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City of Birmingham 2008

Pro-Plan/Dog World Puppy Stakes

Judge: Mr David Wong

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :

Class 1805 AVPD (51 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 7675 HOCKADAY Mr H & Mrs S Rysharrona Blue Monday
2nd: 9230 CARTER Mrs M H Somanic Causin A Storm
3rd: 8255 HOLLINGS Mr S A & Mrs P Gunalt Manolo
Res: 9060 ROBERTS Ms S Truern Indiannapolis At Marbledale
VHC: 7946 WHITING Miss S J Annilann Mister Ral

Class 1806 AVPB (75 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6091 WILLIAMS Mrs P Bournehouse Golden Days
2nd: 9053 OLD Mrs E M Tungkoon Mei Hao
3rd: 6869 NELIS Mrs M L Freebreeze Reflected Glory
Res: 6704 SHARP Mr L & Mrs C Hapsberg Over And Under
VHC: 9521 CARWARDINE Ms M Snugglebum Snow Queen

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