr M Sanders
Good Citizen Stakes day 3 will now be judged by Mr M Sanders
Ch Longdorham Follow the Dream Open Stakes day 3 will now be judged by Mr M Sanders
Birdbrook Rosette Puppy Stakes day 3 will now be judged by Mr Barry Day