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Windsor Dog Show Society 2019

The Catherine Sutton Memorial Puppy Stakes 4

Judge: Mr Anthony Moran

BEST OF BREED : 7472 GHENT Miss C C Claudmist Beautiful Sigrid
Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : 7472 GHENT Miss C C Claudmist Beautiful Sigrid
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :

Class 2653 PD Stakes (35 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8206 CHERRYMAN Mrs K J & Mr D D Philoma Johnny Come Lately
2nd: 6421 BIRMINGHAM Mr M A Russkiy Azart Master Ballantine Eletto ( Imp It)
3rd: 6224 MCCARTNEY Mrs G L Soletrader Freddie Mercury
Res: 8150 CULVERHOUSE, Miss D & ROBERTS Mr D Remrah High Flyer At Culversapso
VHC: 6128 LEGGET Mrs I Swanwite Take A Chance On Me

Class 2654 PB Stakes (54 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 7472 GHENT Miss C C Claudmist Beautiful Sigrid
2nd: 7171 SMITH Miss S Diamondridge Dragonfly
3rd: 7832 HALE, Mrs S S & VEARNCOMBE Mr J A & Mrs A J Tytorro Paint It Black With Ruption Knightcott
Res: 6263 JONES Mr & Mrs K & S Clanwillow Centenary Hope
VHC: 8503 WEBB Ms J Chifido Figgy Pudding

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