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Windsor Dog Show Society 2003

The Pedigree Champion Stakes

Judge: Mr D Coxall

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : 92 Mr R, Mrs G & Miss N LINK Ch Alouann Sugar'n Spice at Orashan JW
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :
BEST OF BREED : 92 Mr R, Mrs G & Miss N LINK Ch Alouann Sugar'n Spice at Orashan JW

Class 492 ChDB (35 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 92 Mr R, Mrs G & Miss N LINK Ch Alouann Sugar'n Spice at Orashan JW
2nd: 411 Mr K & Mrs P HILLS Ch Donay Kappa
3rd: 1467 Mrs C S WYATT Ch Carregis Born to Perform at Bobander
Res: 261 Mrs M C FREER, Mr P O & RODGERS Ch Willowbrae As You Like It JW
VHC: 2359 Mr D & Mrs C ROE Ch Sunshoo Imacaptain Scarlet

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