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Richmond Championship Dog Show 2015

Junior Handling Association Classes (Ut & Gun)

Judge: Nancy Bassant

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :

Class 1908H JHA6-11 (15 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Izabella King - Ger Sp Mittel
2nd: Fleur Walker - Span Water Dog
3rd: Sophie Bell - Hungarian V
Res: Sacha Leigh - Hungarian V
VHC: Amelia Tatum - Weimaraner

Class 1909H JHA12-16 (15 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Jessica Horler - English Sett
2nd: Bobbi Shepherd - Field Spaniel
3rd: Abby Webb - Tibetan Terrier
Res: Chloe Beacham - Golden Ret
VHC: Emily Lane - Cocker Spaniel

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