BEST OF BREED : Best Dog : Not Awarded Res Best Dog : Not Awarded Best Bitch : Not Awarded Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded Best Puppy : Best Veteran : Best Breeder :
Class 1234 AVCh (48 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 3404 MAESTRO, Mr A & MELARA Miss P Am Sp Gib Dk Fr Good As Gold Anmalamual Del Basabu 2nd: 3572 THOMSON Mr A & Mrs M Ch Varenka the Maverick at Andimar JW 3rd: 5726 MUNN Mr & Mrs S Ch & Ir Ch Snowmeadow Jellybean Jilly JW Sh.CM Res: 3307 SPENCER Mrs A & Mr D P Ch Vannroy Keep Sake To Mandazz VHC: 4613 BOWKER, Mr & Mrs C & BOYD Mrs J Ch Am Ch Rivergroves Murphy-Goode (Imp) Sh.CM