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Manchester Dog Show Society 2017

AV Good Citizen Dog Scheme 2

Judge: Mr David Guy

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :

Class 1213 GCDorB (27 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3140 WELBOURN, DOWSETT & TYLER Ir Ch Zumarnik Hot Pursuit CW12 Sh.CM
2nd: 5117 SHORT Mrs T J Araki Turn Back Time At Parkmist
3rd: 2928 HENSHALL Mrs C M Ch Gemolli Joie De Vivre JW Sh.CM
Res: 4741 FLUDDER Miss R Aradet Xtra Addition
VHC: 4647 BULL-HARRIS Mrs H D Pendream Rising Star

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